Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 181: Another unexpected person

"Johnny Blazer?"

Li Mo frowned, and turned to look at the person next to him, "Have you heard of this guy?"

Everyone shook his head in a fog.

"Ok, Johnny, isn't it?" Li Mo made his voice look as patient as possible. "Don't worry, try to think of something that makes you remember deeply."

Johnny glanced at the crowd in confusion, then held his head more and more painful: "I really can't remember anything."

"Shit!" Li Mo cursed, turning to look at Dr. Strange, Strange, "There must be something wrong with your magic."

Stranger was also a little uncertain at this time, "I came strictly following the process, or else, I try again?"

Just then, Johnny, who was holding his head in pain, suddenly opened his eyes. "I thought of a name, Norbert Kyle!"

Everyone is aggressive, who is this tm?

"Well, it's another strange name. Let me see what's happening to you?" Li Mou said as he summoned his big eyes and started to use time backtracking.

When using time backtracking, other people can't see the scene, only Li Mo's face becomes very strange.

When Li Mo put away her big eyes, Stranger couldn't help asking, "What the **** did you see?"

Li Mo shrugged. "What happened in this era is unprecedentedly lively. Have you heard of the evil knight?"

"Oh, that mad flame skull." Pharaoh patted his head. "I've seen him once in a battle with a demon. Do you mean, this guy is?"

Li Mo nodded.

"He crossed the timeline too?" Pharaoh had a headache. "So many people are here. It's a mess. I'm a little worried that it will cause the timeline to collapse."

"What's worse, the reason he came here is related to an old friend of mine." Li Mo said helplessly.

"Who?" Strange asked.

"Mephisto ..."

Everyone looked stunned.

Later, even the weather-stricken Pharaoh began to appear worried.

"Ok, don't worry, let's take a look." Li Mo said, while using nano-detection glasses to project on the wall.

* People known to come to this timeline,

1. Li Mo, Pharaoh (time spaceship)

2. Strange (time gem)

3. Ophelia, Mysterious Man, Girl in Leather (Dark Book)

4. Johnny Blazer (Unknown cause)

* Dimensional Demon Appeared

1. Dorma (son of destiny)

2. Schumacolas (advance to Gu Yi master)

3. Weston (unknown goal)

4. Mephisto (unknown goal, suspected to be related to Johnny)

* Appearance event

1. Master Gu Yi was possessed.

2. The Book of Darkness is out of control.

3. Find the Medal of Strength.

4. Suspected "Apocalypse".

"Do you see what's coming?" Li Mo asked.

Strinch touched his chin and thoughtfully said, "We are here, more or less, related to the demon of dimension. Is there something attracting them at this point in time?"

"What you touch, the longer you touch it." Li Mo gave Strang a white look.

"I can tell you very clearly that this is not a ghost of the Dimension Demon. Legend has it that Sisorn is sealed off and does not have this ability. Dorma is a lone husband, Big Eyes is a neurosis, Mephisto ... a little Maybe, but I know he's busy with another conspiracy. So they didn't form a demon alliance. "

"Is there really an apocalypse in this era?" The Pharaoh asked in amazement.

"Who knows?" Li Mo snorted, looking more and more upset at Stranger. "If it weren't for someone's wild shot, we wouldn't be so passive."

Strange didn't speak darkly.

Li Mo sighed. "It's really time to bring the boss. A high IQ can help me analyze and analyze. These events seem to be scattered, but I always feel a wonderful connection."

After staring at this entry for a while, Li Mo marked the medal of strength with light dots, "I think we should first find this thing, which is not only related to the rescue of Master Gu Yi, but also to understand that Johnny came to this era s reason."

"But how do we find this man named Norbert Kyle?" The Master Pharaoh asked.

"I think there must be a reason for this unclear ghost knight to be transmitted to London." Li Mo said affirmatively, and finally smiled at Ophelia: "It seems that we want to visit the city of London again Sir Thomas. "

Ophelia smiled slightly, and took Li Mo to cast a fascination spell on the mayor of London, Sir Thomas the same day.

With the orders of Sir Thomas, those bureaucrats who were procrastinating on a weekday did not dare to neglect, and soon found out the result.

