Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 164: Ignorantly

Interstellar news sometimes spreads quickly.

On the border of the Nova Empire, the Kerry Empire accused Ronan, who has slaughtered several colonial stars in succession, and more terrifying forces, the Dark Order is coming!

The news caused a stir in Sandal.

The ordinary residents were worried, and a large number of interstellar merchants and mercenaries gathered here could not wait to escape Sandal.

Sheshan Daerxing

Capital Xinggang

There has been a crowd of people here, and panic and irritability continue to spread.

The public spacecraft has long been out of service, and the private spacecraft is even prohibited from taking off.

From time to time, there are angry people who want to talk about it, and some people want to stir up fanatical crowds to achieve the purpose of forcing the Nova Army to open routes.

In this case, however, they were arrested without exception.

After seeing this, a woman in a hood shook her head and left Star Harbor.

Then, in front of the intelligent inquiry machine she walked by, the rocket raccoon's annoyed hands grabbed her head. "You say this broken machine again, and the flight time will be notified later?"

"K!" The rocket raccoon angrily wanted to go up and smash the machine, but was easily stopped by Treant Groot.

"Mother Groot ..." Groot smiled brightly.

"H, you idiot." Rocket Raccoon helplessly covered his eyes.

At this moment, a whisper came from the rocket's backpack.

Rocket helplessly opened his backpack. "Damn, can someone find me for a mission, how can I have time now."

As soon as I opened the news, a familiar face and voice came over. "Hey, old man, are you still poor these days?"

"I am rich now!" Rocket smiled, and it was Li Mo opposite.

"How do you know my heavenly signal ..." Rocket suddenly opened his eyes, "Did you come to Sandar? You are too brave!"

"Mother Groot!" Groot also bowed his head and smiled.

"There is no way, I don't want to come together." Li Mo the other side smiled helplessly, "Do me a favor, find a **** named Star Lord, and grab me the cosmic spirit ball on him."

"No problem, but listen to your tone ..." Rocket smiled strangely, "Did that guy make you eat?"

"Well ... for the moment." Li Mo's face was a little ugly.

"Can you make this guy suffer?" Rocket covered his stomach with a smile. "I'm interested in that bastard."

"Yes, you need to do something for me, too." Rocket's face suddenly became serious. "Remember the Cree Luton on the planet of the Zerg Gene Arsenal at the time, I heard a rumor some time ago ..."

莫 Li Mo was silent for a while after hearing, "No problem, leave it to me."

Rocket shrugged. "Okay, then I'll go and find that little baby named Xing Jue."

"Oh, right." Li Mo twitched, "Remember to teach him hard for me!"

The Rocket Raccoon smiled, his mouth full of fangs, "No problem."

Uh ...

The Plutonium Nebula is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionizing gases.

The U. McQueen jumped out of a strange starry sky, and after passing through a dense meteorite belt, saw such a colorful and dreamy nebula.

More importantly, in the middle of the nebula, there is a huge broken head, staying quietly in the void.

"Ignorantly ..." Li Mo muttered.

Emil has also looked silly, and swallowed hard. "Although I have heard of it, it is incredible to see it with my own eyes. Some people say that this is the head of God, bss, do you think it is possible?"

"I don't know." Li Mo shook his head, "I'm more interested in the existence of such a powerful creature that twists his head down and throws it here."

Amir was silent for a while, and suddenly asked a strange question: "bss, will you become a **** in the future?"

"What **** god." Li Mo smiled, "It's just more powerful, you think more."

"No, you will become a god!" Emile suddenly became excited, "bss, since I followed you, watching you step by step, more and more incredible, it is beyond imagination, you will be as powerful as God in the future! "

"Don't think about that kind of thing." Li Mo waved his hand, "I think God's stupid person will always become neurotic."

However, Emir is still a firm believer: "bss, if you become God, can I ask you something?"

"Do you want to live forever, or do you want to gain great power?" Li Mo looked at the crew member who was usually sullen with amusement.

"None, I want to ask you to help me restore the destroyed planet." Emile's mood dropped. "I'm the only person left in the entire universe of our race. This feeling is really lonely and terrible, so I I dare not disembark from the spacecraft every day. I miss the homestay bread, I miss the fruit forest planted by my father ... "

莫 Li Mo sighed, and then smiled on his face: "I don't know what will happen in the future, but if that is possible, I will try to help you achieve your wish."

