Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 229: Catching Star Giant

In the deep and silent universe, Hydra's huge fleet suddenly jumped out of the void.

After sailing for one hour at double the speed, it entered an unfamiliar star zone and stopped at the speed. The huge propellers at the rear of the spacecraft ignited blue flames, and the entire fleet was slow in a diamond array. Marching.

This is a broken star system. The central star has become a red giant, and the major planets surrounding it have been partially halved, like dead wood hollowed by tapeworms. Some have simply shattered and turned into a meteorite belt.

Several ships of the fleet were already lively.

The six cuboids in the middle, with diamond-shaped bows at the front, are specially customized troop carriers in Sandal.

The Hydra and non-staff recruited on the earth have awakened from the freezer compartment. Due to their physical conditions, it is difficult to adapt to space navigation, so they all entered the freezer sleep compartment during the space jump.

After alleviating the discomfort just after waking up, everyone drank some hot water and nutrients, put on a dark blue space suit printed with the Hydra emblem, and lined up in an orderly manner to enter a medical channel. .

People who have stayed on land for a long time just entered the universe and will inevitably experience symptoms such as decalcification, muscle relaxation, dizziness, and loss of direction.

In this medical channel, they will undergo automated medical examinations and inject drugs.

Out of the medical channel, there is a side training ground on each floor. The metal ground and rows of various deep space training devices are full of iron blood.

Buddy's Buddy is a huge, muscular Cree who has been wandering in the universe after escaping from the resistance organization. He later joined the Bald Party. He is a recruit trainer at this level.

"Hurry up, these soft-footed reptiles!" Buddy shouted fiercely, holding his hands on his back: "Everyone must complete the standard training, and they can only survive when they are strengthening!"

The members of the Hydra didn't speak. Although their muscles were weak and their movements were deformed, all of them fortified their sweats and tried hard to train.

Most of them have undergone cruel military training on the earth, and sometimes even lost their lives, so the pretending to be fierce Buddy is gentle to them.

Buddy walked around in satisfaction, correcting some people's movements from time to time.

He suddenly understood why Mrs. Viper wanted to recruit soldiers on the earth. Although these guys were poor in physical fitness, their personality was not less than that of perseverance and discipline.

As long as basic physical reinforcements have been carried out in Sandal, after a systematic interstellar combat training, a prototype of a powerful army appears.

He had begun to imagine that he could lead such a group of people to fight, even as a small captain.

At the same time, members of the accompanying Earth Expedition also awakened from another spacecraft.

They were much more comfortable. After undergoing a medical examination, they entered the huge observation cabins on each floor and drank coffee while chatting.

The mysterious universe fascinated them, and although they stopped several times in the middle, no one wanted to waste time sleeping in the lounge.

Thomas was a member of the American expedition. He was also a poetic literary youth when he was at Harvard University. He looked at the scenery outside the window and wanted to say a few words. "It seems that politics is right, and I couldn't think of a word in the face of such a spectacle."

Everyone around laughed and laughed, and a member of a German expedition shook his head and said, "We just need to record what we have seen and heard truthfully, but leave the art to the future."

Just as they passed a white planet, the planetary probe suddenly detected traces of civilization, and then displayed real-time images in the observation cabin lobby.

This is a dilapidated city. Many floors that are thousands of meters high have collapsed in half. After an unknown amount of time, the sand has become a mottled ruin.

At the same time, the voice of the central computer also introduced indifferently: "Hello tourists, you are now seeing a civilization relic called Longston, which is recorded as extinct 200 years ago because of the energy war."

Everyone swallowed.

"This will certainly not be the case for the future of the earth!" One mumbled.

"Yes, we will never allow it!"

The members of the expedition talked eloquently.

After another 20 minutes, the fleet stopped suddenly.

Although the members of the expedition were strange, they did not ask. Before they left, they were told the rules of action: watch more, listen more, and cut in.

On the flagship Viper, Ophelia said solemnly: "All-round detection of the target."

As soon as her words fell, a three-dimensional image of an asteroid about three kilometers in diameter appeared in the command hall. It was a huge irregular stone body covered with potholes and bumps. A number of data appeared continuously, and the sound of the central intellectual brain sounded ...

"Energy detection ... normal."

"Spectrum detection ... normal."

"Space exploration ... there are huge holes in the center."

"Bioprospecting ... no suspicious creatures were found."

After listening to all the reports, Ophelia frowned. "Do the coordinates match?"

"The coordinates are correct, and previous investigations have shown that there has been no abnormality in the recent period."

Ophelia thought for a moment, and solemnly ordered, "Send an unmanned ship in."

Soon, a small hatch on the side of the flagship opened, and a 20-meter-long unmanned reconnaissance spacecraft flew out. The tail flamed blue flames into the hollow at the top of the asteroid and was displayed in the flagship command hall A live image was produced.

