Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 110: Escape from prison (on)

Li Mo's ability was restored, the day before Tony completed his air service.

Probably because of the absorption of the cubic energy of the universe, the newly-grown vine has a strange ability to shuttle space, and can grasp objects to pass through.

Unfortunately, there is only one vine, and when it grows to one meter, it stops growing. Li Mo tried to inject energy from different spaces and devour irons, which were all useless.

Perhaps only the energy and higher-level matter of the cosmic cube will allow it to continue to grow and evolve ...

"You tentacles are even weirder!"

Tony frowned. "Is this magic? The energy required to break through space is huge. What do you rely on to support it?"

"How do I know?" Li Mo shrugged. "What do you want so much to use?"

"What do you feel when you use abilities, do you need a lot of energy? Or will some kind of particles be released?" Tony asked curiously.

"Nothing strange." Li Mo scratched his head. "It's as simple as taking oranges from a fruit basket."

"What about the distance, is there a limit?" Tony asked again.

"Everywhere you look at is okay, you can only see what you can't see." Li Mo shook his lips. "There is no need to have a scientific explanation for this kind of thing."

However, Tony thought and said to himself: "If it is not relying on huge energy for space-time folding and twisting, then string theory may explain that high-dimensional space is linked through some medium ..."

"Shit! Here again, I don't understand what you said." Li Mo was helpless. Since traveling around with Tony Alien, this guy has often fallen into this state of talking to himself.

"We can't be stuck here anymore." Tony frowned. "If in my lab, I might be able to observe and model your process of using abilities. The study of space theory will surely be great. s help."

"Come less, I won't be your little mouse." Li Mo patted Tony's shoulder again. "It doesn't matter, I have the power, and it's not a problem for us to go out."

"The more you are sure, the more worried I am." Tony rolled his eyes.

"Nonsense, when would I ... um ... definitely not pit you this time." Li Mo smiled.


The King of Prison Fighting, which lasted for several days, completely ignited Chin Prison.

Despite being in the interstellar era, all intelligent creatures that are deeply buried in blood and passed down from ancient times, the desire for physical killing will never disappear.

Not to mention the stimulation of gambling.

The prisoners' boring life has changed, and they are eagerly discussing the exciting games that have happened in the past few days. The live video of other prison cell games have also been transmitted, making prisoners even more excited about the upcoming finals.

Boyka jumped from an obscure prisoner into a star and hero in everyone's eyes.

This made him very accustomed to the taciturn, often hiding alone around the corner.

"Wow, isn't this our big star, what are you doing here?" Li Mo, who happened to pass, asked with a cigarette.

"Sit down, let's talk." Seeing Boyka trying to stand up, Li Mo quickly stopped him. "You were so handsome at kicking that day. How did you do it, practice every day?"

"Well ... the result of an exercise from a young age." Boyka nodded. "But what's the use of it, we are all prisoners trapped here, and it's better to use laser guns."

"You can't say that." Li Mo shook his head. "That's killing. This can be considered a competitive game. You should feel it, what's it like being a star?"

"It feels a bit ridiculous." Boyka had a strange expression on his face. "The planet where I was born is very primitive. People fight with the beasts, and the tribe fights with the tribe. These skills are all trained in life and death. The most powerful warrior, one day, people from other planets came to drive the spaceship. Even the most powerful warrior would be killed by a small laser gun. Then I went out and ran around and joined the predators. I have been I am obsessed with high-tech weapons, but I did not expect that my fighting skills gave me hope. "

"That's what people do." Li Mo shrugged. "It may take a long time to find the way that suits you. You are fortunate. Most people can't go the way they should go in their lives."

"You're right." A smile appeared on Boyka's rough face. "I'll find a way to leave here alive, and not be a ghost predator. I want to go to Sakar Star, I heard there. It's a paradise for combat enthusiasts, and the whole planet is doing it. "

"Is there such a good place?" Li Mo's interest increased, "Is that a country?"

"No, I heard it belongs to one person." Boyka shook his head. "The man is called En Duvy Gast, nicknamed Grandmaster."

Li Mo: "..."

Boyka: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Mo: "I will definitely go there when I have time."

Two days later, the finals began.

A huge stepped iron frame was temporarily set up around the prison guard training ground. Although the greedy prison leaders sold the tickets so expensively, they could not stop the fervent prisoners. Many people have almost lost their lives here.

There are flying robot guards flying in the air. Numerous prison armed guards, wearing a full set of protective clothing and holding heavy weapons nervously guarding against this crazy group of prisoners, had cursed the prison chiefs long ago.

