Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 349: Dimensional space

Obvious dimension is a weird dimension.

As we all know, Marvel's extra dimensions are endless.

From the perspective of space-time and cognition of a human being, it may exist on a leaf, or it may pass through your body when you walk through it.

However, creatures of different dimensions have different definitions of space. The concept of distance is the perception of a three-dimensional creature like a human.

As long as you have the coordinates and sufficient capacity, you can open the door to any dimension at any place.

To be honest, Li Mo thinks that this low cognitive view of human beings is not a mistake or limitation, but a protection.

The universe is infinite, and cognition is limited.

By observing the infinite universe with limited cognition, it becomes the world in our eyes.

因为 Because of different cognitive perspectives, the world is different in the eyes of creatures of different dimensions.

偶然 If a creature accidentally crosses this limit, the world view collapses and goes crazy, and the concept of existence is lost.

This is also the reason why some Cthulhu myths were circulated on the earth in previous lives. Many of them did not actually meet the evil gods, but they accidentally crossed their own perceptions.

(Ps: So don't laugh at people who claim to have seen ghosts or Cthulhu, because if it is true, they have the potential to become high-dimensional creatures!)

Xian dimension space is different from other extra dimensions, it looks a bit ... weird, naughty!

There is a famous double-slit experiment in quantum mechanics: a beam of monochromatic light passes through a narrow single slit and then passes through the double slit again, and interference fringes will be generated on the screen behind the double slit.

结果 This result indicates that a single particle can interfere with itself in this experiment. It did not go through one seam, but through two seams at the same time.

What's even more frightening is that once you try to detect which slit the particle has passed, such as adding a detector to the double slit, the interference fringes will disappear immediately, as if the particle knew you had observed it.

This is also the case with the Xianxian space, so it is not known and has become the secret of abortion between high-level gods.

"found it!"

After getting the dimensional coordinates given by Strange, Li Mo finally sensed his existence from the underworld, waved open the door of dimension, and disappeared from the central command room.

Uh ...

This is a strange place. It seems that you are in a room with no margins. You can only see grid-like space division points, and you can never get there.

Li Mo has been walking in this space for three days, and I haven't seen any ghosts.

You know, at his speed, it may have been turned around in the ordinary extra dimension.

If it wasn't for Master Merlin that he was sure that there was a clue here, he would definitely not waste time here at the critical moment of fighting with the material empire.

一直 Staying in this repetitive and monotonous space, ordinary life may go crazy. Although Li Mo is not possible, he gradually feels a little impatient.

I do not know how long, Li Mo suddenly stopped and stopped.

He felt a breath in the distance.

Unfamiliar ... and familiar.

There was a smile on Li Mo's face, and he flickered in a moment.

Looking at the person floating in the air in front of her, and looking at herself with a gentle smile, Li Mo smiled, "Long time, Teacher."

This person is the master of ancient Yi.

古 Since Master Gu Yi broke away from the universe after the death of the earth, he has never heard of him again.

I didn't expect to meet here.

"Hello, Lee."

The smile on Master Gu Guyi's face was very gratifying. Although he felt a glimmer of the future at that time, he did not expect Li Mo to achieve such an achievement now.

Li Mo also noticed that Gu Yi's current strength, although not as good as himself, has also reached the level of gods.

If you are an ordinary magician, you must not escape this magic disaster, let alone survive here.

After briefly chatting, Li Mo asked respectfully: "Teacher, what are you doing here?"

"The abstract entity of an old friend collapsed, I came here to help him reunite." Master Gu Yi replied.

Old friends ... abstract entities ...

Li Mo noticed the key words in Gu Yi's discourse.

He who possesses abstract entities must be God, and God who himself represents the rules of the universe.

"Oh ... what god?"

Li Mo looked with a dignified look.

It is not an ordinary event that the abstract entities of the gods are broken up.

Master Yi Guyi smiled gently, "God of time."

Li Mo could not help but frowned.

之 God of time?

If he remembered correctly, it should be called Kronos, the **** of the Titans.

More importantly, this guy is the grandpa of extermination.

He once heard that the eternal protoss said that the exterminator had imprisoned the **** of time, so the eternal talents frantically imprisoned and hunted the exterminator.

Is the **** of time broken up by the tyrant?

Is this incident related to extermination?

Li Mo was filled with doubts, and then asked Master Gu Yi, "Teacher, do you need help?"

"Thank you for your kindness, it's done."

Master Yi Guyi shook his head with a smile and looked to the left, where a lilac tall human figure was gradually taking shape and the stars were flowing around him.

Then Master Gu Yi looked at Li Mo, "What are you looking for here?"

"It's about this magic disaster ..." Li Mo told something from Master Merlin.

The smile on Master Gu Guyi's face gradually disappeared, and then he put on a hint of doubt, "I have been traveling in other universes, so I don't know. But as far as I know, Xianwei Space ... does not have this ability."