There is no trace of light inside, and the surrounding walls appear in a strangely wrinkled state when the light is turned on.

After the probe spacecraft traveled 800 meters, a spectacle appeared in front of everyone.

The large cavities were densely covered with pink stone-like crystals, layered in layers.

After the detection data was displayed, the next lieutenant exclaimed: "Quis high-energy crystal! This thing is so valuable that it can form a vein!"

Ophelia seemed relieved, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "It seems to be here, let the unmanned spacecraft come out, ready to fight!"

The lieutenant's face was aggressive, "combat ... where is the enemy? Are we not mining?"

Ophelia smiled. "You'll see it right away."

The lieutenant was still puzzled, but did not dare to talk, but then she opened her mouth wide and said in horror, "What a ghost!"

In the three-dimensional display image, the unmanned spacecraft had just returned to the tunnel, and the mouth of the cave suddenly became full of fangs.

The operator of the unmanned spacecraft gritted his teeth, speeding up and avoiding, and rushed out of the hole.

However, just 20 meters from the entrance of the cave, a huge monster extended his head from the entrance of the cave, swallowed the unmanned spacecraft quickly, and then slowly retracted it.

Ophelia stood up, without any change in her face, and said to the lieutenant unhurriedly: "This bug is our goal, and the contents are just accidental gains."

It turned out that in the previous ignorance, the collector gave Li Mo a map that was said to contain the universe's wonders, and Cosmo told Li Mo that he heard a message that the map was a trap and a star giant was hidden inside Collectors have already killed many people with this gadget.

Li Moben had forgotten this, and later thought of it while studying the dark energy breathing organs of the cosmic creatures, so he issued an order for Ophelia to catch it for himself as a biological specimen.

Ophelia arrived at a huge warehouse with her lieutenant after setting her goals.

Inside the warehouse are many sealed glass jars up to ten meters high, filled with green bubbling liquid.

With the lieutenant outside the door and closing the hatch tightly, Ophelia slowly took off her leather gloves.

After she reached a contract with Weston, she not only possessed a strong physical fitness and the ability to almost last forever, but also mastered another power: immunity to all toxins, and mastery of venom configuration.

Inside these large glass jars are the narcotic poisons that she has prepared carefully for the giant monsters in the sky, and now only needs to be fine-tuned.

After re-configuring the venom, Ophelia walked out of the door and ordered the lieutenant to send a spacecraft to throw the cargo bay into the giant beak of the starry sky.

After a while, another spaceship dragged the warehouse to the huge hollow of the asteroid. After the link was released, the warehouse with the propeller slowly flew into the hollow.

After reaching the deep part of the star giant's abdominal cavity, the blasting device of the warehouse suddenly started, and dozens of tons of green venom sprayed out.

The asteroid quickly began to shake violently, cracks appeared on the surface, and then the broken stones continued to fly out. An ugly giant worm that was one kilometer long and had a lotus-shaped mouthpiece appeared in front of everyone.

Its body is covered with tiny arthropods, the gray bloated rock-like body is constantly twisting, and from time to time, it emits energy rays blindly from the tumor-like organs on the body, and then gradually disappears.

Under Ophelia's order, a small spacecraft slowly approached the star giant and installed a signal locator on the giant.

With a flash of white light, the giant worm was teleported back to the ignorance biological laboratory, and waiting for it would be the crazy scientist of the Nether Masters.

After performing the task of capturing giant worms, the Hydra fleet slowly left the star field and entered the route again.

Their destination is Sandar Star, where newly recruited members will undergo physical transformation and reinforcement, and conduct a year-long cosmic interstellar combat training.

From there, the Earth Expedition will begin an expedition on various planets escorted by two warships.

Stephanie has begun preparations for the Hydra Academy in Sandal, and Ophelia will continue to lead the fleet to transport the construction materials ignorantly.

For Li Mo and everyone under him, the next few years will be busy with work.


A week later, outside the Sundar Star District.

The Hydra fleet has jumped out again ~ ~ and started the daily recruit training as usual.

Ophelia woke up from her sleep, and since Li Mo helped her suppress Weston's contractual curse, she can finally enjoy ample beauty like ordinary women.

No longer annoyed by the fear of the dimensional demon, Olivia is very satisfied with the current state of life.

As she was about to do her daily physical training, the lieutenant suddenly sent a message and the fleet received a distress signal.

Ophelia frowned, and quickly put on her uniform and came to the central flagship command hall.

The lieutenant and all spacecraft staff were serious.

An encrypted distress signal is continuously playing: "I am Stark, here is the Star Star, there are 100,000 refugees on board, we are from Conrad Charlotte, the planet has fallen, and is controlled by intelligent life, please answer when you receive , Please answer ... "

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