Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 256: Paradise Warfare (4)

Moon stars are thin, and dark clouds cover half the sky.

On the roof of a hotel in Rome, Li Mo and Dr. Dom suddenly appeared, and Marcus, tentacled and burning with the blue heavenly fire, floated in front of them.

"Old man, are you okay?" Li Mo asked with a sigh as he looked at the struggling Marcus.

"Here! Sinner!" Marcus screamed and turned angry, burning the blue heavenly fire, trying to burn the tentacles and break free.

However, everything was in vain, and the powerful flames that burned everything in the past were absorbed by the tentacles. After struggling for a while, Marcus himself was weak, and he could only yell and curse.

Li Mo ignored it, closed his eyes and felt the situation inside Marcus.

Ten minutes later, he opened his eyes slowly.

"How is it?" Dum asked.

"Some trouble ..." Li Mo frowned. "This kind of flame power is very weird, and it is infiltrated with the tight entanglement of the soul. I have a way, but I must be very careful in the operation and the time is not short. It takes one night. "

Dum frowned after listening. "Let's do the business first, maybe he will recover after solving the source."

"No," Li Mo turned and smiled, staring at Dr. Doom's eyes. "He is my friend. I don't want to cause him an accident because of an accident. The earth can be saved anytime, but my friend is gone." It's really gone. "

Dum was silent for a while. "Okay, you know my goal has always been Mephisto. Since you are all here, I won't blend in. I will wait for you in Las Vegas."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Mo's reply, he reached out his hand and waved a green light mist. After swirling around him like a whirlwind for a few times, the whole person disappeared.

Li Mo sighed at where Dum disappeared and turned to Marcus, who was still struggling in vain, and said, "Old man, if you're dead, I won't let you die."


Early the next morning.

With the sound of church bells, the city of Rome seemed to come alive.

In the park, at the end of the street, believers stepped out of their tents, washed their meals and prayed, and in the laughter, changed into the dignified clothes prepared in advance.

In various hotels, travelers who dress up freshly and neatly go out and see a stranger who is also a believer, they will also kindly greet, "The Lord is with you."

The crowds gathered quickly and quickly blocked the streets and lanes of Rome. On this day, few people drove to the streets. Many companies chose to rest, and many families were men, women, and children.

There are too many people pouring into Rome. Not everyone has the opportunity to enter the inner city of the Vatican to admire miracles, but the devout believers have not left. The Roman city government paid a huge price to install 3D projection equipment for live broadcasting in various squares and crowded streets.

The Mass Mass will be held at ten in the morning, and since nine o'clock, devout believers have been unable to hold back their excitement. Some people are holding the Bible aloud, and some people are kissing the cross with tears in their faces. The priests around the world also began to spread the word on the scene.

News stations around the world have long parked news cars in various important squares. The reporters kept interviewing the people at the scene. Articles and live news were sent back continuously. Many countries also opened news columns for the scene. A live broadcast for believers who cannot attend, this is a grand event for the entire Christian world.

The key members of many countries have already been invited to enter St. Peter's Square in the inner city of the Vatican. The Italian government attaches great importance to it and specially dispatches troops to Rome for security work.

Straight planes kept flying in the air, and on the ground there were guarded policemen and soldiers with live ammunition.

Li Mo stood on the roof of the hotel and looked at the feverish city under his feet, turned and smiled and said, "This is a great pleasure. If these believers are to discover that the angel is fallen, how many people will collapse."

Marcus, who had recovered, was a little depressed, saying sadly: "These things should not be borne by them. They are just ordinary people. I will expose the conspiracy of Archangel Randgill in front of everyone."

Li Mo shook his head. "You are uncomfortable. The believers will treat you as an antichrist. Leave it alone. I will fix this."

"No, there must be a clergyman to step forward." Marcus said very firmly.

"Don't you already know the true colors of these angels?" Li Mo was a little strange.

The old tough guy Marcus burst into tears, "Even if heaven becomes hell, my faith remains unchanged. God really exists. It is no longer a certain god, but a light in my heart, a kindness and Righteousness. "

Li Mo shrugged after a moment of silence, "Well, since you insist, I will give you a stage."


Vatican City.

Those who can come here are truly devout believers. They keep reciting the Bible. Even with sweating in the crowd, their eyes are full of fanatical faith.

10 o'clock in the morning.

The bells of the churches near St. Peter's Square ringed melodiously, and the crowd of people suddenly quieted down, looking at the center of the square reverently.

A white guardrail has long been set in the center of the square, leaving ample aisles and stages.

With the sound of religious music, a group of old men in red robes and white top hats came out neatly.

The reporter at the scene gave a quick introduction: "Dear viewers, what you see now is the Cardinal Vatican Cardinals. They are responsible for the entire operation of the Holy See. When they enter the venue, it means that Mass has officially started."

Behind the Cardinals was a group of black priests, who held in their hands incense burners with precious incense. The fragrance gradually spread out in a gentle shaking.

The eight priests followed the huge throne, and the aged pope in a white robe sat calmly on the front of the stage, walked down with the help of two waiters, and came to the preaching table.

