Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 164: Tiger into the flock! 1 ride is 0!

Chapter 164 Tigers enter the flock! One ride is a thousand! (Please subscribe!)

The Ark reactor was hit by the energy ball, and a ring-shaped energy shock wave suddenly erupted.

The shock wave canceled the energy of the energy ball, and the excess energy flattened everything around it.


After the violent explosion, the reactor console was destroyed, and even a large number of components of the reactor itself were destroyed by this shock wave.

Soon, the Ark reactor began to react violently in an irreversible manner.

Inside the transparent glass cover, lightning as thick as an arm rages wildly, thundering and thundering.

The humming sound of the electromagnetic pulse is getting louder and faster, and this huge energy is about to break free from the cage and release.

At this time, the protection mechanism of the reactor is triggered to forcibly cut off the supply of palladium element, and then guide the energy close to saturation and release it according to the established vertical orbit.


In the dark night sky, a light blue beam of light pierced straight into the sky, causing the roar of lightning strikes.

In an instant, the land with a radius of more than ten kilometers ushered in daylight.

Many people looked out with their probes, but only saw a beam of light that blinded people's eyes.

After three seconds, the dazzling beam of light disappeared completely.

Without the supply of palladium, the Ark reactor gradually lost its energy and became pitch black, except for a few tiny lightning strikes occasionally.

A hundred meters away, Jason floated in the sky with his ears covered, his eyes full of excitement and shock.

The energy of the Ark's reactor was so terrifying that until now his ears were still ringing in tinnitus.

If he was in that beam of light just now, I am afraid that he would be instantly vaporized into a plume of blue smoke by the huge energy.

Stark, the big salute I gave you is not bad.

The corners of Jason's mouth twitched, and he turned his attention to the production plant not far away.

The rewards of system tasks are not fixed. The better the task is completed, the higher the reward.

Since Stark Industries didn't restrain his weapons, it might as well destroy the entire factory.

Jason moved and flew in the direction of the administrative building.


The explosion of the Ark reactor attracted the attention of all the security team members. They stopped their work and looked at the direction of the core factory with dull eyes.

Too much has happened tonight for the brain to think about.

The security team leader was the first to react, and he immediately realized that he had been tricked.

Sound East and West!

These terrorists are just bait, and their purpose of blowing up the administrative building is to attract the attention of the security personnel, in order to cover their real target - the Ark reactor.

The team leader pressed the communicator and said, "There is an accident in the reactor, leaving some people to be responsible for the rescue, and the rest will all go to the core factory area."

After hesitating for a moment, the team leader gritted his teeth and said, "Let those big guys move. Our enemies are not just a few terrorists."

A team member said: "Team leader, the use of attack vehicles requires Mr. Stark's authorization."

Hearing the name Stark, the team leader snorted dissatisfiedly: "Fuck Stark, if it weren't for his stinginess, our comrades wouldn't die. Anyway, after tonight, we can't be here. Stay, and now all listen to me."


The team leader's order was issued, and the security team members got busy.

At this time, the sniper in ambush on the top floor discovered an abnormal situation.

A human-shaped light spot appeared in the night vision goggles, but the location of the light spot was in the sky.

The sniper was shocked and quickly reported to the team leader: "Team leader! Someone flew over from the sky."

"What?" The team leader was a little surprised, then thought of something and asked, "Is it Tony Stark?"

"No! No!" The sniper shook his head, "Mr. Stark's steel armor will not have a large-scale thermal reaction, this is one person!"

Hearing this, the team leader's brain turned rapidly, and a figure gradually emerged in his mind.

"Shit! That must be Jason! I understand, everything tonight is a conspiracy by the clown organization! Quick! Kill him!"

Hearing Jason's name, all the security personnel were stunned.

Isn't that big villain in New York, why did he come to Los Angeles again?

The snipers were stunned for a moment, and immediately moved their guns to shoot at the human-shaped light spot on the night vision device.


More than a dozen specially made sniper rifles shot out, all of which hit Jason's body precisely.

But the moment the bullet hit Jason, it lost all kinetic energy.

Jason grabbed a bullet and looked at it in front of his eyes, then said admiringly, "What's this a bullet? If it's bigger, it'll be a cannonball."

He threw the bullets away and accelerated to fly over the administrative building.

"Team leader! The bullet is invalid! Jason is flying over!" the sniper exclaimed.

Hearing this, the security team leader raised his head and looked at the sky.

Jason flew over from far and near, and then floated in mid-air more than ten meters high.

The place was silent, and time seemed to stand still.

Seeing this legendary villain with their own eyes, all the security personnel felt that their hearts were about to stop beating, and the deterrent force was like a mountain in their hearts.

