Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 247: Battle Plan & Soul Casino

Inside the colorful nebula-shaped stellar disk, a huge skull of 2,000 kilometers long ignorantly floating quietly in the void.

Looking away, you can see a black-purple flame swirling around it.

When you get closer, you will find that there are tens of thousands of 100-meter-high skeleton floating cannons, with purple light in their eyes, and the burning black-purple void fire has become a piece.

And if you study it carefully, you will see that this skull cloud is engulfing the surrounding nebula material. Whenever it accumulates to a certain degree, a new skull will be split to join the ranks.

Ignorantly, the original cortical transmission center has been transformed. McQueen removed the transmission device and turned it into a spherical command center with a diameter of several kilometers.

In the center is a 100-meter-long circular podium, while the surrounding is a step-type auxiliary operating platform. Hundreds of commanding elites wearing black and blue uniforms with armbands engraved with Hydra are staring at their respective operating platforms. Three-dimensional screen summarizes information.

On the circular podium, a huge three-dimensional three-dimensional view was suspended in the air, and Li Mo was explaining.

"The Abyss Hell dimension ruled by the dimension demon Marduk is a small pocket universe in the shape of a funnel, which is said to have 30 floors."

"The area of ​​the first layer is slightly larger than that of the Milky Way, and it gradually decreases in turn, and the rules of the spatial dimension become more and more strange. The ordinary three-dimensional creatures of the main universe can only reach the seventh layer at the most. Go to dormancy. "

"According to the information returned by the Voidwalker, the planet where the lava demon is located is on the fourth floor, the dimensional energy has begun to be dense, and the geological activities are very active, so a lot of magic metals can be born."

"Let's talk about your thoughts." Li Mo sat in a floating chair after speaking.

Ophelia stood up and zoomed into the red planet. "The lava demon's planet is surrounded by a demon unit under Romdak."

After zooming in again, you can see that the planet is surrounded by more than two dozen kilometers of demon spaceships, which are composed of strange rocks with rough-style mines, driven by demon arrays, and spraying blood-red flames.

"The number of this unit is unknown. It is estimated that it will not exceed 500,000, but their individual combat capabilities are very powerful, so this time they mainly rely on magic puppets to attack."

"From the strength point of view, we have not much advantage, and according to Kubaka, there are dozens of similar troops in Romdak. So my suggestion is to make a quick decision and exit the abyss dimension immediately after success."

The boss then stood up, "The Nether Masters and McQueen conducted a space calculation. As long as the space beacons are fixed, the dimensional shuttle can be made near that planet within ten minutes of ignorance. Evacuation also takes the same time . "

Perus, deputy head of the Nether Masters, reported: "With full production, the number of skeleton floating guns has now exceeded 10,000, and the magic puppet army has reached 50,000. My suggestion is to wait another week. . Only after the number of skeleton floating guns exceeds 25,000 will a true Youquan system be formed, while the puppet army's existing materials are lacking and can only reach 70,000 at most. "

Li Mo frowned and knocked at the table, "It's still a week? But I'm worried that the lava demon can't last that long. The news has spread, and a lot of other dimensions of the demon will invade there. Romdak must have no patience to drag on . "

"Let's do this," Li Mo thought for a moment and said, "I'll take a team of troops to support first, and try to drag it to completion without knowing it."

"Boss, you can't do this!" The others were anxious. Ophelia advised: "As a leader, you cannot take risks on your own."

"Don't worry." Li Mo waved his hand. "Marduk was dormant. I was very safe. I ran back from failure. But in case of ignorance, I would cry. This is my whole family. . "

Seeing the crowd to persuade, Li Mo stood up and said, "It's so decided."

"Prepare now and do your job. I'll leave in an hour!"


Earth, Las Vegas, Nevada.

During the Great Depression of the United States, in order to weather the economic crisis, the Nevada Legislature passed a bill on legal gambling, and Las Vegas has quickly risen to become a world-famous gambling city.

Today, relying on the gambling industry to drive tourism, it has become a comprehensive entertainment city and a sin city.

