Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 205: Igor Appears

The owner of this bar is the Ultron after changing a set of artificial skin.

As for why a boring bar is opened here, it starts with his experience of finding a job ...

Booty trading group

"I need a person with a clear mind who can make fake accounts and can fool customers, can you?"

Ultron: "..."

Star Woman * Industry

"Will you pimp?"

Ultron: "..."

Psychedelic smuggling group

"Want to make money? No problem! We are going to ship a batch of goods to Sandal, come here, stuff this stuff into my ass, let me see ... Ah!"

Ultron created a killing ring.

After experiencing a series of setbacks and failures, Ultron wanted a clear idea. What he needed was to experience life and not need work.

So after tampering with a few numbers on his account, he opened this waiting bar here.

Since opening, there have been no guests.

As for why there are no guests ...

"You don't need money to drink here!" Ao Chong stopped the star juan who was paying. "Just tell your story, I will be a good listener."

Star Lord froze, his face a bit ugly, "Just kid, who would be bored ..."

Drax suddenly burst into tears and cried, "I'm so miserable that my wife and daughter were killed by Ronan. It happened to be Molly's birthday ..."

For the first time, everyone heard Drax telling his full story. Although he didn't know why, his emotions were still infected, and they all drank Alchuang's spiced wine.

Kamola was sad: "I was raised by my enemies, I did a lot of things I shouldn't do, hurt many innocent good people, and I wake up from nightmares every night ..."

Xing Jue sighed, "I never knew who my father was. When I was a kid, I would brag about David Hasselhoff as a Thunder Ranger. The day my mother died, I was taken into space. Without being eaten, I had to be a thief ... "

The Rocket Raccoon poured a glass of wine fiercely, "I have no family, I'm just a sad, scary stitching monster!"

Groot pursed his lips. "Mother Groot ..."

Ultron was faint for a moment, "As an organic life, are they all so miserable?"

The Guardians of the Galaxy nodded.

"Then why did I feel that you were all happy when I saw you?" Ultron felt that his procedure was a bit confusing.

The rocket raccoon suddenly laughed, "I have a friend who hummed a broken song. Although it is ugly and weird, there is a saying that is correct: In order not to cry, you have to laugh out loud."

Star Lord froze, and after a long while he asked slowly, "What's the name of that song?"

"Let me think about it." The Rocket Raccoon scratched his head vigorously. "Yes, make the poor happy, **** the poor happy."

"Poor happy?" Xingjue looked at his friends and muttered, "True image ..."

The Guardians of the Galaxy suddenly opened their hearts under the influence of Aochuang's special condiment wine, hugging each other, comforting and crying, and drunk left the waiting bar after being drunk.

Ao Chuang shook his head as he watched them leave. "Sad life, what is the meaning of such a life, and death may be their best destination."

"But if death is the best destination ... why is life born?"

"It's so ... inexplicable ..."

When Star Jazz and his team went out, they were swaying in the street, and a quarrel was taking place outside the bar one block away.

"You don't deserve a fire badge at all! Even after you die, the light of Ogod will not shine on your grave!"

The leader of the predator Star Eagle slightly stared at the face with a paralyzed face, and said bravely with a brave collar.

"I said, I didn't know that would happen at that time, I thought it was just sending the children to their father's hands!" Yongdu argued somewhat helplessly.

"What do you think?" Stark said in a mocking tone. "When you are doing this kind of thing, you should think clearly."

Then he pushed the courage away fiercely and calmed down, "I will never forgive you because you are too disappointing."

Having said that, the Star Eagle left with a bunch of men without looking back.

Courageous and frustrated, watching his most respected person leave, anger burst into his heart, and kicked the trash can next to him.

Turning around and seeing myself have a bunch of subordinates who have nothing to do with watching the lively expressions, the courage is even a **** in the head, "What are you looking at, these bastards, move me all!"

"Are we going to catch Xingjue's traitor?" An undercover man with a scarred face asked with excitement.

"No, let's ... go drinking." Yongdu suddenly felt guilty.

All the men were a little bit dissatisfied, and the courage and tolerance of Star Wars for Star Lord had stirred up many people's rebellion.

Just then, an underling suddenly pointed at the sky and asked, "Look, have you ever seen that kind of spaceship?"

Courage turned his head, and his pupils shrank.

This is an egg-shaped ship with a ceramic milky white shell. Without any power plant, it steadily fell gently across the block.

"Get out of here!" Yongdu said anxiously, he was too familiar with this stuff, it was Igo's spaceship.

Just then, a man ran over panting and said excitedly, "I saw the boy of Xing Jue over there."

"This idiot!" The courage was furious, "Hurry up and tell him to leave."