In the eyes of everyone, the pope's old voice sounded: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth is empty and chaotic, and the deep surface is dark. The Spirit of God is running on the water. God said: there is light, and then there is Light…"

After recounting the Genesis in the Bible, the Pope stopped to look at the crowd: "For countless years, miracles have not reappeared before the world. Some believers have even become suspicious, and now he comes."

"Arch, Randgill!"

As the pope shouted loudly, the choir's bright hymn sounded, and a light suddenly appeared in the center of the square. The tall Randgill was wearing silver armor, and the huge wings spread slowly down the center of the beam of light.

The crowd was boiling, and no words were needed at the moment. Many believers knelt down in tears with tears in their eyes, and the reporters went crazy. The camera faithfully sent this scene to millions of households, and the entire Christian world was in jubilation.

Although De Geer was suspended in the air ten meters above the ground, looking at the enthusiastic crowd, his eyes were calm without joy and sorrow.

He didn't say any words, but his own existence has left countless believers with a blank enthusiasm.

At this moment, he suddenly looked into the sky, many believers and members of the Holy See also followed his line of sight, and the smart television photographers also moved the lens upwards.

In everyone's eyes, a figure wearing a black interstellar combat suit and wearing a dark golden glowing magic array of black cardigan magic robes slowly dropped from the sky.

"Which tentacle man is Li Mo!"

Many recognized it immediately and exclaimed, "Isn't he in the universe, how did he appear here?"

Li Mo also suspended in the opposite direction ten meters away from the archangel Randgill, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, shaking his head and saying, "You angels really shouldn't appear."

Archangel Randgill did not speak, and slowly pulled out the angel's great sword.

"Wait a minute." Li Mo quickly made a pause gesture. "I don't want to fight with you yet. A friend wants to say a few words."

Archangel Randgill didn't speak after listening, and gave a mocking smile, waving with one hand, begging for help.

Li Mo shrugged, and then Marcus, who was wrapped in tentacles, suddenly appeared on the stage.

In the eyes of everyone, he first looked at the pope with blue light in his eyes and sighed, then took the microphone.

"God is with us!" Marcus looked at his eyes, his sad voice sounded after he drew a cross on his chest: "I am Marcus, the leader of the exorcist forces directly under the Holy See, here Swear in the name of God, everything I said is true, and two months ago, we received the revelation of the advent of angels ... "

After telling the story again, Marcus' eyes were filled with tears, "That's the case, the Holy See is right, the believers are right, those superheroes are right, we just didn't think of it as symbolizing freedom, compassion and forgiveness, and Archangel Michael, who was also the commander of the battle of the angels, Randkir ... like Lucifer at the time, chose to fall and betray God! "

Countless believers in the square stared at him in disbelief first, and then boundless anger.

"How dare to slander the archangel!"

"You antichrist!"

"Burning this man seduced by the devil!"

The roar of the body was ringing one after another, and although some people were also skeptical, they did not dare to speak in this frenetic atmosphere.

Although Marcus started to explain and swear, his anxious and sad voice soon drowned in the noisy and frantic shouts of the believers.

Some people pointed at Li Mo suspended in mid-air, and some even threw debris at him madly. Of course, those things are always bounced off by an invisible force.

Tony and Stranger, who had been hidden for a long time, saw that this situation was no longer a matter of plan, and went directly to Li Mo's side and stood firmly with him.

Li Mo didn't care about it, just looked at Marcus who was still explaining in vain.

"Humans ... it's stupid." Li Mo smiled bitterly at Stranger next to him, then glanced at the enthusiastic crowd in St. Peter's Square, and some annoyed voice sounded: "All to me ... shut up!"

The sound of magic performed thunderous like a thunder, and the noise of the square was suppressed with a rumbling ending, covering the entire city of Rome further and further.

"Ran de Keer!" Li Mo turned to stare into the archangel's eyes. "Why don't you speak?"

In the eyes of everyone, De Geer chuckled, and the melodious voice echoed throughout the square, "He's right!"

The believers were silent for a moment, and they stared at the angel in the light with an unbelievable glance, feeling a sense of collapse.

"God will punish you!"

Some believers shouted in dismay.


"Hahaha ..." Randkir turned sharply after hearing, "Where is he?"

His expression had become a little crazy, Yang Tian roared, "Have you heard that, your followers are asking you where you are? Coming soon, come down and punish me! ... Come on!"

After yelling like a lunatic for a while, Dekir lowered his head and shrugged, "As you can see, he is absent and will never be ..."

"No, he is in our hearts!"

Marcus' angry voice sounded, "He is light, he is truth, kindness, and holiness ..."

"Shut up stupid!"

However, Dekill interrupted Marcus with annoyance. The armor on his body kept turning black, and the original sculpture-like handsome face turned gray. The pupils glowed red, and the huge white wings gradually became darker. Finally, it became black like ink ~ ~ Showing his fallen angel image, he raised his hands, and a group of fallen angels who also had black wings slowly descended from the sky.

This group of fallen angels trooped and pulled out the dark sword, and surrounded them with Li Mo. The crowd in the square was finally scared, and some of them fled outward in chaos and chaos.

However, De Geer's original melodious and clear voice became husky and echoed.

"You ants don't know anything ..."

"All he has brought you is disappointment!"

"You guys ... just want a god."

"That being the case, I will give you a god."

"At the cost of your soul."

"Today ... I will be on the highest seat of the throne!"

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