After a few seconds of silence, the security guards responded and shouted and raised their guns to shoot.

"Shit! Jason!"


"Idiot! Bullets don't work on him, use rockets!"

"Found Jason! Found Jason! The gunship takes off immediately!"

"Where's the tank! Hurry up and start it!"

There was a mess in front of the administrative building, and the security guards were looking for cover while shooting frantically.


Jason snorted contemptuously.

The figure flickered, and he disappeared directly in everyone's eyes.

The next second, Jason appeared on the side of an armored vehicle.

The man on the mobile turret was turning the grenade launcher, looking for Jason's trail, but he never expected that Jason had come to him with high-speed movement.

"Be careful! Jason is below you!" The surrounding security shouted in panic.

Hearing the reminder, the man immediately looked down, just looking at Jason.

"I buy it!!"

He was completely taken aback and felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Move the grenade launcher down and pull the trigger hard.

"Bang bang bang!"

Grenades shot out, and because of the angle, these grenades all fired into an area behind Jason, and then exploded.

Jason posed and concentrated the energy in his body into his right fist, and then continuously absorbed the energy of the grenade to recharge his right fist.

The big fist of the sandbag slowly gathered a light blue circle of light.

After the energy was gathered, Jason roared and slammed his fist on the armored car.


The side of the armored car was directly penetrated by the huge energy, and a large hole with a diameter of 50 cm appeared on the high-strength alloy armor.

The two security guards sitting on the side were directly cut off by the waist, and the stench and sticky internal organs splashed all over the carriage.

And the man who controlled the grenade launcher had his lower limb amputated, and there was a horrific cry in the carriage.

At this time, the low sound of the engine came from a distance.

Jason looked up and saw two American main battle tanks slowly approaching.

Stopping at a distance of a few hundred meters, the tank's gun barrel slowly moved to aim at Jason.



After the deafening loud noise, two 120mm tank shells smashed over.

Jason stomped on the ground with one foot, the ground shattered into several pieces with a click, and the whole person jumped vertically to a height of more than ten meters.


The armored car behind him was hit by a shell and was instantly blown to pieces, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Jason suspended in the air and sighed: "I'm also convinced. Hit a high-speed moving target with tank shells, and your heads are really pitted."

As soon as he finished speaking, two more shells smashed towards him.

Jason flashed easily, and a dive appeared in front of the tank.

He jumped on the tank, wrapped his arms around the barrel of the gun, and used all his energy.


With a crisp sound, the tank barrel was bent ninety degrees.

Jason did the same, bending the barrel of another tank.

At this time, the security guards got their weapons and ran back.

Each of them carried a special short-barreled rocket launcher made by Stark Industries on their shoulders, the one that could track Jason.

Puff puff! ! !

Aim at Jason and pull the trigger, and the rockets blast out.

Jason sneered and rose into the air again.

What is strange is that these rockets did not follow Jason into the sky, but flew directly towards the two tanks.

"Monkey Reichette!"

The observer of the tank looked at the incoming rocket and spat out these words in a daze.

Boom! ! !

The flames rose, and the tank was hit by more than a dozen rockets, and was instantly blown into a wreckage of iron. All the security personnel inside survived.

The security team was dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

What about the guidance system?

What about Jason Nemesis?

What's the difference between this and a normal RPG?

Jason floated in the air, looking at the raging flames under his feet, he couldn't help but snicker.

After Chloe's analysis and field testing, he has successfully cracked the puzzle that the short-barreled bazooka can track him.

When Jason was moving at high speed in the air before, he liked to convert energy into heat.

Jason thought it would be more handsome because of the flames that would spew from his feet, but that's why the rockets could track him.

Now that you know the reason, the way to crack it is very simple.

There was the sound of propellers in the distance, two gunships took off, and the pilot locked on Jason and fired a guided missile.

Jason showed disdain, converted the energy into wind energy, and moved his position slightly.

Sure enough, the two missiles lost their positioning targets at once, just like ordinary just swept past Jason.

The helicopter pilot was also confused, but before he could think about the reason, Jason accelerated and flew over.

"shit! Pull up! Pull up!"

The pilot jerked the joystick, and the two helicopters roared and pulled up urgently.

But the movement speed and maneuverability of the helicopter are too poor. For Jason, who is moving at high speed, it is like time standing still.

Jason was quickly caught up to the helicopter, and he gathered a ball of light in his right hand and fired it towards the helicopter's propeller.

The light ball turned into a blue laser, directly interrupting the connection between the propeller and the helicopter.


The propeller flew away alone.

The helicopter lost power, stopped in the sky for a few seconds, and then accelerated towards the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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