Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 324: Treasure Ground

The cockpit was constantly flashing red.

The three-dimensional image outlines the real-time scene of the outside world.

The deeper you go down, the higher the pressure and temperature, a large amount of radon is compressed into a red water mist shape, like Hongmeng's first birth.

The huge red tentacles of mountains like mountains, slowly flying, countless barbs stabbed like lightning, dazzling.

McQueen shuttled through it like a flexible swimming fish, and everyone held his seat nervously.

"Crazy! Crazy ..."

Princess Lilith closed her mouth after yelling for a few words. Even if she was well-informed, the sight in front of her was beyond imagination.

Li Mo gave up driving a long time ago and gave control to McQueen. In this case, it is the best choice.

The values ​​of temperature and pressure kept rising, and as the clouds and mists burst in front of them, warning sounds continued to sound.

A red sea suddenly appeared in front of me. It was a scene formed by the high liquefaction of inert gas, and huge tentacles moved in it, setting off a turbulent wave.

McQueen plunged in, and continued ...

At this time, the temperature has exceeded 9000 ° C, and it is still rising. The external pressure has long exceeded imagination. According to the estimated value, each cubic centimeter of the spacecraft shell must withstand more than ten tons of force.

Despite its strength, as a semi-biological warship, McQueen's size has continued to shrink to accommodate this pressure.

The environment in the cockpit has not changed, but everyone has a feeling of breathlessness in the chest.

"Damn, where are we going?"

Princess Lilith finally shouted.

In her impression, this situation requires the concerted efforts of the various departments of the Empire, rather than rampage like Li Mo.

However, Li Mo didn't have to answer her at all, staring at the monster in the three-dimensional image, her eyes became more and more interested.

McQueen continued to deepen, and gradually, a large number of crystal-like rock fragments appeared, that is a solid concentrate of gas.

The space shield was opened to the maximum. Despite this, the pressure on the McQueen was almost reaching its limit, and everyone seemed to hear the creaking noise from the hull.

This time, even the most powerful sword was sweating on his forehead.

Finally, land appeared in front, which was a crystalline layer formed by the solidification of a large amount of gas, showing a dazzling brilliance.

"McQueen, measure the thickness!" Li Mo shouted.

McQueen quickly gave the results,

"105.68 meters."

"Very good, make a passage!" Li Mo stood up with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The laser array quickly focused on the bow of the ship, continuously rotating in a spiral, and hundreds of meters of laser light continuously bombarded the surface of the crystal layer.

Surprisingly, however, the crystals only melted a thin layer and the downward speed was quite slow.

McQueen gave the answer, "The outside temperature has reached 16,000 ° C, and this crystal has been adapted to high-temperature and high-pressure environments."

"Use a black hole bomb!" Li Mo said without hesitation.

As a black hole bomb hit the crystal layer, a huge black sphere quickly appeared, and a dark current surged suddenly in the liquid ocean. A large amount of liquid wrapped in solid crystals rushed to the black hole at high speed.

McQueen's reverse power was at its maximum, and she had to avoid the huge crystals that flew from time to time.

After ten seconds,

The artificial black hole disappeared abruptly, a huge hole appeared in the crystal layer, and McQueen quickly rushed in.

A flash of light flashed,

The crowd found them in a weird space.

This is already the core of a gaseous planet, a hole about the size of the earth.

Surrounded by a dazzling crystalline layer, it emits a brilliant light like a dense starry sky.

The cavity blown by the black hole bomb behind sprayed a lot of liquid and solidified quickly, closing the channel again.

At the very center of the cavity is the body of the monster, a strange moon-sized sarcoma, with folds forming a tall mountain.

The monster's numerous contacts are firmly fixed in the crystal layer, forming crisscross channels.

They were all sensitive minds and immediately saw the setting here.

The monster is confined to this place, both to ensure that it cannot go out, and to form a layer of defense mechanism because of the tentacles fixed to the outside world.

"It's amazing!"

Li Mo could not help but applaud, "I have felt nasty from seeing this monster beyond my understanding. I never thought that the entire gaseous planet would be a prison."

"Perhaps a treasure trove!" Princess Lilith was excited.

"That's right." Li Mo smiled. "Let's go and see."

The pressure and temperature had returned to normal, and McQueen quickly approached the moon-sized monster body.

Suddenly, McQueen's alarm sounded.

"A lot of biological signals were found!"

Immediately after, the target was shown on the 3D image.

