“This gentleman, who are you and why did you invade our Inhumans.” The red-haired Medusa said with a gloomy face.

Medusa’s hair is her power, her hair can grow at will, and it is extremely hard, and can easily penetrate steel.

“Invading your Inhumans, then how do you count your Inhumans invading Earth.”

“You’re an earthling? I didn’t expect that in addition to Gu Yi, there was a strong person like you on the earth. Medusa said politely.

“What to say to him, let me test his ability, is it as big as his boldness.” The Golgong behind Medusa said with anger on his face.

Gore Gong, Black Bolt’s bodyguard, a top five master of the Inhumans, whose ability is Shock Wave.

After Gong Gong finished speaking, he quickly rushed towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian fixed his eyes and saw that this guy who rushed over actually had two hooves.

This is the disadvantage of the Inhumans, who will mutate their bodies while getting superpowers, so they often make themselves very inferior, and their tempers are extremely sensitive, and they will explode at one point.

Lin Tian waved his hand, and many metal products on the side of the road quickly wrapped towards the Golgong.

Golgong roared, and then the two hooves slammed into each other hard.

A powerful vibration wave easily dispersed from between his two hooves, and all the metal products that collided around him were torn to pieces under the vibration of this shock wave.

Seeing his strength, Golgong shook his eyebrows proudly at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian glanced at his lips with disdain, he really didn’t know where his superiority came from, didn’t he just shake the surrounding metal into powder? It is not disappearing, and it does not affect his manipulation of metal at all.

Lin Tian waved his hand, and the metal that was shattered into slag turned into a huge metal fist of five or six meters in midair, and punched Gore Gong’s body.


Gorgon, who had not yet reacted, was directly punched and flew out, broke through the wall of the building next to him, and flew in.


Goregun, who was sent flying, roared, broke through the wall around him, and ran out.


Golgong stomped on the ground with an angry foot, and then a powerful vibration directly shook the ground, and a crack more than ten meters deep appeared under Lin Tian’s feet.

The power is indeed very large, and it is also very intimidating to watch, but it is a pity that Lin Tian can fly.

Lin Tian floated quietly above the abyss, and then with a gentle wave of his hand, the metal fist floating in the air immediately turned into a metal rope and wrapped around the body of the Golgong.


Unconvinced, the Gore workers struggled with all their strength.

But the metal on his body became tighter and tighter, and after a while, he could hear the sound of bones shattering.


A burst of red hair attacked Goregan’s body, shattering the metal that wrapped around his body.

Medusa then said with a polite face: “Sorry, respected strongman, Golgong has no brains, please forgive me, it is not right for us to secretly enter the earth, we Inhumans swear from today that we will never enter the earth again, do you see?”

“Hehe,” Lin Tian smiled and said: “I don’t have any objection to you entering the earth, as long as you abide by the laws of the earth, but a week ago, you caught a person from the earth, you have to give me an explanation!”

After Lin Tian finished speaking, Medusa’s face immediately became very ugly, a week ago, her own sister Crystal did bring a mutant from the earth.

And Crystal also wants to marry this man, and the ancestral system of the Inhumans does not allow the Inhumans to intermarry with other races, so Medusa locked up the man in a fit of anger.

He really didn’t think that his reckless action would bring such serious consequences to himself.

“I’m sorry, respected strong man, my sister is young and ignorant, she did bring a handsome figure from the earth a few days ago, but we didn’t treat him badly, we have always treated him as the most honorable guest, or I’ll go and call him over for you now.” Medusa said with an unnatural look.

“Let’s go, take me to see, if my brother is wronged here, then there is no need for you Inhumans to exist.” Lin Tian said indifferently.

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he saw that Black Bolt’s brows frowned, obviously full of disdain for Lin Tian’s words, but Black Bolt could not speak, his super power was a sonic attack, once he spoke, the entire Attilan could not withstand his sonic waves, so his dissatisfaction could only be suppressed.

Medusa obviously saw Black Bolt’s dissatisfaction, and Medusa reached out and patted Black Bolt’s hand, comforting him, because in Attilan City, Black Bolt could not speak even if he was angry.

“Let’s go, honorable powerhouse, we have set a banquet for you in the palace, and we Inhumans would love to make friends with you.” Medusa said with a smile on her face.

Lin Tian did not speak, walked slowly to Medusa’s side, a spatial magic enveloped Lin Tian, and the next second they appeared in a gorgeous living room.

“Respected strong man, you later, I will let people bring your brother out.” Medusa said with a smile.

“Hmm” Lin Tian nodded in agreement, and then walked slowly to the side of tetanus, this kind of humble big dog looks particularly cute.

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