Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 287: Speeches and vacations

"So, there will be a political change in the Skulu Empire?"

Nova Supreme frowned deeply, "So from your point of view, will they go from chaos to centralization as a result, disrupting the current balance?"

"Who knows?" Li Mo shrugged. "But in my opinion, it will take a long time for them to end the chaos in the country. Thousands of years of antagonism and class hatred are not so easy to resolve ..."

This is Li Mo talking to several gangsters in the Galactic Council.

The twin gods' blow-up of the Star Gate completely disconnected the Fairy Galaxy from the Milky Way.

Because Li Mo had previously infiltrated the Skulu Empire, he was invited by the Galactic Council when he appeared.

"Well, let's get here today." Galactic Speaker Romandler nodded with a smile. "Thank you for the information that Sir Li Mo brought, it is very important to us at this moment."

"My honor." Li Mo smiled, got up and shook hands with everyone.

Walking in the corridor full of three-dimensional cursors, he saw Speaker Garrow, the head of Sovilin Star, inviting him into his conference room.

"Is the conversation going well?" Speaker Gallo poured a glass of golden sparkling wine and handed it to Li Mo.

"That's it." Li Mo took the drink and took a sip. "I've already told them. I have to come here in person. These guys are too cautious."

"Don't blame them." Speaker Gallo sighed. "The situation is not so good now."

"The Skulu Empire is locked in a civil war, the Kree Empire closes the star gate, and the Queen of Shia and the Parliament are completely deadlocked."

"The three most powerful empires went wrong at the same time, and many saw this as a precursor to a storm."

Li Mo smiled and didn't answer. "You see me talking about the biological cocoon, how's it going, how long will it take?"

"We are currently at about the same pace as the High Priest, and it will take about half a year." Speaker Gallo replied: "The two sides reached a tacit agreement, stopped the internal struggle and see who can succeed in the end."

"Six months?" Li Mo stroked his chin. "It should be almost the same. I will help you with insurance in accordance with the contract."

"That's good." Speaker Gallo breathed a sigh of relief. "The energy index in the biological cocoons has far exceeded our understanding. I'm really afraid that something will happen."

"Then stop," Li Mo said indifferently.

"Can't stop." Speaker Garro smiled bitterly. "In order to continue the evolution of civilization, we are willing to take this risk ..."

After coming out of the Galactic Council, Li Mo directly asked McQueen to teleport himself to the earth.

A week has passed since the Skulu Empire event, and the earth has ushered in a peaceful time.

Li Mo returned to earth because of another thing.

The Hydra Academy in Sandar has been completed, and the first batch of students has been recruited. Under the strong demand of Ophelia, he must show up to speak.


New York, Stark Building conference hall.

Many media around the world have gathered here, and the latest 3D cameras have been set up.

The recruitment of members of the Hydra Academy is currently the hottest news. The long-awaited Li Mo's admission speech has attracted many reporters.

There is still half an hour before the speech. The reporters on the stage either talk to each other or rush to the manuscript by themselves, and there are people talking on the phone, a noisy scene.

In the left corner of the press bench, a handsome man with a scumbag looks at the phone while looking left and right.

"I know that there will be an excellent report. But I don't understand why I was asked to come. The channels for illegal drugs have just revealed clues ..."

"Shut up, Eddie." The tone on the other end of the phone was rather bad. "If you still want to go on, give me an honest obedience, remember, don't cause any more trouble!"

"OK ..." Eddie hung up the phone helplessly, "This is not what I want to do."

In the lounge next to the meeting room, Ophelia is dressing Li Mo's collar.

"I'm going to take a long vacation for myself." Li Mo waved his hands. "Think about what else is fun in the galaxy, what about Gao Tianzun's entertainment planet, maybe a mysterious journey, or should you stay with me Where are you going? "

"I'm very busy, very busy." Ophelia rolled her eyes angrily. "Your leisure is based on our busyness, so shut up and think about the speech later."