而且 "And ..." Li Mo raised an eyebrow. "Remember, McQueen is also your home!"

Emil didn't speak, but just nodded firmly.

McQueen slowly moved towards ignorance, flying in from the eyes of the head of the god.

After a series of evolutions, the McQueen has been more than 200 meters long, but compared with these eyes, it still looks like an ant facing a basketball.

Li Mo looked at the complex and beautiful structure of the huge and empty eyes, and shook his head, "It is amazing."

Entering the skull is a splendidly illuminated city with hundreds of meters of buildings and an aerial tower hanging from the top.

The Huanghua Refinery sprayed yellow-green smoke, crowds on the ground, and various gambling and pornographic entertainment places.

The snail-shaped industrial spacecraft was busy flying around, and there were still people racing in the air in a variety of floating car races.

混乱 A chaotic scene.

The Tantaria Difan Group has developed organic matter, brains, skulls, etc. for hundreds of years here, making a lot of money on the black market.

Unfortunately, Difan is only interested in collections and does not care much about management, so there is no law in this place, only the order formed in chaos, and the core is only one point: the fist has the final say.

Li Mo was ignorantly long listed by Li Mo as a must-go list, but he did not plan to come so early.

The reason for his trip was that the Rocket Raccoon received a message.

The Cree scientist who had sacrificed himself on the Zerg planet and saved all of them was Luton, the former dean of the Kerry Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Because of his disagreement with many people, after his death, the planet where his family was was attacked by hardliners, and his only son was sold here as a slave.

Li Mo rarely admires a person sincerely, and Luton is one of them.

In addition, the guy not only saved him, but also helped him obtain the McQueen, so Luton's son must not be left to suffer outside.

McQueen looked for a place to land. As usual, Emil remained on the spacecraft to look after the house, while Li Mo left the spacecraft alone.

I just walked down the street from the high-rise building on the tarmac, and an atmosphere of frenzy and chaos rushed to my face.

除了 In addition to the grocery shops and weapon shops operating various types of goods, there are a variety of casino pubs and brothels, and the colorful neon signboards are full of temptation in the middle of the night.

Many star mercenaries dressed in shabby armor, embarrassed, and drowsy, drunk, sullen and cursed.

Some exposed prostitutes with colorful hair and stockings surround them.

He walked across the street with his interstellar merchants, and poor workers avoided them carefully.

Li Mo just walked a few steps, a large group of ragged children gathered around, one by one with yellow skin and thin skin, begging around Li Mo.

最大 The youngest of these children only look like humans in their thirteen or fourteen years, the youngest is estimated to be only three or four years old, wearing rags, bare feet, and skilled and mechanical begging.

In this chaotic place, occasionally only drunk mercenaries suddenly have good intentions, and they will lose some change.

The rest of the people regarded them as thieves, and a "roll away" and "careful of money bags" were the most commonly heard words, and the children were numb.

Yet they encountered a stranger today.

Li Mo looked at these children very uncomfortably. He didn't see any innocence that children should have, except indifference, numbness, and a little viciousness that flashed in his eyes occasionally.

He smiled as gently as possible, "You must be hungry, how about I take you to eat something?"

The older child started to watch him alertly, dragging the young children back quickly ...

They have long forgotten that there are creatures like good people.

莫 Li Mo reluctantly took out his wallet, and threw out a stack of thick paper stars, "I'm rich! Your dirty kids are nothing worth trying for me."

The children looked at each other, and one of the oldest red-skinned children stepped forward and said, "That bakery on the street, don't go elsewhere."

Li Mo smiled with appreciation: "Very good, very alert, go to the house you said."

Then, under the guidance of the older child, Li Mo led a large group of hungry children who kept swallowing to the bakery. Pedestrians on the road are hiding behind their noses.

"I will never let these dirty little ghosts come into my shop!" Roared the bakery owner, a fat man with blue skin and two large molars.

Li Mo didn't say anything. He lowered his head on the personal terminal and raised his head after a while. "Then you can go away, because I already bought this place."

This group of little guys are really hungry. Even the simplest breads and broths are delicious, and Li Mo is trying to fill up the fastest disappearing barbecue sausage.

大量 Large amounts of food after prolonged starvation can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Li Mo didn't take this seriously.

I've been hungry for so long, and of course I need to eat more to be refreshed.

