Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 167: The armor is destroyed! Tony is seriously injured!

Chapter 167 Battle Armor Destroyed! Tony is seriously injured! (Please subscribe!)

Jason was shirtless and dripping with blood.

He raised his head and looked at Tony expressionlessly, then stomped on the ground with one foot, and with a bang, he rose into the air.

The energy cover on the body surface is wrapped in a mass of flames, streaking a bright arc in the sky like a meteor.

Tony frowned and said unhappily, "This guy is really tough, he hasn't died yet."

After speaking, he raised his hands to emit three full-power electromagnetic pulse waves.

Jason dodged the attack in a flash, then accelerated towards Tony.

Slowly raise the right hand, let the majestic energy wrap the whole fist, forming a light blue circle.

Seeing that the electromagnetic pulse could not hit him, Tony clenched his fist and flew towards Jason.

The steel armor is made of aviation-grade materials, with strong strength, hardness, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance. It is impossible to beat Jason's flesh and blood.

The two were highly confident in their own strength. A few seconds later, they met in the air one by one, and their fists collided fiercely.


There was a muffled sound in the dark sky.

This blow, the two fought a tie.

Jason moved his mouth and said, "The second weakness of steel armor is the fear of close combat."

Tony sneered just as he was about to refute, but saw Jason change from fist to claws, grabbing the fist of the steel armor.

The light blue energy attached to the palm, Jason roared his right hand, and the indestructible steel armor began to deform.


The electromagnetic pulse transmitter in the right hand, like a light bulb burst, was crushed by Jason.


Tony was immediately stunned.

He jerked his right arm, trying to pull it out.


But no matter how hard Tony tried, he couldn't escape Jason's iron claws.


Tony looked anxious and shouted.

Jarvis immediately concentrated all the energy on the reactor in his chest, ready to force Jason to fly.

Looking at the increasingly bright Ark reactor, Jason immediately concentrated energy into his chest to form a protective layer.


The electromagnetic pulse wave shot out, instantly knocking Jason down from a height of hundreds of meters to the ground.

Because of the protection of the energy shield on his chest, Jason was not injured.

He adjusted his posture in mid-air, covering his body with energy, and then stomped his feet heavily on the ground.


Two potholes were stepped on the hard ground in an instant, and the potholes directly covered Jason's knees.

After venting the force of the fall, Jason jumped out of the pothole, raised his head and looked at Tony with a smile: "Hey! Your arm."

His right hand was holding Tony's steel arm. Under the violent impact just now, Jason did not let go, but directly pulled the steel arm down.

In mid-air, Tony looked at the right arm that lost his armor, his fists clenched slowly, his eyes full of vigilance and solemnity.

Jason, this bastard, is really difficult to deal with!

puff puff! ! !

At this time, the sound of rocket launchers was heard again in the distance.

Jason snorted coldly, squeezing the steel arm with one hand, and then slammed into the air.

The two rocket launchers turned a corner in the air and shot straight into the sky again.

Jason knew that he couldn't beat the rocket launcher in terms of speed alone, so after flying to a suitable height and position, he suddenly accelerated in the opposite direction and rushed towards the rocket launcher.

Before the security of the remote-controlled rocket launchers could react, Jason stretched out his hand and grabbed two rocket launchers in the air.


Jason roared, his thick right arm accumulated terrifying energy, and then violently threw the rocket on the roof of the nearby factory.

Jason threw the rocket with so much force that the security used remote control, and there was no way to change the direction of the rocket launcher's flight.

"I buy it!"

The two security guards on the roof gave a ghostly cry and threw the rocket launcher on their shoulders to escape.

In the blink of an eye, the rockets hit the factory roof.


With a loud bang, the rocket blasted a large hole in the roof.

The violent explosion caused the top floor to gradually collapse, and the two security guards fell directly into the factory and were submerged by a pile of huge stones.

Jason poured energy into his left arm, and then threw the rocket launcher at an armored vehicle not far away.

"Oh! Buy! Gah!"

Inside the armored car, the security team leader was instantly hit by a rocket after spitting out a sentence.


The armored vehicle was torn apart, and all the senior officers who were in command were killed.


After doing all this, Jason raised his head and looked at Tony indifferently, then stretched out his thumb and made a throat-cutting motion.

Not to be outdone, Tony pointed out a middle finger.

At this time, Jarvis reminded: "Sir, in addition to ability absorption, Jason's physical fitness is extremely strong, far exceeding the limit of ordinary humans."

Tony sighed: "Yeah, this guy's body is too hard. It's the first time I've seen someone who can rely on their physical fitness to resist a rocket launcher."

Jarvis analyzed: "Sir, the power of electromagnetic pulse waves and rockets is not enough to cause fatal injuries to Jason. I suggest you retreat. If you continue to fight, you may die."

"I understand!" Tony sighed heavily and said very unwillingly.

Two pale golden electromagnetic pulse waves spewed out from under his feet, and Tony flew away without saying hello.

