Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 302: Mysterious initiation

The climatic environment in a space crack is completely different from the outside world.

It is a dry and scorching sea of ​​sand outside, but there are many huge lakes inside. The entire Wandag Mountains are lush, and the top is snow-capped.

The skeptical skull turned around by Li Mo had a ripple, scanning the entire space instantly.

A detailed three-dimensional image appeared in front of Li Mo. He frowned after watching it, and kept zooming in and out.

The data on the map shows that the oxygen concentration in the space is very high, and the forest covering the entire mountain range can hardly find an empty space.

Under the tall coniferous forest, there are lush ancient ferns, a one-meter-long giant poisonous scorpion, a three-meter-long giant horse land, and a dragonfly with a two-meter wingspan all over the forest.

"What happened?" Sol asked.

"The terrain is not so good." Li Mo shook his head. "We can't use any spells and abilities that can cause flames, and you can't release lightning."

"Why?" Sol was a little strange.

Li Mo looked at the front and said, "Since Thorne left the space and isolated it. From the environmental point of view, it should belong to the Carboniferous Period 200 million to 300 million years ago. Giant insect. "

"At least a hundred meters deep on the ground is full of coal, coupled with a high oxygen environment and a large number of plants, it is very easy to ignite. In fact, the biological extinction of this era was also caused by fire."

"Okay." Sol pulled out a knife helplessly. "Neither can I use the thunder power, my hammer is gone, and I can only rely on melee."

"Rest assured." Li Mo took out a giant tower shield directly from the carry-on space. "The energy interference magic circle is recorded on it, you just need to help me attract attention."

Sol opened his mouth, then took help of the shield.

Li Mo looked into the distance, and after looking at the dimension of the operation for a while, he said, "There is a crack in the high-dimensional space on the top of the mountain. It should be the back road that Sisorn left for himself. Let's go up."

Having said that, he wrapped Sol with a tentacle, and flew towards the top of the mountain. After a while, he was near the crack in the space.

This is a plain next to a raised cliff. The scattered and orderly ice on the ground is light blue, and there is an ice lake not far away. It is cold and clear with a faint white mist.

After Li Mo approached, he felt this space crack carefully. Under the hindrance of some force, only a slight space fluctuation remained.

It should be the handwriting of Mrs. Agatha, the highest priestess of the earth.

Saul looked around and said to Li Mo: "It doesn't look like anyone here. Are you sure you are here?"

"The dark mage wants to help West Thorne come, and he must pass through this place." Li Mo reached out and cast invisibility against Sol and himself. "We wait patiently for a while, as the solar system's vision will begin soon, he Will definitely come. "

Just while they waited, many things were happening on the planet.


Offshore Norway, Asgard island.

The glittering Golden Palace shines dazzlingly in the sun, but only with a layer of special paint, after all, Li Mo has not fully recovered the financial resources.

In a secret room on the top floor, a large and complex array of magical energy has been portrayed, and the maid Gina commanded by Friega kept adding precious magic gems everywhere.

In the middle of the magic circle, the dead Rocky corpse is being placed there.

Looking at Friega's hopeful look, the beautiful maid couldn't help but ask, "Daughter, is it possible for us to succeed?"

"Of course it will, and it certainly will!"

After the day, Friega calmed down and said, "Unlike Odin, Loki belongs to abnormal death. After all, he has the soul of God. The biggest possibility is the rebirth of rebirth, so we have to find the place of his reincarnation, only in the solar system. Can only do so. "

"So will he remember what happened before?" Gina continued.

"It will come to me slowly, because he has a powerful soul." Frigga smiled. "But the personality may change. After all, a new life is needed."

Gina nodded and didn't speak. Although she hated Rocky, she didn't want to see the sadness of Houhou.


A 10,000 hectare Star Harbor on the outskirts of Houston.

Because of the optimism of the future of aerospace, the Boston Consortium and the Chicago Consortium led the Stark Group to invest in the construction of this star port.

Although it is not comparable to the Chinese one, it still belongs to the most upscale and large one among the many newly-built Star Harbors in the United States.