Even if you eat your stomach,

I do n’t have to spend money to cure it.

"What's your name, can you tell me about your situation?" Li Mo asked the oldest child.

"Oh, my name is Macro, we are all descendants of slave workers ..." The child tried to eat while answering Li Mo's words.

It turned out that when the Difan Group explored here, although they hid in the machine to operate, the workers would still receive some strange radiation, let alone some substances need to be manually refined.

As a result, heavy use of slave workers without compensation is the best option.

For hundreds of years, countless workers have died, and the children they left were mostly emaciated due to radiation and were unable to make a living independently.

Some died early, and those who survived would once again choose to sell themselves to enter the Difan group to fill their hungry stomachs.

Generation after generation, coupled with new people constantly being transported by slave merchants, form the bottom of this place, and everyone is used to it ...

Li Mo sighed and didn't speak, but just greeted the children and opened their belly to eat.

At this moment, sitting in front of the glass window, he saw a group of unkempt men on the street rushing here with assembled explosive guns.

He looked blankly and ignored him.

Such a large group of children begging on the street, it would be weird if there is no adult organization.

The younger child has attracted all the attention with food. Only the leading Macro has noticed. His eyes are so full of terror that he forgets to chew the stuffed food.

"Hush!" Li Mo stood up and instructed him not to shout, and then comforted and said, "Eat with me, everything is mine."

Macro looked at Li Mo and ate his heart side by side. He planned to die as a satiety.

However, just out of his sight, a basin-sized eye suddenly appeared at the door.

The angry men stopped when they saw it, and asked each other, "What the **** is that?"

However, before they reacted, the big eyes blasted out energy rays at a rate of thousands of rounds per second.

大 The group of big men was beaten to pieces of flesh almost instantaneously, the sound of explosion kept ringing, and the brothel casino behind them was also ravaged and rumbling down.

Marko, who was eating, was stunned.

莫 Li Mo smiled and said softly, "I'm right, your nightmare is over."

Macro's eyes turned red for a moment, sobbing with tears, he held up a bowl of broth and blocked his face.

The people on the street were not stupid, and they quickly guessed the cause of the death of these big men, and they all bypassed the bakery far away.

The Biandifan Group's bottom line is that no large-scale destruction is allowed. The guards responsible for maintaining order came, drove a small floating boat, and aimed the machine gun at the bakery.

However, several tens of meters of tentacles suddenly appeared in the sky, all of which floated the boat.

Amidst the screams of the guards and the squealing sound of metal twists, with the violent explosion, a bunch of scrap iron fell from the sky.

The mercenaries and businessmen were stunned, and they left here at an unparalleled speed, and the streets immediately calmed down ...

Li Mo didn't care, he did it on purpose.

Sure enough, a short while later, a pink-skinned girl in a maid's suit slowly walked over the street and stood outside the bakery and said loudly, "Hello sir inside, my master has invited me."

Li Mo ordered these children to stay here, and the girl came to the tallest building in the city with the girl.

After entering the building, the sides and the sky are full of dense glass showcases, which are full of various creatures. Li Mo glanced at will, and knew the Zittari, the dark elves, the Cree ... and even Have a Donald Duck?

Li Mo shook his head and followed the maid to the center of the building ~ ~ A guy with silver hair and dark circles like eyeliner, a guy with a blue line on his chin gracefully and strangely Li, "Tanya Tyfan."

Li Mo nodded casually: "Li Mo."

"I have received some news." When Talia Tiffan waved her hand, Li Mo suddenly appeared in the air and starred in the battle scene, using the logo tentacles.

"Are you getting the cosmic spirit ball ready to sell to me?" Tanya Tiffan asked with a smile.

"It's a pity, not here with me." Li Mo shook his head.

Tanya Tiffany nodded with a smile, and then looked at Li Mo's eyes suddenly became a little weird, while the multi-functional lens on his glasses was constantly turning.

"What a powerful and interesting soul!" Tanya Tiffan asked with excitement: "Can I collect your body, of course, after you die."

Li Mo shrugged, "How much are you willing to spend?"

Tanya Tiffan smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Any price!"

"Okay." Li Mo indifferently poked, "I just want an agreement."

"What kind of agreement?" Tanya Tiffan asked with interest.

"Leave all your property to me after you die, and leave the body to you after I die."

Li Mo said sincerely,

怎么 样 "How's it fair?"

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