Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 144: The Realm of 9 Realms (middle)

"See what I do, don't worry about this stuff!"

Li Moxin swears, "This is the fire dragon of Musbelheim. The creatures of these countries of fire can't stand the cold at all, come to us like naked to the North Pole, two days later ..."

Two more Frost Giants fell from the sky, and a screaming bearded dwarf.

"Okay, you should turn it off!" Li Mo sighed, and suddenly rolled the dwarf with his tentacles and teleported to him. "How do we turn it off?"

Panicked, the aggressive dwarf just wanted to ask a question, and Li Mo shouted, "Shut up, carefully slice you, and take you home later!"

Reid thought for a while and said, "The key point is that the regulators are sucked away. As long as you bring them all back, the space-time door will slowly lose stability and disappear. Those regulators should be sucked into some planets. Node. "

"Okay, leave it to me!" Li Mo hurriedly flew towards McQueen, and the dwarf scratched his head and ran up.

"Why is he so active?" Reed was a little strange, he didn't feel like Li Mo.

"What else can you do, anxious to get the benefits?" Tony lay on the ground and didn't want to move.

Sol, on the other hand, stood up struggling, "I'll go get rid of those running monsters."

As soon as Sol left, Li Mo flew back.

"Why are you back again?" Tony asked strangely.

"Suddenly remembering that I was going to recycle those regulators, I would run into a messy guy." Li Mo sighed, "I have to prepare a gift."

With Tony's help, a custom-made gift was quickly made and moved to McQueen.

"The awful guy you said ... is an artist?" Tony was curious.

"What kind of artist is writing web articles." Li Mo hurriedly boarded the McQueen number after replying, "Skolkie, Emile, let's go! If something is lost, I will stab you. Hey, big Why are you there? "

"I hid in as soon as you fought."

"You're ruthless, let's go!"

At the urging of Li Mo, McQueen quickly flew to the space-time gate, waiting for the scenery inside the space-time gate to change a few times, and finally waited for Wat Algem, drilled into it ...

Wate alheim

The sky is gloomy, and in the distance is a dark mountain range. On the other side of the plain, an ocean composed of the remains of an abandoned spacecraft can be seen. The visibility on the surface is very poor. Even the sun that is half covered by dark clouds in the sky is always in a solar eclipse. status.

"McQueen, scan it!" Li Mo couldn't help observing the surrounding environment and hurriedly urged.

"There is an energy response one kilometer below the plain." McQueen quickly scanned the results.

"Yes!" Li Mo shook his fist excitedly. "Let's go down."

On the plain there was a large circular pit with a diameter of ten kilometers. After flying down a kilometer, McQueen stopped not far from the center.

Li Mo jumped out first, and immediately saw what he dreamed of.

The red realistic gem floated quietly in the middle of the pit one meter high.

Gem-laden ether particles have been stripped in a black hole bomb blast.

Li Momei walked over with a smile, and the real gem drifted slowly towards him.

"Comeon, sweet baby." Li Mo looked forward expectantly.

The real gem quickly penetrated into the tentacle, and quickly reached the center of the vampire vine trunk along the tentacle, and quickly merged with the vampire tree.

A red light flashed, and a ruby ​​texture of **** lines appeared on the trunk, roots and vines.

The entire vampire vine began to expand rapidly, being five or six times larger. Li Mo could feel that the vampire vine was still undergoing the evolution of the energy of a real gem, and his own soul energy was increasing rapidly.

The meat was in the bowl, and Li Mo was relieved.

After boarding the spacecraft, Li Mo smoked a cigarette intoxicated. "Okay, now work. McQueen, start the planetary scanner and find out where the adjustment device is."

"The scan results, twenty kilometers from here." McQueen soon had results.

"So close?" Li Mo was strange. "Let's go and see."

McQueen quickly flew out of the desolate plains to a place where abandoned ships were piled up.

"McQueen, what's wrong here?" Li Mo asked.

"This is the only energy node on the planet, with a slight spacecraft energy response below."

McQueen's words immediately raised everyone's vigilance, and Li Mo immediately became serious. "Activate the space energy shield and be ready to attack at any time."

After a detailed scan, McQueen gave the scan results: This is a scientific spaceship without any attack capabilities.

Li Mo thought about it, and instructed others to be vigilant and disembarked from the boat.

The regulator floated not far away, and according to McQueen's scan, Li Mo found an entrance hidden in an abandoned spacecraft.