Li Mo looked around, "Is Master Merlin lying?"

应该 "Should not." Master Gu Yi said: "It is difficult for us to understand all the mysteries of the universe, maybe there are other secrets here."

Then he looked at the **** of time, which is still taking shape. "It will take a while for my old friend to reunite the entity. I am familiar here, and I will take you around."

莫 Li Mo nodded. "It's working, Master."

With the guidance of Master Gu Yi, Li Mo soon saw different scenery in this boring space.

A giant cylindrical ancient tree the size of a star appeared in front of the bird's head. The head was lush and lush, with thousands of kilometers wide roots forming beards. The ears were huge eyes, which looked weird.

"Who ... who is this guy in a green hat?"

"The mouth is still so stinky." Master Gu Yi looked at Li Mo and shook his head. "This **** is named eternal life, especially the planter and caretaker of life."

"Every **** who creates an abstract entity in a dimensional space leaves an image, which is also one of the characteristics of this space."

It didn't take long for me to see two tens of thousands of kilometers of strange faces, one full of pain and madness, and the other with tranquility and peace.

Master Gu Guyi: "The two are the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order. They are the masters of a certain magic universe."

Li Mo: "This cheek ... can be thick enough."

Master Gu Guyi: "..."

Next, Li Mo followed Master Gu Yi to see all kinds of strange abstract entities of gods, they represent the various concepts and rules of the universe.

Flame, gravity, hate ... almost all concepts have corresponding gods.

This made Li Mo, who had just become a god, eye-opening, at least in the future, he said hello and knew the name.

I do not know how long he has advanced, Master Gu Yi stopped suddenly, with a solemn expression on his face, "Next you will see the five creation gods, you must maintain the necessary respect."

Li Mo nodded, "Relax, teacher."

The first thing they saw was the eternal god, who was composed of the universe and had a blue human face.

神 The **** Li Mo once met in the London fire incident.

I looked at the respected Master Gu Yi, Li Mo thoughtfully.

Master Gu Gu once expressed his belief in eternity inside and outside the words. In addition, the **** of time is also the **** of eternity, no wonder they are friends.

He was uncle Swallow, Li Mo was already quite familiar, so he didn't watch carefully.

Next is death. A gorgeous woman in a black robe with dark hair and black lips. Although the strange beauty is so captivating, Li Mo's perception of this is not good.

Finally is infinity and annihilation.

A woman image of Zhou Sheng yellow light with black hole-like stripes.

Another is a blue figure wearing a purple cape.

两位 These two are extremely low-key and rarely appear in the universe.

After watching the images of the five gods, Master Gu Yi pointed further away.

There is a huge golden god-man there, it seems only a few hundred meters, and it seems infinitely large, with three faces on his skull.

Li Mo pursed his lips, "The court of life ..."

Master No. 1 Gu Gu nodded, "Yes, the court of life, known as the supreme existence of the universe, the judge of the universe."

Both stopped talking and watched quietly in front of the images of the life court.

"Did you know ... the three faces of the life court represent justice, need, and revenge."

Master Gu Guyi said suddenly, "But few people know that he actually has a fourth face."

Seeing Li Mo's skeptical look, Master Gu Yi said mysteriously, "It's just behind the skull, you go and see for yourself."

Li Mo glanced at Master Gu Yi, and instantly moved to the skull behind the court of life.

"What the hell!"

Li Mo was frightened, backed up thousands of meters away, and then returned to Master Gu Yi, stuttering, "What is this ...?"

法庭 There is indeed a face behind the skull of the life court,

And that face,

Li He is Li Mo himself!

"Hehehe ..." Master Gu Yi smiled with an amused expression, "You are afraid sometimes."

Looking at Li Mo's resentful eyes, Master Gu Yi's face showed a serious expression, "The last face is actually a mirror, whoever sees it will be himself."

"The court of life is reminding us: when looking at others, look at yourself!"

愣 Li Mo took a moment to take a moment of solemnity and bowed respectfully, "Thank you for your teaching."

Master Gu Yi nodded his head comfortably. "Okay, the space of Xianwei seems to be very big, but everything is actually here. What abnormalities have you found?"

Li Mo shook his head helplessly.

Master Gu Gu was about to speak, but suddenly looked into the distance, "The abstract entity of the **** of time has taken shape, let's go first."

Li Mo nodded ~ ~ The two quickly returned to the place where the **** of time was.

The abstract entity of Kronos, the **** of time, has taken shape, and his image is not far away.

After seeing the arrival of Master Gu Yi, he greeted his old friend in peace.

"My friend, do you know this place well, do you know what's going on here recently?" Master Gu Yi asked the **** of time and introduced the purpose of Li Mo and his trip.

"Yes, I know this."

There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the **** of time. "This is also my fault, it is a universe god."

什么 样 "What kind of universe fetish has this ability?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

The corner of the mouth of the **** of time drew, "The cube of the universe!"

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