"Fluttering as much as you like, I'll take care of this." Li Mo smiled and put his hands on Ophelia's hips. "In a word, we haven't been in a long time ..."

Just then, Tony pushed open the door and walked in. "Wow, disturbing you? Excuse me, please continue."

The guy said as he opened a bottle of wine and took a sip.

"Finally willing to come out of the laboratory." Li Mo rolled his eyes, looked at Tony and drank half a bottle of wine, and frowned. "You **** started drinking again? If you still want children, just Drink less."

Tony sighed and looked at the bottle in his hand. "It's really hard for me to survive without this thing."

Li Mo came over, shook his head, and took away the half bottle of wine in his hand. "You should train a few heirs and accompany the little pepper."

"I'm looking for it and found a few very good kids." Tony suddenly became excited. "A 15-year-old girl who graduated from MIT actually assembled a set of steel armor."

"There is also a teenager named Dimas Zhao who is Dr. Zhao Hailun's nephew ..."

Seeing Tony look like this, Li Mo laughed. "How about Peter Parker I introduced to you?"

"Little **** boy ..." Tony showed a hint of warmth on his face. "Very kind and responsible. He wants to be a superhero, but I think he should continue to study."

"It's good to want to be a superhero." Li Mo shrugged. "And he did a good job. New Yorkers' good neighbors are much better than us."

"But he's still a child." Tony sighed, leaned on the sofa and looked out the window. "He should have a good youth, not a premature exposure to darkness."

"You have an extraordinary life, you can't stop fate." Li Mo suddenly thought of Caesar, a Cree child, Finnish Ke, the young Queen of Skulu, and Princess Lilith of the Shia Empire.

"Sometimes being an ordinary person is a kind of happiness, but more often, you can only meet your own destiny."

The atmosphere in the lounge suddenly became dull, and the two of them thought about each other and unknowingly killed several bottles of wine.

Li Mo didn't fart, Tony had flown to sleep with Harako.

Just then Ophelia, who had just been out, opened the door. "Boss, time is up."

Li Mo straightened her collar and walked out.

As soon as they came to the podium, there were warm applause and whistle.

When Li Mo first debuted, most people thought that he was an R-level hero with evil abilities. There were few admirers, and most of them had some special hobbies.

But as he entered the universe, it instantly became the most famous of all superheroes.

Human beings long for the unknown and explore the endless starry sky, so Li Mo bears too many people's dreams unknowingly.

This can be seen from all kinds of messy, long-term sales of comics about his space adventure.

Li Mo himself bought several books and was almost amused. There is a woman who says that he has done all races in the universe like the Star Lord.

This is not stigmatizing, but you have a bottom line ...

The applause lasted a long time, and the live signal spread all over the world, and many people sat in front of the TV to watch it.

There are middle-aged people who are busy with their livelihoods and whose dreams are held in their hearts, as well as teenagers with imagination. At this moment, they can't help but wave their fists.

After the applause stopped, Li Mo smiled and picked up the microphone. "Wow, thank you for your enthusiasm."

"There must be many people watching at this moment, and you must also want to hear a shocking speech and enjoy a bowl of **** chicken soup, such as" Barbara's journey of the human being is the stars and the sea ... "

"But!" Li Mo's expression became serious. "I want to tell you the cruel truth."

"In 1981, the world's first space shuttle" Columbia "successfully launched for the first time, creating a new feat of human spaceflight. Astronaut John Young, who was on the mission at the time, said excitedly,

I believe that the days between humans and other planets will not be far off! "

"But the fact is that when Columbia returned to the voyage after the 28th mission, it exploded and disintegrated over Texas, and all 7 astronauts on board were killed."

"Almost in most science fiction works, humans have established a vast galaxy empire."

"But the truth is that the Earth is not even eligible to join the Galactic Council for protection."

"Humans imagine that other civilizations in the universe have the same universal value as the Earth."

"But the truth is that this universe is turbulent."

"No distinction between good and evil, only survival."

"No order, just strength."