A few months ago, a black Gothic skyscraper stood up and was named Soul Casino.

When it appeared, it attracted many gamblers, where you can enjoy the extreme joy of the world.

What's even more mysterious is its underground casino. Legend has it that the soul is used as a bet and you can get anything you want, but only a half-claw message is coming out. All the people who want to explore are mysteriously missing.

At this time it was night, and the casinos in the building were brightly lit, and all the glamorous girls in cool clothes were walking around the tables with champagne.

At one of the gambling tables, William, a bearded professional gambler, lost his eyes. He couldn't figure out what happened to him. After coming here, he completely lost his calm and lost all his family members. clean.

Looking at the chips that were finally taken away by the dealer, William remembered a legend, gritted his teeth and asked, "I heard, you can pledge 1 million chips with your soul here?"

The gamblers next to them laughed, and a white fat man sarcastically said, "You guy is crazy."

But the dealer nodded with a smile. "Yes, sir, there is such a rule."

William first made a mistake, and then asked with some confusion: "If I lose too, will you kill me or keep me from leaving?"

The dealer smiled, "You are free to leave, we will not hurt you."

Is the owner of this casino a fool?

A delight in William's heart, he said aloud, "Well, I press my soul!"

Half an hour later, William lost again cleanly and left the casino in despair.

The gambler next to him stumbled, but he was really free to leave?

After looking at each other, both hands were raised.

"I bet my soul!"

"And me, can you take the money away?"

"Exactly, sir."

"Awesome, I'll bet!"

Outside the hotel, William, penniless, was surrounded by a group of black men.

"You guy should have won a lot?" The leading black man smiled. "Even with a profit of 200,000 US dollars, happy cooperation."

William's face was a bit ugly. "Well ... can you lend me another 100,000, you know that with my technology ..."

"Fk!" The black man was surprised first, and then annoyed. He made a lot of money by relying on temporary lending to smart gamblers, but this situation is the last thing he wants to encounter.

Because if a gambler wants to borrow money to make a copy, it means he will lose forever.

Thinking of this, the **** man was annoyed and gave William a fierce punch.


William slammed on the ground, and his head was right on the iron railing next to him. The blood bleed out slowly, and the man flustered for a few moments.

"Oh!" The **** man felt extremely unlucky, he just wanted to learn a lesson, and he killed someone.

"Get out of here ... Ah!"

After the black man whispered something to his men, he turned around, and a fist appeared on the face to stun him.

Matt in a suit slowly retracted his fist, and hurriedly called the police. The group of black men saw that they left unpredictably and hurriedly.

Frank Cassall, who stood aside, ignored the matter at all, and looked at the Soul Building with anticipation, "Let's go."

After that, he strode to the building.

The horse nodded and followed.

After they left, the police quickly rushed to apprehend the suspect, explored the body, and the scene was busy.

What the police couldn't see was that William, who had already become a soul, looked at his body with a stupid look, "I'm ... so dead?"

As William lamented and looked forward to going to heaven, a tall red-skinned demon suddenly appeared and grabbed him, "According to the contract, your soul now belongs to the great Lord Lord Murphy."

After that, William's frightened eyes shook out the agreement he had just signed at the casino.

"This is real?"

"No, no, I don't want to go to hell, I'm going to heaven, Lord, save me!"

The ground suddenly cracked a fissure filled with hot magma, and countless pairs of rotten hands dragged the screaming William and the crack disappeared.

"Angels, those guys are even more assholes." The red-skinned demon sneered dismissively and his shape faded away.

Daredevil Matt and Punisher Frank walked into the magnificent hall and came to the front desk.

The blonde in a black uniform smiled politely at the front desk. "Good evening, two gentlemen, would you like to exchange chips?"

Frank handed a black card expressionlessly, and the card was printed with only a bronzing pattern "M".

The front desk of the beauties respectfully smiled after receiving the card. "Please wait for two people."

Later, a white man in a strong suit led them into a hidden corridor on the side of the hall, with an elevator at the end.

After entering the elevator, Frank found that the elevator did not have any floor buttons.

Is it a special elevator controlled by people?