"No!" The scarred man just shouted. "We're going to catch the traitor and peel him."

"Peeled his skin!" A bunch of men shouted and rushed out.

"You ... you two groups of goods!" Yongdu scratched the air frantically, followed his teeth.

At the same time, Star Lord they watched the weird spacecraft slowly fall down, excited a bit, and the wine immediately woke up.

"Be careful, come at us." Kamola pulled the sword from behind and stood in front of everyone. Drax pulled out two daggers, and the rocket held up a huge blaster.

In their vigilant gaze, the yellow door next to the quaint ship disappeared like molten liquid.

A man in a gorgeous robe, with an old complexion and carefully trimmed hair, walked out first. Behind him was a girl in a green suit, fair-skinned, with big eyes and a pair of weird tentacles.

This man is Igo. He spread his arms and looked at Xing Jue's face with a reassuring smile. "Finally, I finally found you."

"Wait a minute, who is this guy you are, and what am I doing?"

"Doesn't it remind you of seeing my handsome face?" Igo said with a smile. "Child, my name is Igo, your father."

The Guardians of the Galaxy were dumbfounded. Drax opened his mouth and turned to star Jue. "He said ... he's your father."

"Impossible!" Xingjue shook his head vigorously. "I have no father."

"Stupid boy." Igo had a weird face. "How could you have been born without a father?"

"Yeah." Drax was also curious, "How did you give birth without a father?"

"Shut up!" Xing Jue angrily shouted at Drax, and then said seriously to Igo: "Sir, I don't know who you are, please don't prescribe this ..."

"You were born in Missouri." Igor interrupted him directly, and said with a smile: "Your mother's name is Merithie Quail. His favorite song is my name is Eileen, God. Well, she is such a beautiful woman. "

Star Lord opened his mouth wide for a moment, then silent, and then Igo told the story ...

"Congratulations, you found your father." Kamola said to the still-starred Star Lord.

"Okay boy, this place is too messy. Why not bring your friend and your triangle-faced dog to our planet?" Igo said kindly.

"Okay." Xing Jue nodded, "I have many things to ask you too."

"A dog with a triangular face?" The Rocket Raccoon was a little dreadful, turned and asked Drax, "Is he talking about me?"

"He's talking about you!" Drax looked sincere.

"Your old hair ..." Rocket's hair was erected, but looking at the Star Lord who was recognizing his father, he still stiffened.

"Stop! Quail!" Just as they were about to leave, shouts and cluttered footsteps came from behind them.

Xingjue turned his head and looked, "Ah, oh, I think we should leave quickly."

"Are these your enemies?" Igo asked.

"Uh, it was the predatory group I was staying in. We had some misunderstandings." Star Jue shrugged.

As soon as his voice fell, Igo reached out and flung. After a dazzling glare flashed, all of them were broken into pieces, and flesh and blood spilled over the ground.

"Ohshit!" Stark was taken aback. "What did you do?"

"Children, we are gods." Igo's face was solemn. "The dignity of gods cannot be violated, and they take you away, even more damn."

"No ... **** ... I mean you can't kill people like this." Star Lord said incoherently.

The Rocket Raccoon and Kamola also frowned, raising doubts about the man who claimed to be the father of Star Lord.

At this moment, Courage ran, and he watched in despair as he had become a group of flesh and blood, and then looked at Xingjue, anxiously said: "boy, you can't follow him!"

"Brave ?!" Igor's face went dark, "You **** it."

Just as he raised his hand, Star Lord stopped him and said anxiously, "Can't kill him."

"Why?" Igo frowned. "Because of this bastard, we haven't seen each other until now."

"Uh ... at least he raised me, didn't he?" Xing Jue squeezed a smile and made a muscular bodybuilding posture. "He is very strong."

Igo looked at the Star Lord who tried to relax the atmosphere ~ ~ The expression on his face gradually relaxed, "Forget it, listen to you, he's just an insignificant person."

"Don't listen to his ghosts!" The courage was anxious, and he was hit by a strong light as soon as he rushed up, spitting blood and sinking into the snow.

Looking at the stark look of panic, Igo shrugged. "Rest assured, he is not dead, it's just a lesson, let's go."

Xing Jue was relieved, turned his head and looked at the courage lying in the snow complexly, and gritted his teeth and stepped onto Igo's spaceship.

Watching the others follow, the Rocket Raccoon spit on the ground with scorn. "You go first, and I will be followed by Groot and Milan."

Everyone left, and people watching the crowd walked out carefully from the bar on the street.

In the snow with flesh and blood, the unconscious courage made an inaudible voice: "boy ... don't leave ..."

The snow flakes are bigger ...

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