"All civilizations, even the most powerful empire, are struggling to achieve the progress of civilization."

Li Mo's words silenced the entire conference room.

The eyes of many people in front of the TV set even showed confusion and fear.

At the headquarters of the Sky Sword Bureau under preparation for the Earth Federation, the director Abigail Brand shook his head and said to Maria Hill next to him: "This guy, do you want to scare people by saying such an exaggeration?"

Maria Hill remembered the scenes of the war in the Skulu Empire and smiled bitterly, "Trust me, it is far more terrifying than he said."

In the Stark Building meeting room,

Li Mo looked at the reporters with shocked expressions, smiled and pointed his fingers at Eddie. "This reporter who looks like a Hollywood star, I ask you a question."

"Why do you think I opened the Hydra Academy?"

Eddie stood up, hesitated and said, "You want to add reliable people. Earth people are the most suitable."

"Uh ..." Li Mo looked at him and shook his head. "To tell the truth, your reporter's job is certainly not long."

Eddie sat down with a shrug.

"He's right." Li Mo continued holding the microphone and said, "I did hold such an idea, but later discovered that it was actually a joke."

"It's just too cost-effective to train Earth people in large numbers."

"Genes determine that the Earthlings are not enough to adapt to space and require a lot of fortifications. And many displaced alien refugees will have absolute loyalty if they give him a meal and a place to stay."

"But even so, I decided to open Hydra Academy."

There was a sudden applause again in the conference room.

"Good job, it's a superhero!" Many reporters applauded loudly.

"You're too excited ..." Li Mo rolled his eyes. "I won't invest too much energy in Hydra Academy."

The reporters froze again.

"You are too used to relying on others, and no civilization in the universe is prosperous by support."

"Hydra College is actually just a springboard."

"Some people want to learn the technology of other civilizations and fight for the future of mankind. Yes, come to Hydra Academy."

"Someone wants to learn to fly a starship and explore the infinite universe. Yes, come to Hydra Academy."

"There is still a long way for human beings to truly enter the age of the universe. The answer needs you to find for yourself."

"So, come to Hydra Academy."

Li Mo smiled, "By the way, the first three years of the basic course are free, and the remaining two years will be paid for further studies."

"Of course, the stars are collected. The earth has not yet, so students have to find ways to earn by themselves."

"Okay, that's all."

After speaking, Li Mo turned and walked out of the conference room.

Li Mo's admission speech has sparked heated debate around the world.

Some people say he is alarmist, and some people say he has an unspeakable purpose.

Of course, the issue of charging is also the focus.

Say good to charity, why suddenly play this out?

Many reporters couldn't find Li Mo and had to leave this question to Ophelia who was in charge of enrollment.

Ophelia gave an answer coldly,

"This is the first lesson given by President Li Mo,"

"The fittest survives in the universe!"

At this time, Li Mo did not care about the disturbances on the earth, and came to the elven country of Elfheim to enjoy a leisurely holiday time.

The Elven population has begun to explode, and the second city was completed by January.

Under the command of Angelina, the guardian of severe secondary disease, the elves completely copied Darnassus.

Li Mo put a recliner on the balcony of the Luna Temple, shaking it every day, watching the ray of light falling from the towering deep forest ~ ~ occasionally teasing the elves who walked between beautiful buildings Loli, really lived a leisurely life for a while.

Until two weeks later, Perus, the head of the second group of the Void Master of the Truth Lab, sent a request.

"Boss, the magic metal that the Lava Devil has obtained in other dimensions has been fully stored, is it possible to start the supplementary construction of ignorance?"

"What is your plan?" Li Mo asked.

Perus immediately transmitted a large amount of information. "At that time, your idea was to use the radiating neutron star Dyson ball as the main body of the eyeball. After many designs, it has been achieved."

"What about the impact of gravity?"

"It can be reduced by 95%, and it still has some impact."

"not enough!"

Li Mo shook his head, "Convene a few main mages in the second group, and we will take you to Nidaville to study and study."

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