Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 276: Wakanda's Different Destiny

On the dark side of the moon, Atlan, the alien capital.

In the Palace Square, members of the alien race lined up in batches. Some whispered, others frightened, and all looked up.

A bizarre bizarre man carrying a device invented by Reed flew over the sky. Whenever the fuchsia radiation emitted by this device swept through a group of people, he immediately ran to the next group.

Ordinary people do n’t know, so I do n’t know what the horror test is, but nobody dares to resist or even make a loud noise.

One is because the rebellion just ended the previous two days, and then there was the Black Bat King leading various generals and elite fighters to stand on the high platform and stare at each other.

"Look at your good deeds!" Medusa was angry at the sight of the swaying Maximus next to her. "Collusion with the Skulus has left us such a terrible disaster."

Maximus yawned, an expression I couldn't hear anyone talking.

The anger in Medusa's chest burst out instantly, and her long red hair fluttered like a snake. Her sister Crystal quickly held her hand and shook her head gently.

First looking at her sister, and looking at it when she couldn't see it, a black bat king with a worried expression, Medusa stunned the fire again.

She didn't want her husband to be embarrassed, and to be honest, although there was no power, Maximus also had a special status in Attilam. Not because of this guy's identity, but his IQ.

Someone said that God took you one thing and it will inevitably leave you with another talent. Maximus is a typical example.

He has no abilities, but his knowledge and IQ are far beyond ordinary people. He has amazing talents in scientific research. All the high-tech equipment of Attilum comes from his own hands.

Seeing no more disputes here, Black Bat King relieved and looked at the crowd under test again, but remembered Tony's advice before leaving.

Alien Royal Guard Captain Gorgon is a tall black man with a large black bull hoof, alertly guarding each batch of inspectors with an electromagnetic axe. Whenever a group of newcomers test, they will involuntarily clenched the axe in their hands.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the side of the palace exploded. The black bat king's eyes were frozen, and he flew over at a very fast speed.

Many people think that his power is ultrasound, but they don't know that this is the royal family's biggest secret. Since he was born, his body has been continuously absorbing external electromagnetic forces. With this power, he can improve his physical fitness. He can fly and survive in the void. The sound he emits is just a pseudo-sound wave, so he can be in the universe. propagation.

The explosion occurred at the original Genetic Commission, and some Skulus who have revealed their original form are fighting the guards who forced them to carry out tests.

The alien race sounds powerful, but in fact, most people's awakening powers are not suitable for combat. In the palace guards, the attributes that can attach their weapons can already become team captains. Therefore, the Skulus have advanced laser guns. In front, there was a clear downwind.

Black Bat King landed among more than a dozen Skullurs. His power was too powerful to be easily used. In addition, he wanted to catch live, so he chose melee.

A Skulu was stunned with a punch, turned and twisted the guy to the enemy who was preparing to shoot. After the others arrived, more than a dozen Skulus were all subdued by the Black Batman. .

The royal adviser Karneck walked in front of the Black Bat King after observing it, and said solemnly, "It is all junior staff of the genetic committee, and I suspect that all of our genetic samples have been stolen."

The Dark Batman's expression was a bit heavy, and he nodded and went out alone. The guard Gorgon wanted to follow, but the queen Medusa stopped him and shook his head. "Let him be alone."

The Black Bat King flew to the top of the palace and looked at the city at his feet silently.

He was born with powerful power, but he killed his parents by mistake because he lost control. This childhood shadow has always accompanied him to grow up, resulting in a very cautious character.

In fact, to speak plainly is to have soft ears and lack self-confidence and determination. Because he knew that his mighty power could cause serious consequences at any time, coupled with the burden of shouldering the king's responsibility, he started to look at things with some care.

He didn't blame Maximus at all this time, because he had seen how much white eyes and discrimination he had received from a young boy who had no strength.

The ethnic divisions caused by the caste system, and the inferior people's numbness and lack of hope. These are the problems that Attilan faces. He has always wanted to change this situation, but caused the mutiny of the Genetic Commission because of looking ahead.

This incident is a wake-up call for Black Bat King. He plans to immediately reform the system and join the Earth Federation with an open attitude.

Will Earth people really accept them?

He hopes so ...


Wakanda, Africa.

Li Mo's judgment is correct, this is indeed the hardest hit area.

After discovering the magical Zhenjin, the Skulus were ecstatic and had secretly sneaked in to replace a large number of key personnel. The few scientists who had risen to the top because of their outstanding contributions were all Skulus.

They originally wanted to occupy this place, just to be safe, they had been secretly transporting Zhenjin outwards.

This situation would have lasted for a long time, and no one could detect it. But the situation changed after the timeline was changed, and the Skulus exposed in advance directly used the spacecraft to carry out the robbery.

Wakanda's powerful energy shield and closed state policy turned into major weaknesses, and all spacecraft were destroyed as soon as possible. What the frontier's iron armored rhinoceros, the brave and powerful women's guards, became a joke in front of the powerful Skulu.

The once-advanced city was full of ruins, the palace was burning, the elderly king did not die at the United Nations protests, but died in the hands of aliens in his home.

The young black panther Techara was completely insane, and relied on a flying skateboard invented by his sister, Princess Surui, to jump on a Skullish spacecraft, and launched destruction from the inside.

The cigar-headed diamond-winged spacecraft quickly exploded and crashed to the ground. The unharmed black panther jumped out, watching the remaining five spaceships wantonly slaughtered in the sky.

Just then, Princess Su Rui's excited voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "Brother, our friend Li Mo sent soldiers to help!"

