Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 300: Solar System Lookout and Alternative Weapons

This old lady is not cute at all!

Li Mo drank his mouthful of tea.

Mrs. Agatha continued: "After one month, the solar system will enter into the distant view, and the loose seal of the Wandag Passage is the best time for Sisorn to return, and it will definitely be there when it reaches Wangwang."

"Looking at the Solar System!"

Li Mo was attracted by another thing said by the witch, his face was incredible.

Lookout is often referred to as the positional relationship between the moon and the earth.

When the moon orbits between the sun and the earth, the dark side of the moon is facing the earth, at this time it is called Shuo, which is the first day of each month of the lunar calendar.

When the moon orbits behind the earth, the hemisphere illuminated by the sun faces the earth, at this time, hope, usually on the fifteenth or sixteenth day of the lunar month.

The look of the solar system is completely different.

The distance between the huge Jupiter and Mars is minimized, and Mercury is closer to the Sun than ever before. The shadows they cast on the edge of the Sun will be close to each other and occur on the Earth's sky.

The entire galaxy formed an eclipse, and all the stars fell into a precise line.

At this moment, ordinary people are unaware of it.

But on earth, all magic and dimensional forces will riot.

All hidden magical creatures will lose their rationality, all space seals will loosen, and even the Supreme Mage's defense network will have loopholes.

But the good thing is that this is also the best time for all magicians to understand the rules and strengthen their strength.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has only appeared three times in the entire history of the earth. Li Mo once regarded this as a legend.

"It's impossible to speculate about the solar system. How do you know it will happen?" Li Mo asked quickly.

"But it's not a secret for some high-level existence." The old lady said unhurriedly: "Just three days ago, Master Merlin sent a warning through the crucible left when he left, and Supreme Master must have received it at this time To the warning of Emperor Weishan. "

"It seems I need to make some preparations in advance." Li Mo frowned and murmured.

Later, he asked Agatha a question of his own: why some powerful gods, like Surtel and Sisorn, could exist in the main universe. Others, such as Mephisto and Setorac, will be repelled and can only rely on avatar entry.

The experience of this deportation really made Li Mo unhappy. Similar things will continue to happen in the future, so there will always be problems. Therefore, I ask the knowledgeable earth priestess.

The old witch Agatha shook her head. "Unlike our orthodox magician, you have gone the other way."

"I'm not really sure about this. But I can give you a direction."

"The five creator gods of the universe can actually be divided into two types. No matter infinity, eternity, and death are abstract concepts, they will consolidate entities in the dimensional space."

"The only planet devourer that exists in the main universe contains the essence of two universes, or he is a universe in itself."

"No one knows whether you are better or worse, you need to discover all of this yourself."

Li Mo was silent for a while after hearing, "Become a rule, unite the universe, I understand, thank you for your guidance."

After speaking, he bowed respectfully to Mrs. Agatha, the witch, and then said, "After a month, I returned to Mount Wandag to help make Wanda safe through this disaster."

The old lady nodded comfortably, "I have scattered countless avatars in a long time. Although I can live forever, but my strength never stops there, so I need your help before Wang Da grows up."

"I will definitely take this to heart." After Li Mo promised, he said goodbye to the old lady and left Scotland.


New York, the Most Holy Place.

After listening to Li Mo's words, Stranger covered his head with a headache, "Why the damned solar system looks out for me?"

"Since receiving the information from Emperor Weishan, we have sent all the mage to do their best to strengthen the seals around the world, and even then, there will be great trouble at that time."

"And now the battle for the devil is still going on. I don't know what some crazy guys will do at that time. The evil knight and I will do our best to guard against Domam and Mephisto. I'm afraid I won't be able to support you then. "

"It's okay." Li Mo patted Strange's shoulder. "I'm ready for this. You can do your own business."

Just then, Ding Dong, the doorbell rang suddenly.

After Strand waved to open the door, a tall black man with a dirty staff and a dirty braid came in.

He was wearing a black tights and a red cape. There are a bunch of skulls hanging around the waist, and two dry human skulls hanging on the top of the wooden staff, which looks very strange.

This **** is a bad guy!