At this time, the population of London was 340,000, and seven of them were named Noble Kyle.

With the assistance of officials, Li Mo and Strange visited the seven men in turn with the memoryless Johnny.

Among them are winemakers, dockers, small merchants and even criminals in prisons.

But no surprise, no abnormalities were found, not even a hair of the Medal of Strength.

Helplessly Strangi again expended a great deal of energy and performed astrological divination again.

Although everyone fell through, but finally got a clue: babies and docks.

Li Mo shook his head a little funnyly. "No wonder we couldn't find it. This Norbert Kyle was a baby who could have registered in the future."

Then he said to Strinch: "Let's go, quickly open the portal and go directly to the dock."

"Let me breathe," Strinch said with a pair of panda eyes.

Li Mo's face was full of disdain. "You are too vain."

Stranger was furious at hearing this sentence,

"You promised me my pills!"

"It's because of this that you've always been weird."

"The wordless man!"

"Go on imaginary, you ..."



Port of London dock.

The bustling daytime is no longer here, there are mountains of goods packed with kraft paper everywhere. The unfinished ship skeleton was placed there, like a giant whale bone.

The domineering rats had been domineering in the middle of the day. At this moment it seemed even more insane, and they crowded around the pier in groups.

The Thorns stopped quietly in deep water at this moment. The Puritan-loaded 3-mast steamer will set sail for the American continent tomorrow.

Since the May issue of the Pymouth Colony in the American Continent in May 40 years ago, more and more Puritans have chosen to travel to the American Continent because they cannot stand the Anglican Church.

Under the dim light, even the simple black bread and milk, the Kyle family prayed before meals: "Father, I thank you, you gave me **** with complete grace as his sheep and treasure And industry ... "

After praying, the family silently ran out of meals, and they also paid attention to food.

After his wife Emma packed up the dishes, she said with some worry: "The voyage on this way is too long. I worry that the children will not be able to bear it, especially Norbert, who is only two months old ..."

Talking, Emma sobbed softly.

The head of the family, Barstow Kell, sighed and said, "This is also no way out. This land has no place for us. If we continue to linger in the slums, the terrible black death may be taken away All of our lives. "

Then he took an old round badge from his arms and gently placed it in the baby's arms. "This is a treasure from our family. The Father will bless him."

Looking at the three children who were already asleep, Barstow gently held his wife in his arms. "Everything will be fine."

What they didn't notice, however, was that there were three mysterious people wearing monks and hoods outside the cabin.

The lead guy reached out and drew a rune. As the green smoke passed, the others on the ship fell asleep immediately.

Subsequently, the three mysterious people slowly entered the cabin of the Kyle family.

Realizing that something was wrong, Barstow Kyle turned away immediately, his pupils narrowed, and he asked in horror: "Who are you?"

The three mysterious men slowly removed their hoods, and their complexion showed a pale, bald head and red glass-like eyes.


Barstow Kyle was startled and immediately protected his wife and children, while Emma burst into tears.

"Give up the medal," said the weird leader in a low, weird voice.

"Okay." Although Barstow Kyle didn't know what these weirds wanted his family treasures to do, he didn't hesitate and immediately took the medal from the baby's arms and passed it, "Please don't hurt my family."

After the leader took over, a happy expression appeared on his face, staring greedily at the medal in his hand, and gently saying, "Finally, finally found."

He ignored Barstow, who begged hard, and waved softly to the two men, "Kill them."

"Do not!"

After hearing this sentence, Barstow was anxious, took the iron rod next to him and waved fiercely at the two weirdoes who came over.

However, after all, he was just an ordinary person. He was immediately knocked to the ground by a weirdo, and stepped on his face with his feet.

Another freak walked towards his frightened and crying wife and children.

"No, please!"

As a devout Puritan, Barstow struggled weakly and in vain, and began to pray with tears: "Father, your power is infinite, your love is infinite, your grace is infinite, please save my family ..."

Just then, Barstow found in horror that everything around him had begun to slow down and gradually freeze.

An old man wearing a gorgeous black aristocratic gown with silver hair and an evil look suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Father, are you here to save me?" Barstow said ecstatically though he felt something wrong.

"Sorry, you recognize the wrong person." The old man smiled and sat in the air casually. "Your so-called father has disappeared for thousands of years."