He wanted to run away, but Jason wasn't going to let him go.

The next second, Jason turned into a blue meteor and pierced the sky.


"Jarvis, focus all your power on the boots."

"Sir, the power output of the boots has already reached its limit. If the speed is increased, the power system will be damaged."

Tony pouted and looked back, Jason was still following him closely.

"There's no way to get rid of him at this speed. Jarvis, it seems that this fight is inevitable."

"Sir, I have contacted Ms. Pepper, the portable armor and the new Ark reactor are on the way."

Tony nodded and said, "Then fly in the direction of Pepper."

In the dark night sky, two meteors come one after the other, you chase after me.

Tony's steel armor is limited by equipment. Except for the core reactor, the output limit of the rest of the electromagnetic pulse transmitter is not high.

The boots and arm launchers, at full output, only allowed Tony to fly at Mach 1.2, which would only be lower given Tony's exposed arms.

And Jason's energy output all depends on how much energy is stored in the body.

As long as the energy is sufficient, he can fly as fast as he wants. With the protection of the energy cover attached to the body, he can't feel the influence of wind and temperature at all, and it is no problem to fly out of the atmosphere.

Within a minute of leaving Stark Industries, Jason caught up with Tony.

He flew over the steel armor, gathered energy in his fists, and swooped down.

Jarvis kept his eyes on Jason, and when Jason was about to attack, he immediately told Tony.

Tony turned sharply, and a wave of energy spurted out of his chest.

Jason smiled and greeted him without dodging or dodging.

The energy in his body has bottomed out and just needs to be replenished, and Tony's full-power electromagnetic pulse only takes three seconds to fill him up.

Taking advantage of these three seconds of invincibility, Jason slammed a punch and collided with Tony's left fist.


A huge amount of energy was released at the intersection, and the two were instantly bombarded by a powerful shock wave.

"Sir, the left arm of the armor is slightly damaged."

Tony raised his left hand, and a clear line of fist marks appeared on the top of his fist.

"Jarvis, I have an idea."

Tony said, accelerating towards Jason.

"Haha, this is disobedience, then I will hit you." Jason gathered more abilities and rushed over.

Looking at Jason's fist with blue light, Tony smiled slightly.

He first dodged to avoid his fists, then stretched out his left hand and grabbed Jason's shoulder, clasping it tightly.

"Caught you!"

After speaking, the reactor in Tony's chest ejected a full-power electromagnetic pulse.

Jason was strapped to his shoulders, unable to dodge, and the electromagnetic pulse hit his chest.


Huge pain spread from his chest all over his body, Jason roared with a ferocious face, and then raised his right fist and smashed it on Tony's head.


Tony was knocked unconscious by a punch, a line of blood appeared on the side of his head, his left hand was weakly released, and he accelerated to the ground.

And Jason was also blown away by the continuous release of full-power electromagnetic pulses.


Downtown Los Angeles is lively and bustling at night.

Suddenly, two flashes of light descended from the sky.

Jason fell into an office building on the side of the street. From the top floor to the first floor, he directly hit the office building with more than ten floors.

Tony fell to the road, cut off an extended truck, and the out-of-control truck slammed into the vehicle in front, causing a series of rear-end collisions.

The appearance of the two caused an uproar, and many of them were bold and not afraid of death, and even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Jason pushed aside the stone on his body and struggled to get up from the ground.

"Shit! The left arm is dislocated."

Jason gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain and broke his dislocated arm, then walked out of the office building with a livid face.

The passers-by who were filming the video saw Jason come out, and after a few seconds of stunned, their faces turned pale.

"I buy it!"



Jason stood at the door for a second, and the passers-by hundreds of meters away instantly dispersed.

"Haha! This makes me a **** of plague."

He tilted his head and spat out blood, and Jason levitated into the air and flew towards Tony.

After Tony crashed the big truck, it slid for more than ten meters, and finally hit a big tree with five people hugging each other.

"Sir, wake up!"

Jarvis's continuous shouting finally woke up the fainted Tony.

When I opened my eyes, my eyes were spinning, and everything I saw was a double image.

"Where am I?"

"Sir, this is downtown Los Angeles. You were knocked unconscious by Jason. The initial test was a concussion."

"Concussion?" Tony Jason's physical fitness is far beyond the limit of human beings, but Tony is only a **** who occasionally goes to the gym and is hollowed out by alcohol.

Falling from an altitude of two or three thousand meters, although there are electromagnetic pulses and armor as a buffer, Tony still feels that he has walked from hell.

The most serious thing is that he is now dizzy and almost lost his ability to think.

He wanted to just lay there and get a good night's sleep, but he knew Jason wouldn't give him that chance.

"Tony! Where are you?"

Sure enough, Jason's shout came from a distance.

In Tony's ears, this voice means that the **** of death is coming to collect people!

The first!

Second update at 5pm!

(End of this chapter)

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