After McQueen cracked the system, Li Mo walked into the spacecraft.

There are countless embryos stored in containers, and many robots like insects are taking care of them.

Li Mo opened his mouth wide. "What is this?"

"Civilization restart plan," McQueen replied, "In my records, many civilizations that are about to disappear will make this preparation."

At this time, a three-dimensional holographic image suddenly appeared in front of Li Mo.

Li Mo stepped back nervously, "Malkis!"

Fortunately, this is just a video.

The three-dimensional image of Malekis slowly said, "Whoever you are, if you come here, it means that our race of dark elves has completely died. Please give us a chance to rekindle the fire."

After that, Malekis slowly knelt down, "The dark elf of the future is willing to serve you!"

Li Mo was silent for a while, then turned away, "I look so ugly, I don't want it."

After boarding the spacecraft, Li Mo had a headache sitting in the captain's seat. He really didn't know what to do with it. He just left it alone.

McQueen slowly pulled the regulator into the warehouse, and after scanning it, he suddenly said, "Captain Li Mo, this tractor and the gravity protons in the middle can be absorbed and evolve new functions."

"What will evolve?" Li Mo's interest increased.

"Calculating ... unknown ..."

"Don't absorb it first, anyway, the meat in the pot has been found, and then we will find the rest." Li Mo thought and said.

Subsequently, McQueen quickly took off and arrived in front of the gate of time and space, regardless of where it flew in directly ...

This is a huge planet with only 20% of the ocean area, most of which are plains and mountains.

"Nidaweiler!" The dwarf shouted happily, "I'm home!"

"Dwarf brother, I'm curious how you got sucked in. This is in planetary orbit." Li Mo asked strangely.

"My name is Kens, and I was sucked in by the sudden appearance of time and space on the plain," the dwarf replied.

"This thing will change position?" Li Mo scratched his head.

"It seems that every time you turn on it will reposition ..." The boss is saying what suddenly attracted attention, "Wait ... what is that?"

Li Mo looked at it. It was a small metal ball in the orbit of the planet Nidaweiler.

"McQueen, zoom in."

The image on the screen zoomed in and out instantly. It was a small metal planet. The circular holes in the center continued to emit a fiery glow, and the outer circle surrounded a huge interstellar orbit.

"This is ... Dyson Ball!" The boss is almost insane. "In terms of size, it is still the more advanced neutron star Dyson Ball. I'm going to see it! I'm going to see it!"

"What a fuss." The dwarf's proud face, "That's our furnace space station, the best place to build items in the universe."

The big boss looked at the dwarf with a respectful look. The dwarf was so proud of his beard that he raised his head, "You big head goblin is quite knowledgeable."

Boss: "..."

Li Mo has a headache. "We find things first, and we will definitely let you see enough if we have the chance."

The boss looked reluctantly for a while, "Well, you have to talk."

"Okay, definitely count! I have a partner there ~ ~ Li Mo shook his head.

Later, after scanning McQueen, the regulator was found on a mountain top.

McQueen landed quickly. The dwarves did not have a planetary defense system. They did not have that mind at all, because most people came only to ask them to help build items.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we found that a dwarf spacecraft had landed there. Several dwarfs were watching around the regulator, and they were ready to take it apart.

"My mercy!" Li Mo jumped out anxiously, "that's my thing."

"We found it first." A dwarf shouted, "There is a rare heart of the earth, which belongs to us."

As soon as Li Mo's head was hot, he wanted to grab it. Fortunately, the dwarf Kens stopped it and explained to several dwarves the harm of this stuff to the Nine Realms. The dwarves left reluctantly.

After bidding farewell to Dwarf Kens, Li Mo flew McQueen into the spacetime gate again.

This time it was a weird black continent floating in the universe. The ground was exuding horrible green light, and many places were filled with dead bodies and skeletons.

Li Mo swallowed, and the last place he wanted to visit was here, the underworld in the legend of the Nine Kingdoms.

After McQueen quickly scanned them, they came to a canyon below the mountains.

There was a strange dark green light ball not far from the regulator. Li Mo asked McQueen to quickly pull the regulator up, then drove McQueen and ran.

"What was that?" The chief asked curiously.

"Don't bother, who knows what kind of monster is inside the seal." Li Mo said, shaking his head.

The boss shrugged and didn't speak.

Just after they left, a woman's face suddenly appeared on the light ball, struggling to rush out, but couldn't break through the light ball ...

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