Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 115: Before the conference

Early next morning, outside the Stark Building.

Erin stood in front of the live broadcast car, looking at the grey sky in New York with her arms.

Fascinating face, Victoria's supermodel-like **** and tall figure, coupled with professional professionalism. In the media circles, she rarely succumbed to the feelings of suffering like she does now, and she could not help smoking another cigarette.

As a famous New York Times reporter, if she wants to interview someone, no matter the celebrity or politician, she will be honored to come forward. And this time, she wanted to interview a completely different subject, a superhero who just returned from the universe!

Even the worst media person can feel that something big will happen this time.

At this moment, the rapid footsteps sounded, and a fat, bald middle-aged man appeared in front of her. This is her colleague Bob, who is responsible for outreach and logistics.

"How's it connected?" Irene asked anxiously.

Bob shook his head and said frustrated, "I contacted the Stark Group press spokesperson and said that Tony and Li Mo would not be interviewed before the press conference."

"Oh shit!" After Irene heard irritability and turn in place, "Reuters, NBC, CBS guys already here! Just now I saw that Kristin Bitch, more media Still flocking! We must do something! "

"Not waiting!" Irene made a decision immediately. "Let's go straight in."

"But the guards here are very tight."

"There will always be a way." Irene took off her coat, revealing a **** figure wrapped in a tight skirt. "The two guys are both playboys, and the superhero is also a man."

"Ok, listen to you." Bob shrugged.

However, when they arrived at the front desk of the Stark Building, Irene met a person she didn't want to see.

Kristin, her deadly opponent, is a beautiful white woman with blond hair and red lips. She has a look and figure comparable to her, and has a more bold style. The two played equal roles in several important news events.

Two each eye with each other, all eyes revealed a mean, I know you want to do, bitch!

Sparks seemed to flash in the frozen air at any time.

"Please tell Mr. Tony Stark, I'm Kristin of NBC." Kristin, dressed in sexy, said to the guard first, and pulled out a business card, "He knows who I am."

Irene was anxious and said, "Tony Stark once promised me a column."

But the tall black security chief shook his head expressionlessly. "I'm sorry, ladies, no interviews are made before the press conference, especially women! This is what CEO Pepper said."

"Damn it, coward." The two beauties cursed at the same time, and then yelled at the security chief.

Just when the security chief was being annoyed by harassment, a staff member of the Stark Group came over, "Ladies, the temporary change of the press conference will be held in the afternoon, and each important media will receive a ticket , I think you guys have to fight for this opportunity first. "

"Shit!" The two panicked, and walked anxiously outside the door.

As the staff member said, in a highly competitive media company, if there is only one ticket, they may not be their turn, so we must first get it done.

However, when the two contacted the headquarters, they discovered that dozens of military vehicles were coming from the street, and a group of American soldiers carrying live ammunition were driving many media personnel outside the Stark building.

Whistling came from the sky, and a strangely shaped plane came down at the top of the Stark Building with blue fireworks.

Both knew the plane, which was dedicated to the Avengers, and could not help looking at each other.

What happened?

At this time, after the plane landed, Captain America Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner went off the plane. Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Clint Button are waiting on the roof.

"What's happening now, I rushed over as soon as I received Dr. Banner," Steve said as he walked.

"The people in the World Security Council and the Federal Rescue Administration's Rose did not agree with Tony's announcement. The two sides had already quarreled in the conference room," Natasha said solemnly.

"Is it news about outer space?" Steve asked.

"Yes, what do you think?" Natasha shook her head and said.

"To be honest, I don't know." Steve paused, his handsome face filled with confusion. "In our day, I was the representative of the highest technology, and now I have become an old antique. For these, I I really do n’t know if it is good or bad. "

"Forget it, don't want to do this first." Steve shook his head. "We can't let the two sides fight, think about it is a huge disaster."

"But if they are in conflict, who should we help?" Natasha continued without asking.

"Of course to help Tony and Li Mo them." Steve said without hesitation: "That is our companion."