Countless weird insects crawled out of the channels formed by the monster's tentacles.

Each of them is at least five meters long, with a flat body, segmented dark black outer armor and sharp feet. The scorpion-like tail splits like a cannibal, and red prismatic crystals appear in the tick .

Princess Lilith narrowed her pupils. "What the **** is this?"

Li Mo pouted his lips. "Maybe it's a lice on a monster."

As soon as the words fell, the red crystals on those monsters' tails began to glow.

Instantly, hundreds of thousands of red rays hit McQueen.

McQueen's blue space shield began to rotate, blocking all attacks.

Li Mo looked at the attack intensity. Fortunately, it was his McQueen. The space shield had been strengthened many times. Ordinary starships might be destroyed in one face.

Of course, ordinary starships are not able to reach here at all.

McQueen quickly launched a counterattack, the laser array was continuously adjusted, and countless laser lights were ejected.

The battle situation showed a one-sided situation, the monsters were either penetrated or smashed, and the number decreased with the naked eye.

However, these monsters did not mean to shrink back at all, and a large number of monsters continued to emerge from the planet, climbing quickly along the tentacle pipeline.

The dense scene was a bit ridiculous, and Princess Lilith couldn't help muttering, "Why so many?"

"Monsters don't take a bath." Li Mo joked.

Then, he took out the black dead sword again, and slightly opened a slit with his thumb.

It was the overwhelming death silence.

The monsters receded like a tide.

Li Mo smiled and closed the black death sword.

Princess Lilith, who also escaped from fear, couldn't help but spit, "Damn, what weapon are you in the end?"

Li Mo shrugged and didn't answer, Princess Lilith didn't ask any questions.

McQueen's planetary radar began scanning, and soon something caught everyone's attention.

It is a tall building located in the middle of a mountain range formed by monster skin folds, about 50 meters high.

The building is wide, narrow and spiral, with a ring-shaped body hovering up and down, quaint and vast.

"This ... is it ..." Princess Lilith's breathing started to become a little sharp.

"I think the artifact is here." Li Mo was also a little happy.

McQueen hovered near the building, and everyone fell slowly with the traction beam.

Li Mo stomped on his feet, the cuticles of the monsters have shown the texture of rocks, and the surroundings are ups and downs like the real mountains.

Above the head is a night sky like a starry sky. If you are only here, no one would think that this is a monster's body.

Princess Lilith could not wait to lead the sword fighting team towards the building.

However, 100 meters away, a sudden golden shield stopped them.

Under the command of Princess Lilith, the Sword Squad launched an attack on the shield.

However, neither the power of the shatterer nor the high-temperature flame of the oxidizer can shake the shield in the slightest.

Devil Red wanted to perform space shuttles, but was bounced out of the shield by dozens of meters and passed out.

The most powerful bucket sword made a sonic boom attack. The whole mountain seemed to be trembling, but the shield just shook slightly.

In their helpless eyes, Li Mo walked over without hesitation.

He ignored the crowd and studied it carefully next to the shield.

The ground inside the shield has a weird pattern. With Li Mo's knowledge of several civilizations, he couldn't tell how to use this energy.

He closed his eyes and put his hand on the shield to feel it carefully.

After a while, Li Mo opened his eyes.

"What did you find?" Said Princess Lilith. "We don't know the exact time here, we must have known how many billions of years have passed, it is impossible to have such long-term energy."

"That's because this shield does not use ordinary energy." Li Mo said, turning his head.

"It uses soul power."

"I was curious from the beginning. A creature like this beyond the ordinary did not feel a trace of soul. It turned out that a matrix was set up here to extract the monster's soul to form this shield."

"In other words, this is the soul of a monster, which will only get stronger and stronger over time."

"What a wonderful design ..." Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there any way?" Princess Lilith asked.

Li Mo stood up slowly, holding the black dead sword hilt with his right hand.


A black light flashed, and the space seemed to be split.

In the eyes of everyone ~ ~ The golden shield first produced a crack and then expanded like a spider web.

A sound of glass shattering came, and the golden shield instantly turned into a mist of light.

In the fog, there are moving images ...

I don't know when a blue-skin race lives on an unfamiliar planet. Their civilization is not advanced and they just launched their first rocket.

Their exploration of outer space seems to be extremely fascinating, almost exhausting the power of the entire civilization.

It looks like technology is very important, but this civilized world has fanatical religions.

And the **** they believe stands in the capital.

That's a 2,000-meter-high Tenjin group ...

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