"Who are you then?" Barstow swallowed and asked.

"My name is Mephisto." The old man shrugged. "He is also the lord of hell."

"Demon, what are you doing?" Barstow's spirit was a little broken.

"Respond to your prayers." Mephisto's smile was a little funny.

"No, even if I die, I won't make you a demon." Barstow immediately refused, and began to recite the Bible.

"Ok, I don't like to force people, bye bye." Mephisto was going away.


Barstow shouted hastily, then looked at his frightened wife and children, gritted his teeth and asked, "What on earth do you want?"

"It's simple. Sign this agreement and start to believe in me."

Mephisto shrugged, his voice began to muffle and was full of temptation: "Think, devout believers like you, what has your Lord given you for so many years? Believe in me, not only your family will survive, you You will also get a lot, strength, money, everything is possible ... "

On the one hand, his family, on the other hand, his beliefs over the years, the tangled Barstow burst into tears and almost collapsed. Finally I looked at the youngest boy who was just a baby and finally made a decision.

"I believe in you, my master." After speaking, Barstow felt a collapse in his whole body, and strangely, a sense of evil and blasphemy quietly rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Wow, Lao Mo, you obviously belong to commercial fraud." A voice came suddenly from the side.

Li Mo and Strance walked out of the sparkling portal with a look of bewildered Johnny Blazer.

"Oh, what a surprise." Mephisto froze for a moment, then there was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

"I know you!" Johnny Blazer suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his head in pain.

"Of course you know me." Mephisto laughed in a low voice. "What about the result of your delusion to change your destiny? Oh, you almost forgot, your brain was a little confused by the chaos of time and space. But it doesn't matter, I I will look at you, we have enough time to continue the mini-game ... "

After that, his avatar suddenly disappeared.

Li Mo originally wanted to give Mephisto a ruthless crowd, and shook his head helplessly.

The space returned to normal immediately after Mephisto's departure.

The three red-eyed weirds looked at Li Mo who suddenly appeared in the room and they were shocked.

However, before they acted, a tentacle suddenly protruding from the void rolled the three together. At the same time, Li Mo reached out and took the badge dropped from the leader.

"This is the Medal of Strength? It doesn't look very good." Li Mo looked at the ancient badge in his hand and skittered.


Just then, Johnny Blazer was suddenly in pain and trembling and shivered.

A blood-red hellfire suddenly ignited him like a torch, and just two seconds later, the hellfire disappeared.

The cabin had been set alight, and in the fire and smoke, the Kyle family cried and hugged.

Stranger immediately cast a spell mark, and as the energy spread, all the flames were immediately extinguished.

In the faint fumes, Johnny Blazer stood up slowly and unscathed, looking at his hands in surprise, "I think of it, I finally did it."

"What the **** is going on?" Li Mo's face questioned.

Johnny Blazer turned to look at Norbert Kyle, who was still a baby, "He is my ancestor, the beginning of all stories, the origin of all pain. I am back this time to prevent him from getting the Medal of Strength ~ www ~ Unlock the curse of the family generation. "

"You came back to change the timeline too?" Stranger was a little angry, "You guys are messing around like this, don't you know it will cause a bigger disaster?"

"Forget it, after all, we are also looking for the Medal of Strength to save Master Gu."

Li Mo persuaded, and suddenly frowned, and asked Johnny Blazeer, "Does this power seek to dispel possession?"

"This ancient treasure is sealed with two powerful forces of evil and holiness." Johnny Blazer shook his head. "In the bloodline memory I found, it has no function to dispel."

Li Mo and Stranger frowned at the same time, feeling bad in their hearts.

Sure enough, after opening the portal to return to the monastery, it was already a mess.

After a long period of time, the ancient building collapsed, and the body of the monk was everywhere, **** and pungent.

In a piece of ruined land, Pharaoh was entangled in the air by a red force, and he was painfully wrapped around his neck, struggling with his legs constantly.

On the ground not far below him, a girl in red leather with a delicate face and white complexion was waving slender fingers with interest.

"King!" Strange, anxious, immediately flew over using the suspended cloak.

Li Mo frowned.

"Crimson Witch?"

"What about tm?"

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