At this time, the person in charge of Xinggang looked at the piercing docks and the waiting hall, and had the heart to die.

There are potholes everywhere on the dock. Fragments of shattered police cars and spacecraft were scattered everywhere.

Fighters of the US special service group were scattered in small teams, holding instruments to search everywhere, and staff of the Tianjian Bureau in blue uniforms were also investigating the scene.

Not long ago, a serious biological attack occurred on the Life Science Foundation scientific research spacecraft, which has been detained here.

Although a large number of people were killed and injured at that time, after discovering that they were afraid of fire, they organized and eliminated several.

In the middle of the apron, the director of the Tianjian Bureau, Adigail Brand, watched the live video intently.

In the video, the Foundation scientific researcher possessed by alien creatures showed amazing strength and agility, and even swallowed several Tianjian staff with a large mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Is the Life Foundation man in control?" Brand asked casually.

Maria Hill nodded. "Their Carlton Drake, who claims to be just a normal scientific investigation, has no knowledge of it. Several members of the United States Congress also called to intercede."

"We are only responsible for the Earth Federation, and the President of the United States can't make a phone call." Brand said categorically.

"Are you sure you only escaped two?"

"According to those scientists, they brought back a total of five, and we eliminated three, and there should be two more."

"This kind of thing is dangerous, search it all!"


After two hours.

Strange Dr. Strange, sitting in the living room in New York's most holy sanctuary, looked up at the sky and muttered, "It's started, I hope to spend this time safely ..."

In the solar system, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars have all reached an excellent position, and the gravitational lines caused by them have caused the solar flare to erupt.

At the same time, the eclipse formed on the side facing away from the sun has formed a huge natural law array amplifier, directly covering the earth. All dimensions of energy and magic have produced violent bursts and fluctuations.

Around the earth, the demons and spirits that were once sealed because they were indestructible began to move.

But next to each seal, Kama Taj or other mages in other places are constantly strengthening with sweat.

Stranger has done a little better than Master Gu Yi, although some high cooling is a natural diplomat, his ability to make friends and organizations is very strong.

After experiencing several major events with Li Mo, he united almost all the magical powers on the earth and established an organization called the Guardian Alliance. Crimson Witch, Ghost Rider, and Dr. Voodoo are among them.

But even if they send a lot of manpower, there are still problems in some places that have been forgotten over time.


Duchy of Romania, Transylvania ...

Among the cold and lonely mountains, there is a collapsed and abandoned old castle above the cliff, because it has been long forgotten by the world because it is far away from people.

The sky was overcast with clouds, and at the moment the solar system was formed, the exposed stone brick floor in the center of the castle was suddenly blasted from the inside by a powerful force.

A middle-aged man with blue-white skin, red-eyed fangs, and a shabby moustache jumped out suddenly. He looked around, and a look of helplessness and boredom appeared in his eyes.

"Resurrected again ... boring ..."

It is the legendary Count Dracula.

Suddenly, an indescribable whisper sounded in his ears, as if the decaying venom was poured directly into the soul's deepest place, leaving people in the dark universe.

Count Dracula knelt down on the ground holding his head in pain. "Okay, okay, let me go!"

Then he stood up and looked into the distance, "Africa ... so far away, it's not my business to be late ..."

After I said it, I looked at the gloomy sky again, and suddenly weaked my forehead softly. "Ah, the sun is so poisonous, I will be sunburned, or I will sleep until it gets dark before I leave ..."

As soon as he turned around, the whisper in his ear sounded again, and he rolled over and over on the ground for a few laps, and then flew down the mountain embarrassingly ...

At the same time, black wizards, werewolves, night demon, poisonous dragons ... all the dark creatures hiding in the world are pouring towards Africa.

Strinch soon received the report, and with a murmur in his heart, he was about to get up to open the portal, but suddenly turned and looked at the stairs behind him.

There, Master Modu, who had been very good with Strange, stared at him facelessly, and the Dorma sign on his forehead was shining, and the powerful magic was almost about to escape.

There was a hint of helplessness and sorrow in Strange's eyes, "Well, I really didn't expect ..."