A few people came outside the meeting room and pushed open the door to hear Tony's taunting voice: "You are probably used to prestige on earth, thinking that everyone must follow your rules, so simple things want Not clear? "

Director Ross slammed the table. "You are disrupting the order of the earth and will cause great confusion."

A member of the Security Council also nodded in agreement: "After internal discussions, we also believe that this matter should be kept hidden. And Mr. Li Mo, we need your spacecraft for research."

"Wow, Tony, I told you about the virtues of this group of people." Li Mo said mockingly, and then put his feet in slippers on the table. "McQueen is on it, you guys. You can give it a try. "

Captain America's sudden arrival caught everyone's attention, and Steve said calmly: "Sir, we should calm down."

Finally, it was reasonable to understand that Ross and the Security Council were relieved at the same time. The two bastards, Tony and Li Mo, were more irritating than one.

They wouldn't have discussed with these **** at all, and they were going to make a direct threat of force. But who knows that Li Mo actually brought a few aliens under his belt, and they do n’t know the situation of the universe. In case of interstellar conflict, they do n’t know what to do.

"Hey, Captain, this is our first official meeting." Tony first extended a friendly hand. "Thank you for protecting Pepper Pepper during my absence."

Li Mo was a little surprised. Tony didn't taunt Captain America for the first time. It seems that the trip to the universe really changed him a lot.

"This is what I should do, Pepper helped us a lot, and your father Howard Stark is also my best friend. I didn't expect that I slept, his son is so old." Steve holds Holding Tony's hand.

"Wow." Tony's face gradually disappeared. "It's a bit uncomfortable to listen to someone who looks younger than me and talks to you in an uncle's tone."

"Uh ... I'm sorry, I just woke up less than a year ago and haven't adapted to this era." Steve said slightly awkwardly.

"It's okay, I'm kidding. It's just my father ... we each have our own." Tony smiled a little reluctantly, "but I really grew up listening to your name, about a thousand times, really. Childhood shadow. "

Li Mo also said hello to them, "Hey, Natasha, I feel you are a lot more beautiful. I brought you a set of cosmetics. This is the signature product of my star businessman Li Mo. And Bruce, I also I brought you a fun thing to decompress. "

Natasha and Bruce Banner made a grateful thanks, and Hawkeye stood behind and blinked innocently, "Are you mine?"

"Well, gentlemen, this is not the time to retire." Rose frowned. "Captain Steve Rogers, you should persuade them."

Tony pouted, "Captain, what do you think?"

"You asked the wrong person, I'm just a soldier. But ..." Steve sighed and stared thoughtfully out the window. "Since I came to this era, I have found that many original scientific fantasies have been realized Humans have landed on the moon, aliens have really come, and artificial intelligence robots have not rebelled. I think the world is always changing, and we will eventually accept it, but we need to move forward with caution. "

"It's really outdated." Tony frowned. "We don't have that much time."

And a member of the Security Council said happily, "Good captain, and you have to persuade Li Mo to contribute the spacecraft for the development of the earth."

"I don't think it's a noble act to **** someone else's stuff, whatever the purpose!" Steve frowned.

"My brain is sick!" Li Mochi laughed, stood up and turned to the door.

"What are you going to do?" Rose couldn't help but say.

"Rest assured, I'm just going to get a gift." Li Mo shrugged. "After you return, you can continue to talk if you want to slap, you can do it hard!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out, leaving everyone in the room looking at each other.

Li Mo went to the toilet with a cigarette. He didn't care about the bureaucracy. He had contacted McQueen. No matter how many troops came, it would not matter. He drove the spacecraft directly to the universe.

After coming out of the toilet, Li Mo suddenly saw a bald head wearing glasses.

This guy is called Xi Xilai. He was standing behind Rose in the conference room just now. It seems that it was someone from SHIELD before. How did he become Ross's subordinate?

This guy should be a Hydra ...

Sitwell came out to go to the toilet. He didn't expect to see Li Mo. He nodded with a smile.

