Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 223: Big eyes cute

"Just, but ..."

The King of Nightmare stopped for a while, and he felt a terrifying spatial fluctuation.

He had seen this happen in the dark original cosmic space.

In one hyperspace explosion, the situation of dimension collapse was the same as this time. It was because of the explosion that he ran out.

The nightmare king opened his hands and the surrounding space was twisted. He tried to gather all the power to stop the explosion, but found that the rules of the nightmare kingdom he had mastered were useless.

With the nightmare crown as the center, the space within a distance of nearly 100 meters suddenly shattered like glass, and the crack revealed a terrifying darkness.

With a crisp sound, everyone present felt as if their souls were cracking. After the space debris within a hundred meters of the Nightmare Crown slammed apart, it seemed to have been attracted by some strong force, converging to the center and forming An area of ​​irregular space dazzling like diamonds.

"Do not!"

The nightmare king roared angrily, and he clearly felt that the artifact he was about to make had been completely played out.

With the destruction of the artifact nightmare crown, people on the planet and the galaxy's major life planets gradually woke up, hugging their loved ones in tears, or thanking the gods for their blessings.

Li Mo shrugged, hugged the injured Queen of Dreams, and teleported to Strangy.

"Are we successful?" Strinch asked pantingly, and he had felt a bit overdrawn by the recent battle with the King of Nightmare.

"Yes, we succeeded." Li Mo nodded, but there was no smile on his face, "but the real trouble just started."

His original plan was to detect the situation first, and then map it out slowly. But developments caught him off guard.

"What more trouble?" Johnny Blazer, who had put out the hellfire, asked.

"The trouble is ... we are going to face a full-scale dimensional demon." Dum raised his vigilance and said solemnly.

As soon as his words fell, the nightmare king burst out.

A terrifying force rose into the sky, and the terrible green thundercloud in the air began to condense. The figure of the nightmare king suddenly became taller, reaching more than 300 meters. He stared at Li Mo them with a sullen expression on his face. As if to drip water.

Li Mo suddenly froze their heads, countless horrible illusions came to mind, the heart twitched constantly, and they couldn't help but want to escape but became weak all over.

At this moment, Li Mo's soul defense law suddenly started, and suddenly he turned into a huge golden transparent ball to wrap him, and countless runes on the ball began to shine.

Dr. Aggie's eyes on Strange's chest also gave a faint green light to wake Dr. Kidney Deficiency.

This artifact not only has the function of manipulating time, but also has the functions of soul protection and communication with other dimensions.

The sober Stranger hurriedly crossed his hands with the Indian seal, then turned in the opposite direction, using a wide range of defensive magic: the shield of Seraphim.

The shield inlaid with the brilliant golden spark array quickly expanded, wrapping everyone like a ball.

ps: The full name of the small magic shield is the Red Ring of Raggadol. Although the name sounds fancy, it is far less powerful than the shield of Seraphim. shield.

The others were awake at this time, and looked at the Nightmare King in horror.

This is the power of the dimensional demon. They are all top magic side heroes, but if they are unprepared, they will suddenly lose their will.

To tell the truth, the nightmare king is just an inextricable dimension demon.

Johnny Blazer rushed out, "I'll hold him first, you guys think of a way or leave here."

While talking, he had braved the whole **** into an evil knight, opened his skull and opened his mouth and roared.

"Can he do it alone?" Scarlet Witch Wanda said worriedly.

"Rest assured, he is immortal, although he can't beat him even though he can't beat him." Li Mo waved his hand.

As soon as his words fell, Johnny Blazer rushed out was wrapped into a stone ball by a sudden pile of rocks, and grunted to the side.

Although the fissure of the stone ball soon began to emit a strong fire and began to vibrate continuously, more stones were attached to it, trapping the evil knight tightly.

Li Mo's face was awkward. "I think he still lacks a mount."

A ten-meter-thick green magic ray, accompanied by a sawtooth-shaped space blade, hit the magic shield of Strange, and the magic shield flickered for a while, almost disintegrating.

"Whoever you take it, I'll help him!" Strange roared anxiously.

The Scarlet Witch heard the words and immediately used Chaos Magic to condense an equally huge magic shield to protect everyone.

Immediately after strangling his hand, Stranger changed countless handprints like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, and at the same time said in his mouth: "In the name of Emperor Weishan, the sky, the earth, Chenhui, Yulu ...

Li Mo next took a look at Strance in amazement. The spell he knew was a powerful magic white magic swirl in the Book of Emperor Weishan. The difficulty of casting is unimaginable. I didn't expect this guy to learn so quickly.

This magic is the nemesis of all dark magic. Even the legendary black magician Morgan Filler of the 6th century AD can't eat it and take it away.

However, the effect is still a bit worse when used in the dimension demon's place.

Sure enough, after a white light vortex with a diameter of hundreds of meters was sent out, the butter was generally cut off by a column of magical magical light that came from the power of fear, but it was blocked by the shameless nightmare king with both hands, and was constantly blocked. The explosion and snoring gradually melted away.

Fortunately, this magic made the nightmare king temporarily unavailable, and Dr. Doom destroyed a stone ball that trapped the evil spirit knight. The two rushed up at the same time, and the light and flame kept on going to the nightmare. The king greeted him.

Strinch narrowed his eyes, and sat on the ground with one butt, no more effort.