Just when Li Mo was in doubt, Stranger stepped up and made a welcome gesture, and then introduced to Li Mo: "This is a voodoo doctor from Haiti. He came to help to cope with this solar system vision. . "

Strange was about to introduce Li Mo, but Dr. Voodoo stretched out his hand in advance. "Of course I know the famous Li Mo, and even many evil spirits spread your reputation."

"Really?" Li Mo smiled. "But someday someone will dispel the evil spirits in my name."

"Maybe one day." Dr. Voodoo shrugged, then handed Li Mo a business card, "I run a Voodoo Medical Center in New York, and weird patients can introduce me here."

"His technique is very good, and it cured my stomach problems," Stranger praised vigorously.

Oh no wonder you guys are so good. Li Mo stared at Strange suddenly, both of them were magicians and doctors at the same time, there must be many common topics.

Seeing Strange and Dr. Voodoo begin to exchange plans of action a month later, Li Mo got up and left the Most Holy Place.

As imagined, the impact of this solar system's lookout is huge, and we need to plan ahead.

Although Li Mo has been promoted to become a high-dimensional energy creature, after Asgard's war, he found himself in an awkward position.

As a newborn dimensional demon, he is still very immature.

Not only does it take a long time to accumulate energy and understand the rules, but it has not yet occupied its first dimension.

The first dimension is very important for the growth of the dimensional demon. Although it can continue to swallow other dimensions to grow like Domam, hasn't it been normal to see that guy's spirit?

Only like Setorac, controlling the dimension and then transcending the dimension is the best route.

And Li Mo felt that he had better choices, otherwise he would waste the reputation of multiverse cancer.

The words of the witch Agatha gave him some inspiration, but that kind of thing was too far away and it needed to cross the river by feeling the stones.

So his current situation is: becoming a dimensional demon but not a high-level opponent. Most people who can easily defeat the main universe will be expelled.

Really upset!

Li Mo shook his head, and a white light disappeared on the earth.


By the time he reappeared, he had come to Nidaville's space orbit.

It's very lively here, and a team of Nether Magic Legions carry huge alchemy components flying around in the starry sky, constantly repairing and welding the shell of the neutron star Dyson ball.

The outer track is also being rebuilt. A circle starts to link to the center Dyson ball. If you look down from thousands of miles high, you will find a prototype of eyeballs.

This is one of the few gains after the Asgard war.

King Ettri the Dwarf, because of his disappointment with Asgard, led the remaining twenty or so dwarves into Li Mo's laboratory of truth.

Li Mo promised to help them recuperate and rebuild their communities.

Since the dwarf people are already their own, then this neutron star Dyson ball Li Mo also smiled and decided to transform into the first eye of ignorance.

Another gain is the infinite gloves of extermination, that stuff is now quietly suspended in Li Mo's body.

But to be honest, this thing is a bit of a mess for Li Mo, he has decided to completely destroy it.

When evacuating Asgard, Sol threw the cosmic cube directly to Li Mo. For him, this thing was also one of the sources of Asgard's disaster.

Sol, who only wanted to protect the people, was no longer willing to save the cosmic cube, and withdrew from the special space node in Asgard, the Rainbow Bridge was no longer possible to repair.

But when Li Mo took the cosmic cube, he instantly felt several powerful beings and fixed his eyes on himself.

He remembered what Odin had said, that no more than three infinite gems could come together, otherwise it would cause trouble.

Destroyer has the support of death to survive, but he is alone and has to throw the cosmic cube to Saul, who looks disgusted.

The role of Infinity Gloves is to help bear and maximize the power of gems, but he does not need them, so simply destroy the Infinity Gloves and cut off some people's ideas.

When he came up with this idea, the infinite gloves floating in the body were suddenly bombarded by countless starlight energy, and soon turned into pieces.

"Well, everyone is fair now, and no one wants to cheat!" Li Mo nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the boss and Perus of the second group came forward and said: "boss, the framework is completed, and it can already withstand the resistance to cross the door of dimension."

"Okay." Li Mo nodded. "Everyone pulled out of this place."

With his orders, members of the Nether Masters opened a door to the dimension, and returned to the void with the dwarves, while the Nether Forces remained behind Li Mo.

After everyone left, Li Mo flew out of the Dyson ball orbital station and remained quietly in the starry sky.

As he spread his arms, a huge dimensional door ten meters wide in diameter suddenly appeared above him.