The prison chiefs didn't care at all. They had been dazzled by the huge profits during this time. They were already thinking about setting up a gambling group to become famous.

In their eyes, these prisoners were just purses that could be slaughtered by others. They had no weapons and could not roll over.

Li Mo, Tony, and Scorch also came. The atmosphere was very enthusiastic, but the three of them were whispering.

"You can't see it so far. Can you drag the spacesuit?" Tony asked with a frown.

"Rest assured, my vine has been holding the box, as long as an idea will immediately appear in front of us." Li Mo answered affirmatively.

"Boss, shall we go back to Earth immediately after we go out?" Skorch asked.

"Of course, it's time to go back and rest after floating for so long." Li Mo shrugged.

"Awesome! I'm going crazy to Las Vegas." Scolchi said excitedly.

"Are you rich?" Li Mochen laughed.

"I don't have it, but you have it, that's why I call you boss." Skorchi said for granted.

"How can I have such a shameless man like you." Li Mo shook his head, "Well, don't say it, I'm on the field, you guys can do it!"

Tony and Skorchi nodded, while Li Mo straightened his collar and walked up the huge platform.

"All the bad guys, how are you!" Li Mo said loudly with a microphone and pointing at all the audience.

Shouts, whistles, and screams rang loudly.

"Today, we gather here just to witness the emergence of a legend." Li Mo's expression became serious. "The victor will defeat the other strongest cells in the prison. He will be the prison's ultimate fighting king. ! "

The prisoners shouted frantically, and even the prison guards couldn't help turning their heads to watch frequently. The chiefs of the prison also excitedly ran into the celebration wine in the observation booth at a high place.

"Eight cells, the eight strongest, they will be divided into four groups, and the winners will be promoted until the final king is decided!"

As Li Mo's words just came to an end, the prisoners quickly remembered their targets of support.

"Boika, Boyka ..."

"Hrus, Hrus ..."

"Peter Kyull ..."


"First of all, the first group came on, and Helus from cell 4 against Skaha of cell 1!" Li Mo took out the card and read aloud, then quickly stepped out.

"I really don't understand why you should be the host, it will delay us." Tony shook his head.

"I don't want to, but the guys identified me and said that I had a deceptive power. When did I have this skill?" Li Mo said helplessly.

"The Rocket guy will set the time for about an hour, and then we will wait there first, and you have to leave in a mess." Tony said.

"Okay, let's watch the game first. There is really a big problem to kill." Li Mo looked at the stage and replied.

At this point the competition on the stage has begun.

Herus is two meters tall, with blue skin and knotted muscles. They are Rufumande people. They have been wandering in the universe since the mother star was destroyed. Many of them have become powerful thugs or mercenaries because of their strong bodies and strong personalities.

Kamola's sister Nebula is a member of this tribe.

His opponent, Skaha, is an unknown interstellar race, probably of worm-like origin, with eight spider-like limbs on the back and a sharp tip.

The battle between the two was very exciting, and they both experienced special training. Instead of relying solely on physical superiority, he carefully tested and attacked decisively.

Skaha's eight worm limbs could make lightning-like piercing attacks, which once prevailed.

But as the Rufumonde's Herus relied on his strong physical resilience to endure the pain one by one to cut off his worm limb, the game was quickly divided.

Herus raised his hands high in the audience's frantic cheers, and under his feet was Skaha lying in a pool of blood.

Boyka is on the field. His opponent is a muscular man as high as 2.5 meters, and he is fast.

But Boyka does not deserve to be the brightest star of the time. Sturdy hands and feet coupled with excellent ground skills quickly defeated the opponent, walking down expressionlessly in the cheers of the audience.

"How long will it take the Rocket Raccoon?" Li Mo asked suddenly.

"Half an hour."

"Then you go first, I'll come later." Li Mo nodded and said.

Tony nodded and slowly led Skolch into the crazy crowd.

They came to a ventilation duct around the corner ~ ~ The opening of this duct was on a metal wall, and there was only a small window shutter.

Scolchi stayed nearby, while Tony carefully took out a bottle of strong acid and slowly dripped it.

Soon, a large hole appeared in the wall, and the two quickly drilled into it. The ventilation ducts became larger and larger, and eventually became a small tunnel.

They easily arrived at the intended location.

After Tony surveyed the wall for a long time, he took out a homemade plastic bomb and stuck it in a circle.

"I didn't expect it to be so smooth." Scolchi said with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't talk to your boss the same way!" Tony frowned. "I feel something wrong. There is no security in this place."

"Do you mean that?" Skorch asked.

The distant spider-like robot tide generally flocks here ...

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