Li Mo shook his head and did not cooperate with the attack in a hurry. Instead, he looked at the Queen of Dreams in his arms. "You said that defeating the Queen of Nightmare, you have a way to become a new dimensional lord. It will never be done with a shout. Where is the key point? "

The Queen of Dreams looked at Li Mo's eyes with a little hesitation, and then gritted her teeth and said, "To get the dimensional heart he has grasped, it is in the center of the spirit body."

Li Mo nodded and gently placed the Queen of Dreams on the ground, which was similar to what he suspected.

Guys like the Nightmare King and Dormaum are not born with demon gods like Sisorn and Setorak. Becoming a dimensional lord in a short period of time necessarily uses tricks.

But even so, if they want to defeat these guys in their territory, it is almost impossible for them now.

"Hey, kidney deficiency, go back, and leave it here to me." Li Mo said with a glance at the front.

"You're kidding me," Strange said, sitting up hard, in a rough voice: "We can't win here at all, let's go back and talk all over again."

"There is no chance, it is more trouble to go back." Li Mo smiled bitterly, "It is not a pleasant thing to be followed by a dimensional lord who can sneak into your dreams at any time."

At this moment, the King of Nightmare had completely dispelled the White Magic Vortex, and just waved his hand, and the evil spirit knight and Dr. Doom, who were harassing next to him, were shot back like shells, and rolled on the ground for a dozen circles. Beside them Li Mo.

The nightmare king is getting taller and taller, and the surrounding space has changed. All meteorites have turned into giant skulls, green flames in the hollow eyes, and surrounded them with a strange smile.

"I will burn your souls with the fire of terror, eternal life!"

Li Mo frowned, "He is blocking the space, you go quickly, my magic circle will be useless later."

Strange was anxious: "But ..."

"No, but!" Li Mo's face was serious, "Rest assured, do you think I'm the one to die?"

Strinch they glanced at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and held the dream queen lying on the ground to open the spell.

In the Holy Sanctuary, their soul-summoning magical array began to gradually light up.

Strinch disappeared one by one in the nightmare space.

Dr. Dum, the last to leave, had a bad face, and said a moment later, "I hope you leave alive. If this guy is killed, it will be a joke against Mephisto."

Li Mo shrugged. "Come on, I'm crazy but I'm scared."

Dr. Doom of Destruction nodded and left, leaving only Li Mo and the Nightmare King in the whole nightmare space.

The King of Nightmare was ridiculed. He had reached the height of four or five hundred meters and stared at Li Mo like an ant. The dull voice echoed throughout the space ...

"Who gave you the courage to face me?"

"Did you summon Schuma Goras to make me scared?"

"I give you a chance, ants!"

The nightmare king also had a small abacus in his heart. The failure of today's plan made him very annoyed, but what good is it to slap this little guy?

Yes, the old ruler Shuma Goras is indeed a lingering shadow of herself, but that is the body.

The avatars exchanged for human fragile bodies have only one role.

Let yourself be beaten and addicted.

Hmm ... It's like human beings can't deal with some enemies, just like a doll and a villain.

At least it can be cool!

"Ha ha ... ha ha ha." Thinking of this, the nightmare king suddenly smiled strangely.

He suddenly came up with an idea, don't kill Li Mo, and keep him summoning the big eye cute clone.

Would it be possible to overcome that fear with a meal every day?

Li Mo gave a strange look at the nightmare king, and he felt that the demon's brain in this dimension seemed a bit wrong.

But just right, he will not miss this opportunity.

There is no nonsense, power gems and real gems have an effect almost at the same time, Li Mo floats slowly, purple and red energy veins covered the cheeks.

The Nightmare King frowned. Of course he knew infinite gems, but he had never heard of anyone who could bear them, and they were two at the same time.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable, he immediately threw the words just behind him, and a destructive green beam of light on his right hand shot directly at Li Mo.

However, when this beam of light reached Li Mo, it was immediately offset by the energy of the gems that escaped.

Li Mo felt the vine that was parasitizing in the dark universe in the distance, and immediately dragged down.

There was a thunderous thunder in the sky, and a tentacle with a length of hundreds of meters crossed the barrier of space and came to the King of Nightmare.

As the tentacles danced gently, the space ripples like water waves were drawn out, and then a long ghost image was drawn, and all ghost images began to wave, like dreams, fantasy, and truth ...

"This thing ... seems to carry some high-dimensional rules ..."

The King of Nightmare frowned, gathered his strength and reached for a press, and the tentacles were suddenly restrained and unable to move.

He was a little disappointed. "It's not Schuma's avatar, you just use this to scam?"

Li Mo is speechless ~ ~ He feels bloated and seems to be about to explode. He quickly reached for a move. The "Evil Iron Book" wrapped in ancient devil skin appeared in front of his eyes. Wow automatically turned the page up.

Li Mo poured all his power into the Iron Devil's Book.

咚 ... 咚咚 ...

The vines restricted by the nightmare king suddenly heard a heartbeat.

A heartbreaking sensation suddenly appeared, and the nightmare king shed a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

The rules of this nightmare dimension space seem to have changed, and an ancient, primitive, dark, and run-down breath is devouring everything.

The Nightmare King felt empty, and the restricted vine had disappeared, but there was a familiar atmosphere behind him.

He swallowed hard, his neck turning slowly like a stiff wood.

A large eyeball with a diameter of thousands of kilometers was staring at him, and blinked joyfully ...

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