"Hey man," Li Mo couldn't help but asked, "Aren't you a member of SHIELD, how did you become Ross's subordinate?"

"Because of some previous incidents, SHIELD is currently dismembered. Many colleagues and I have joined the Federal Disaster Relief General." Sitwell said with a smile.

It turned out to be this way, Li Mo thoughtfully, it seems that after the Aegis Bureau collapsed, Hydra eyed the Federal Rescue Administration again.

Ha ha…

Li Mo suddenly laughed, "Want to see a magic?"

"What are you doing?" Sitwell was foggy.

Li Mo reached out his hand, a vine stretched out in the void of Captain McQueen's secret room, and McQueen controlled the mechanical arm inside to deliver an item to him.

Although not in sight, Li Mo came up with this strange trick to realize the storage function by connecting with McQueen's heart.

In Sitwell's horrified gaze, Li Mo suddenly appeared with a scepter of the soul, and before he responded, he pressed his chest.

Sitwell's pupils turned blue in an instant ...


Li Mo went into the conference room with a pile of gifts, ignored Ross and arbitrarily distributed the gifts.

"Captain, although we are unfamiliar, I have a few buddies who are your iron powder. This is a rocket boot for you, a pretty good gadget."

"Thank you, maybe one day you can call your buddy out for dinner." Steve said with a smile.

"Natasha, you also have a rocket boot, and a high-level cosmetics, the whisper of Eros, are quite tight in the universe."

"Thank you." Natasha's hoarse and **** voice sounded. "Go play video games together another day."

"It's for you, Hawkeye, it's also a rocket boot. Sorry for the same gift, but I think it's so easy to use."

"Wow, what an unexpected surprise." Eagle eyebrows smiled.

"As for Bruce, you don't need those stuff at all. Fortunately, I got this in the Alaska market." Li Mo took out a cage with a look of excitement.

There was a cute little animal in the cage, covered with fluffy white fluff, plump and plump like a leather ball, pink limbs, and tears in the eyes.

"Coop Goller, there is a beautiful name translated, forget it. After being hungry for so long, the first person to feed him will become the master."

Under the guidance of Li Mo, Bruce successfully let the little guy recognize the Lord.

Bruce's heart melted as he watched his little fellow with watery eyes on his shoulders.

"Rest assured, this little thing is quite sturdy. When it is in danger, it will become a ball-like thing. It will only be bounced, and its intelligence is equivalent to a six-year-old child." Looking at Bruce's cautious look, Lee Mo smiled.

Rose couldn't help looking at Li Mo's dangling look. As soon as he got up, one of his subordinates took the first step to pat the table.


The attention of everyone in the conference room was drawn to the past.

"Sitville, what are you doing?" Rose frowned at the man who had just been dug from SHIELD.

"I want to report it!" Sitwell said rightly, "For the future of the earth!"

"What are you going to report?" Rose asked with a frown.


Sitwell's words made a mess in the conference room.

"It's impossible! This organization has been destroyed by us." Steve said incredulously.

"Cut off one head ~ ~ and two new ones will grow. This is a belief that will never die. The story goes like this, after World War II ..." Know everything and then look at Rose: "The Federal Disaster Relief Agency has been thoroughly penetrated by us, and the World Security Council has our people ..."

Subsequently, Rose and the members of the World Security Council could no longer afford to take care of it, and worriedly took Sitwell away. Steve quickly took Hawkeye and Natasha to discuss with Nick Fury.

Tony stared blankly at it all, then frowned and looked at Li Mo, "Scepter of the Soul?"

Li Mo shrugged, "Don't worry about these obtrusive guys, keep doing what you want to do."

Tony nodded, walked out of the conference room firmly, and made a phone call while walking. "Pepper, the press conference is on schedule."

Li Mo smiled and followed.

Only Bruce Banner was left in the conference room, and he kept teasing and forgetting, "Oh, boy, how can you be so cute ..."

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