Just when he was strange, the white big man put his hand on the elevator wall.

A magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground, and the entire elevator suddenly burst into a strong red light.

The light flashed and the three disappeared.

Outside the hotel, not long after the police left, a portal with a golden spark suddenly appeared in place.

Strinch and Pharaoh came out.

"Here it is, who could have thought that Mephisto dared to open a casino grandly." Pharaoh said as he took out the magic weapon Vatombo wand.

"What are you doing, put it away." Strange shook his head. "We are not fighting today."

"But Mephisto is inside." Pharaoh pointed to the soul building and said.

"I know." Strange said with a tired expression. "But we can't afford the cost of multi-line operations."

"Too many demons peeking at the earth, Mephisto is fairly principled. We focus on guarding a guy like Domham, who is devouring the entire earth."

"Furthermore, we have no good way for Mephisto. His strength will drop sharply after leaving Hell, so this on earth is only a trivial avatar, and even if it disappears, it will come again soon."

"What shall we do?" Pharaoh had a headache.

Strinch smiled. "I decided to threaten him."

After entering the hotel, under the magic of the two, they quickly saw Mephisto on the top floor of the hotel.

Mephisto's avatar at this time was a delicate old man in a gorgeous black dress, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and watching the brilliant lights outside the window.

"Fallen, indulgent, tyrannical ... isn't this a wonderful city, is it?" Mephisto turned and turned his head, smiling, and said, "New Supreme Master, are you here to threaten me, why are you here? ? "

Strinch opened his mouth, and muttered a long time later, "I can keep staring at you and make you feel uncomfortable on earth."

"Ah ... I'm so scared!"

Mephisto made a funny look in disdain.

"I'll say I'm going to fight." Pharaoh stared at Strang in dissatisfaction.

Mephisto waved his hand. "Come on, can you talk like a civilized man, don't just kill and kill everybody. I'm a businessman."

Strange stopped the Pharaoh, and stared at Mephisto's eyes and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Conspiracy? No, there is no conspiracy." Mephisto shrugged. "It's nothing more than a soul trade. It's been around since the birth of humanity, isn't it ... ah ... we are the oldest profession."

"You know, hell's business is sluggish now." Mephisto said while pouring a glass of wine for each of them. "So I did some industry optimization."

Seeing the two still looking at themselves with dark faces, Mephisto rolled his eyes. "Well, if you don't worry, I can show you."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, Rinku appeared in the hotel's various casino halls, "Provide the best service to customers, put an end to all the old people, there is absolutely no black box operation."

"They mortgaged their souls!" Strinch frowned.

"I wish you would." Mephisto shrugged.

Subsequently, he waved another wave, and a huge colosseum appeared in the image. "The hotel's second pillar industry, the Soul Arena. It is specially provided for VIPs. You can use your soul as a bet in exchange for your loved ones. soul."

Strangy's face was a bit bad. He found the figures of Daredevil Matt and Punisher Frank. Although they did not deal with each other, they also knew that they were famous heroes.

Mephisto smiled after seeing Strange's expression ~ ~ How sad it was that two sad people wanted to redeem their past. "

"You deliberately kept their loved ones' souls?" Stranger asked.

"Yes." Mephisto shrugged. "I even retained Paget Carter's soul for the so-called Godly Captain America."

"These people should have gone to heaven!" Stranger was angry.


Mephisto sneered, a hint of playfulness appeared in the corner of his mouth, "Have you ever seen Eden in person?"



Outside the city of truth, on the huge starship platform, a team of thousands of magic puppets are boarding the McQueen in an orderly and orderly manner.

In the shimmering cockpit, Li Mo sat on the captain of the empty hall and took a cigarette and took a deep breath. "Mr. McQueen, haven't you always complained that you want to go out, this time It's just us two. "

McQueen's projection appeared next to him, compared to a Vulcan gesture.

Outside the spacecraft, several members of the Nether Mage quickly opened a huge dimensional door in mid-air after all the magic puppet troops had boarded.

McQueen floated slowly, rushed into the door of dimension and disappeared.

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