Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 134: Pirates of Dreams Space (middle)

Francois rebuilt a weird model with paper and pen and kept calculating.

Rows of mathematical formulas were written by him,

Constantly smear, recalculate ...

An hour has passed,

Li Mo smiled at the Demon and said, "We can leave here soon."

"Hopefully." The demon cast his lips.

Another hour has passed,

Li Mo's mouth was a little stiff. "Be patient, the time flow rate here is different from the outside. The outside may only pass a second."

Chieri read carefully with a Bible,

Demon begins to consider the possibility of breeding offspring here ...

Another hour passed,

"Shit! Can you **** be solved?" Li Mo suddenly shouted at Francois' collar.

"I can't figure it out." Francois was crying without tears. "It's too short. I need at least three years to form a thesis."

"Who's going to ask for your paper!" Li Mo was furious, "I just need you to find out their regular and abnormal points!"

"Oh ... this way." Francois scratched his head. "This space is weirdly formed with three centers of gravity, arranged in an equilateral triangle, and the center is here."

François drew a small circle on the model with a pen, and then pointed his finger at the door in the middle of the chapel. "The corridor through this door is."

As soon as his words fell, the three Li Mo rushed into the corridor.

"Can you say that these things can be taken out in the state of soul?" Francois screamed quickly, but got no answer.

He looked at the formula he wrote, and after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth fiercely, "Go to the Fields Medal of Tm, life is important!"

After that, I followed and ran up.

In the corridor space, the scene in which Li Mo flew a group of ghosts flying back and forth ...

When Francois came in, he found several people searching for clues.

"Will it be this Sadako and Freddy, they and I are both old acquaintances." Desire Michelle asked.

Li Mo looked for a moment and shook his head. "No, let's find something unusual."

"I don't think this place is normal." Chieri shook his head.

Everyone continued to search, over and over, and gradually became a little depressed.

"Hey, a third-rate mathematician, you must be wrong!" Roar could not help yelling at Francois.

But Francois ignored him, squatting in front of a wooden door, and looking at Jack Nicholson's head protruding from the hole.

"Don't you think his expression is strange?" Francois scratched his head. "I watched the movie several times. His expression doesn't look fierce, but ..."

"Fear!" Li Mo said excitedly. "You kid, you know, I know it's right to bring you here."

"Sex, resistance, shame, and fear here, is there any metaphor?" Chieri couldn't help asking.

"This is a deep knowledge of psychology, and you don't understand it after speaking." Li Mo pouted his lips. "Let's leave here first."

"How do I think you don't understand ..." Chieri murmured.

As Li Mo lifted the broken magic cone and a green smoke, everyone went deeper into the dream ...


Dark night,

The moon was half covered by dark clouds.

It's strange, there are two fires in the dark wooded open space. In the dim light, you can see a layer of cold fog floating around.

On the open ground, the sound of digging with a shovel kept coming, and two shaggy and shaggy guys were digging pits.

Li Mo, they stood and watched.

"What the **** is this TM?" Demon rolled his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is where the witch was dug out for the first time." Li Mo said looking thoughtfully around him.

"What time is this and what should we do?" Francois Chieri asked step by step.

"I don't know, just wait and see." Li Mo shook his head.

After digging for a long time, the two of them crawled out, lying in the ground and breathing heavily.

"Power, does this place really have an ancient grave?" The young grave robber asked panting.

"The picture I stole from the church is marked here, although I don't know the words." The tomb thief called the power came up with a pair of sheepskin drawings.

The young one stretched his head and looked at it. "What does the big skull painted on it mean?"

"It means treasure! Be smart, Arthur, we are getting rich." Power said proudly, and threw the sheepskin drawings aside, "Hurry up and continue digging!"

The two continued to climb into the pit and dug up, chatting while playing.

"Power, what if the body was just dug up?"

"Take off your body and sell it to the doctor or witch."

"What the **** do they want this thing?"

"Refining medicine or using witchcraft, who cares about him, just give money."

"You say we have been doing this, will the church burn us to death?"

"Go to TM's church. How could they have time to take care of us? The knights who returned from the East will be back."

"I heard that a nobleman in Transylvania, the Principality of Romania, became a vampire?"

"There are people in Britain who have pulled out the legendary sword in the stone, it's none of our business!"

"Welcome to the Middle Ages." Li Mo said, shaking his head, and judging the time when this happened.