The energy shield in the sky gradually disappeared, and Tony led a roar of dozens of steel armored legions, followed by ten magic puppets temporarily sent by Li Mo.

The advantage in the air was lost, the pressure on the ground was relieved, and the surviving people of Wakanda began to drag their loved ones from the rubble.

The Skulu's technology far surpassed that of the Zitaris who had invaded the earth. Although Tony himself was powerful, his steel armour firepower was not enough to destroy the Skulu's spacecraft. He simply came to the ground to launch rescue.

In the eyes of the Black Panther, the magical urns burning black-purple flames poured the fire and broke the Skulu spacecraft's protective field, while jumping on the spacecraft and drawing out a large sword, the destruction was like tofu. Destroyed almost all Skulu spacecraft almost instantaneously.

The young black panther took off his mask and showed a painful face. He walked down to the imperial palace where only the ruins were left, crying silently holding his father's body ...


Two days later, the Stark Building.

The Black Panther Chaca, who has already ascended the throne, gave Li Mo a deep hug: "Thank you my friend, I will always remember your help to Wakanda."

Li Mo thought of the old king who shook his door, and shook his head.

The Black Panther left after leaving a large number of gold contracts. He came here to take an oath to join the Earth Federation on behalf of Wakanda, and just a day ago, the alien race sent a messenger to the Earth Federation, indicating that he wanted to join the Federation. Will.

The decision of two powerful forces that have never appeared at the same time to join the Earth Confederation is rejoicing, but some high-level federations have different attitudes towards the two forces.

Fortunately, Wakanda said that although he deceived everyone in the United Nations for a long time, they are all native Earth people. After all, coupled with advanced technology and magical gold resources, they are very popular among countries.

However, many people remain skeptical of aliens. These guys look human, but they are actually all mixed races with alien blood.

The alien aliens of the Earth were all unstable factors in various countries because of their magical power. In addition to maintaining harmony in China, other countries have not anatomically imprisoned them.

The sudden emergence of a stranger country really made many European and American high-ranking officials blame themselves. The benefits of their joining the federation did not seem obvious in the face of the hidden dangers.

And some people of the alien race have the first-class mind to tell the truth, and always have a sense of superiority in their words.

That night, the Federation hosted a grand welcome dinner, but a conflict arose between the staggered schemes.

The stranger's royal guard took a sip with a glass of wine. Although he was wearing a suit, he did not like to wear shoes and exposed the two big cow hoofs. Many people's faint strange eyes made him extremely upset.

There are many people in the alien race who have physical abnormalities, and the tribe will only laugh at ordinary people who have no awakening ability.

Gorgon's ox hoof can emit a small range of shock waves, somewhat similar to the tauren's trample on war. He has always been proud of his abilities, but he never expected to be scorned here.

At this moment, a slight voice came from not far behind. The British Secretary of Defense drank a glass of wine, and whispered with a hint of jokes and colleagues next to him: "I think humans must , Such as your own cattle, have had an intimate relationship. "

The person next to him shook his head with a smile, and the Minister of Defense raised eyebrows for his humor.

"What do you mean asshole!"

Gorgon was furious and turned to raise the chunky white defense minister in the air with one hand.

What happened here quickly caught everyone's attention, and Black Bat King, who was dealing with high-level nations under Tony's leadership, rushed to stop Gorgon.

The British Secretary of Defense has never been as embarrassed in the public as before, and scolded out of breath: "Rusty guy, do you think you are great, compared to our British captain? tire…"

"Shut up, stupid pig!"

Tony came up and pushed the British Secretary of Defense away, saying fiercely, "Your behavior is ashamed of us!"

Black Bat King kept his face silent, and Maximus, who had been silent all night, laughed and said to himself with a mocking tone: "I said that your idea was too naive, these low Other ethnic groups have difficulty understanding the greatness of alien races. "

Black Bat King looked at his queen, but Medusa, who had always been unwilling to deal with Maximus, did not refute it. Instead, he raised a glass to Maximus and said it well. All the other strangers who followed were also indignant.

The Black Bat King sighed, nodded to Tony, turned around and walked out of the door, other members of the alien race followed.

Tony hurried to catch up, but Queen Medusa turned to stop him, "Mr. Tony Stark, you are a friend of the alien race, but IMHO, at the moment the alien race was born, we are no longer Belongs to humans. "

After speaking, he turned away without looking back.

Tony was so anxious to scold his mother that he knew the potential of the alien race and how important it is for the future of the earth, but turned around and looked around. Many people looked with a hint of indifference, and obviously did not regard alien races as similar.

At this moment, Tony suddenly felt tired.

The alien member who walked out of the banquet hall didn't stay, and grabbed the royal dog's tetanus hand in hand ~ ~ This big dog has a strong space transmission ability, and it will return when the light is distorted Attilan.

They gave up joining the Earth Federation.


Returning from the dinner, Tony and Li Mo recounted what happened today and complained bitterly.

Li Mo took a sip of red wine and shook his head. "This is normal. Although human beings shouted about rushing out of the universe, they were obviously not mentally prepared. When they saw all kinds of strange species, they even surpassed their imagination Only after a strong civilization of the United States understands that nothing is better than the continuation of race. "

Tony was silent for a while and sighed, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Li Mo nodded. "The confusion caused by the Skulus is over, and a lot of time has been delayed. Jessica and Susan must be rescued immediately."

"Fairy galaxy ..." Tony looked at the starry sky out of the window. "I don't know what it looks like there."

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