Two infinite gems acted at the same time, and thousands of kilometers of tentacles suddenly protruded from the void, entangled in space orbits and Dyson balls.

"Get up!"

Li Mo murmured in his heart, and then began to exert his strength.

With the continuous input of power and energy, all the tentacles are tightened instantly, and the veins emitting purple light become brighter and brighter.

However, the Dyson ball remained motionless.

Li Mo had already anticipated this situation. According to calculations, the neutron star in this Dyson ball can reach 500 million tons per cubic centimeter!

The good thing is that this Dyson ball was originally a product of magic, and has been blessed by the countless rune matrix of the truth laboratory. The impact of weight and gravity is very weak.

But even then, the force needed to move this celestial body exceeded Li Mo's ability.

Gritting his teeth, the tentacles suddenly gave off the smoke-like red realistic gemstone energy. After modifying the weight of the Dyson ball, the celestial body began to move up slowly.

In the distance, some of the affected meteorites have flew towards here, and the virtual air force regiment immediately rushed up, using a floating gun to blast the meteorite.

The face of Li Mo became more and more red, the Dyson ball started to rise at a speed of ten meters per minute ...

The distance of the dimension door plus the height of the Dyson ball is about 700 meters, and this short distance, Li Mo feels like a lifetime.

Finally, after the entire sphere entered the door of dimension, Li Mo's spirit relaxed, his avatar completely collapsed, and the door of dimension was closed.

Although it is said that this Dyson ball has exceeded McQueen's teleportation ability, after entering the void dimension, McQueen, who has already become the dimension demon who controls the entire space rules, is fully capable of playing with this gadget.

Under the control of McQueen, this neutron star Dyson ball slowly flew into the eyes of the huge head of ignorance.

Countless blue energy pillars began to entangle them, and hundreds of meters of alchemy modules refined by the truth laboratory flew up and filled them in order.

Soon, a lifelike eye appeared, exuding blue and white light.

Li Mo, who was once again condensed, nodded with satisfaction after seeing, "McQueen, how is it?"

"Exactly as expected!"

McQueen's energy body appeared beside him. "This eye can release hot rays with a temperature of up to 10 million degrees Celsius, and it can also provide stable heat for the forging factory of the truth laboratory."

"More wonderfully, with reference to the starburst weapon of the Shia Empire, under the design of Perus, it can shoot a bullet-sized neutron star material missile. Although the loss is a bit large, we also have our own starburst weapon."

"Very good." Li Mo nodded, thinking for a while and then suddenly said, "McQueen, ignorance has changed most of it, let it be your body."

"Boss, you don't need to consider it for me." McQueen was a little surprised. "If I use it as my ontology, under the dimensional rules and a lot of energy, I can never enter the main universe again."

"I have my own consideration." Li Mo shook his head. "Just do it."

"Okay." McQueen, who had been accustomed to obeying orders, said nothing more, and after the members of the Master of the Truth and the Hydra City were evacuated, the transformation began directly.

The vast amount of energy in the void dimension continually converges on the huge head of ignorance, the light is getting more and more, just like a little sun.

Except for Li Mo, regardless of the members of the Hydra in the base on the plain, or the members of the Nether Masters, they all turned to cover their eyes.

At the same time, the Youquan system has been completely integrated into McQueen's body, and the black and purple fire of nothingness and the sea of ​​skeletons have grown stronger ...

After seven days, the ignorance was completely transformed into the body of the dimensional demon McQueen.

Of course, he did not choose to become human, but he solidified the body, after all, the laboratory of truth and the city of the Hydra are still inside.

At this point ~ ~ Li Mo had promised to have a safe haven completely formed, after all, what could be more secure than the body of a dimensional demon.

With the joint efforts of the truth laboratory and Hydra, McQueen's body will become stronger and stronger ...


A flash of white light, Li Mo's avatar appeared at the top of the Stark Building in New York.

With a wave of his hand, a ten-meter-high skeleton burning with the fire of the void hovered quietly in the sky.

Now that McQueen has become a dimensional demon, Li Mo can naturally summon his avatar into an alternative magic weapon.

The special point is that as long as he is not expelled, McQueen's avatar will always exist in the main universe.

"Oh shit!"

Li Mo cursed fiercely, "Who dares to release the expulsion circle and blast you into **** directly tens of thousands of miles away!"

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