Suddenly, there was a sound of iron collision with stones.

"Quick, you've found something!"

"It's a stone coffin, let's dig a little wider ..."

After digging for a while, the stone coffin was completely exposed. Simple in form, with some weird runes carved on it.

The two opened the coffin cover ...

"God, what is this?"

"A woman who doesn't rot, **** it, no gold or silver treasure."

"She is so beautiful!"

"Why, you still want ..."

The two grave robbers took turns to do the dirty things ...

"God, slay these two **** who should go to hell!" Chieri's eyes were broken, and he was about to come forward.

"It's no use." Li Mo stopped him and shook his head. "This is what has happened, and it will only be repeated here and again."

"I can't stand it anymore!" Chieri was furious.

"That has to wait, there will always be an end." Li Mo sighed.

The two grave robbers vented their animal desires, and carried the corpse of the witch Case to a nearby town while it was night.

Unfortunately, the two robbers were caught by the patrol guards as soon as they entered the city.

After being interrogated, the soldiers in the city were a little terrified, and they quickly sent the two to the church together with the witch's body.

The appearance of Witch Case is almost like a fairy in this dirty and chaotic age, which can easily cause evil thoughts.

Several church priests looked at each other after driving out the patrol soldiers.

"This is an evil witch, she needs to be purified!" Said a priest, licking his lips.

"Yes, let's fill her with holy water!" Another priest couldn't help swallowing.

So several priests purified the witch's body overnight and poured "holy water".

At night, the darkness of the church saddened Chieri, "You are not worthy to be called servants of God."

"It really opened my eyes to this demon." Desire Michelle laughed mockingly.

Chieri opened his mouth and wondered what to say.

Later, the extorted witch's body made the priest throw him into a dungeon, and he was set to burn tomorrow.

Inside the dungeon was an old cricket with cut limbs, pale gray hair, orange peel and rotten skin.

She opened her mouth and smiled, showing her rotten teeth, "I can feel it, I can feel your strength and anger, I will release it, you are free, hahaha ..."

Then she bit her tongue, struggling to draw evil runes on the ground with her **** tongue ...

Except for the silent mockery of Demon Michelle, everyone else was silent.

The next day,

A small group of disabled soldiers came from outside the city. They were paladins returning from the east to grab things.

Residents of the town were confused and held a simple welcome ceremony under the leadership of the lord lord and the church priest. They don't even know what happened.

"Be careful, you dare, this knight master is sick." The tax official shouted at the civilians who came to help.

"Did you contract the disease in the East?" A priest smiled. "Rest assured, we will treat this knight."

Although they didn't find it, a group of Li Mo saw a black smoke pour into the sick knight from the direction of the dungeon.

Suddenly, the horse started hissing in horror. The gloomy sky didn't know when a flock of crows flew over, roaring and circling continuously over the town.

The Black Death broke out ...

A large number of people began to die, and a large "P" was written on the wall in astonishment, and a black messenger with a dead body was carried out, and soon piled up into a mountain.

People began to despair as if living in hell.

"Where is God!" As soon as a desperate believer wrote this line on the wall, he was overthrown by church soldiers ...

The plague started from this small city called Messina and spread throughout Europe.

Several witches, disguised as black messengers, stole the body of Witch Case, covered her face with black mud, and carried it past the doomsday town ...

"Well, there is no weird space this time, but where do we start?" Desire Michelle broke the silence. He is a demon and doesn't care about it.

François burst into tears and kept drawing the cross on his chest.

Chieri stood foolishly in front of the wall, staring at the phrase "Where is God!"

Li Mo didn't say a word, he stared at the corpse of Witch Case.

Suddenly, the body of Witch Case opened her eyes and stared at a place.

Li Mo followed her gaze and a little girl with clean and clear eyes stood alone on the city wall, with a city like apocalypse behind her.

"I think I found it!" Li Mo pointed at the little girl ~ ~ What does that represent? "Asked Michelle Demon.

"Lost innocence and humanity ..." Li Mo sighed. "Let's leave this **** place."


After entering the dream of the little girl,

The crowd came to a weird space.

Behind it was boundless darkness, and in front of him was a transparent energy shield with colorful streamers.

Through the energy hood, the entire earth from a bird's eye view ...

"I guess this must be the final place," said Demon Michelle.

Li Mo nodded. "This is the beginning and the end."

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