On the wilderness outside Texas.

The evil knight, who was burning with hellfire all over, roared, staring at the old silver-haired man in a suit and shoes, "Mephisto, what do you want?"

"It's boring ..." Mephisto shrugged. "I just took a good turn around the scenery, yes, I just talked to someone in the Mariana Trench for a while."

He said as he sat down in the air, a glass of wine suddenly appeared in his hand, "Let's talk first, if I become Satan, would you be interested to help me?"

"It's up to you? Dream!"

The Ghost Rider roared, pulled out the flame chain and threw it towards Mephisto, but only penetrated a phantom.

Mephisto appeared leisurely in the other direction and still sipped the wine in a sitting posture. "Why do you like violence? You can sit and talk."

The flames of the Ghost Rider gradually dissipated and he recovered Johnny Blazer's body. He stared at Mephisto's eyes and said, "I have received news that Li Mo is in trouble. You have promised not to participate in dealing with him Conspiracy, why stop me? "

"I really have no plans to deal with him." Mephisto raised an eyebrow. "It should be said that I deal with someone else, he is only part of the plan."

"Westorn is coming!"

Johnny Blazer's voice was anxious, "Aren't you worried, as far as I know, the earth will never have your share if he returns."

"Emmm ... don't worry about it at all." Mephisto smiled and smiled. "Li Mo can definitely handle it by himself, I just want you not to disturb and just watch the scene quietly."

Johnny Blazer gave Mephisto a stern glance, but sighed helplessly.


Wandag Mountain.

The moment Li Mo looked at the solar system, he felt abnormal, and the power of dimensions began to surge quickly.

After feeling it carefully, he shook his head.

No wonder some magicians can get greater benefits at this time, and the turbulent and powerful magic can help them understand the rules faster.

For Li Mo, who has never lacked dimensional energy, it has almost no practical significance. Now he is more important to understand the rules and the accumulation of time.

Sol snorted beside him, and fell to one knee on the ground.

"Hey man, what's wrong with you?" Li Mo asked quickly.

Sol held his own heart for a long time and then breathed for a while, then his eyes became confused and sad. "It's nothing, just suddenly uncomfortable."

Li Mo shook his head, "I didn't expect the solar system to have an impact on the people in your fairy palace."

"Yeah ..." Saul said absently, then fell silent.

Li Mo felt that something was wrong with Sol, but he could not care anymore, because he felt the fluctuation of the abnormal space.

Some people also use stealth not far away. Although sophisticated, they can't escape the eye of Li Mo's dimension.

Li Mo waved easily, a ten-meter-long tentacle appeared out of thin air, and threw it severely towards that place.


A large piece of ice formed over hundreds of millions of years was blown into powder, a large amount of snowflakes and ice fog rose, and the glaciers on the cliffs in the distance began to make a clicking noise.

The crimson witch Wanda, who was surrounded by Carulu, appeared, and some wandering in the air.

He originally wanted to perform the deportation method, but Li Mo did not give him reaction time at all. A dozen tentacles surrounded him and tried to seize Wanda.

That's where the trouble lies.

Because the black magician, Karuru, occupied Wanda's body, Li Mo did not dare to let go of his attack at all, and did not even summon his big eyes.

After all, it's saving, not killing.

Karuru, who occupies Wanda's body, is indeed powerful, and various black magics have never been seen before. ~ ~ seems to care nothing about this body, crazy overdraft magic.

Just after he had attacked Li Mo again with the black magic avatar, Sol suddenly jumped up from the side, and suddenly fell Karurulu to the ground with a huge shield.

Li Mo's tentacles rolled Carulu into the corner and forced him into the corner. He said blankly, "Exit from this body quickly. If you let me do it, the consequences will be serious!"

"Hahaha ..." Wanda, who was surrounded by Carulu, laughed wildly. "Do you have the advantage of many people?"

"Probably you don't know that all the dark creatures come from the great **** Sisorn."

There was a touch of pride in the corner of West Thorn's mouth,

"You are against the dark creatures of the world!"


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