"Thank you, Philip, thank you for coming to my last birthday party,"

Tony said after giving Li Xin a hug and patting her on the back;

"Stop! Let's make a bet. If you can still happily hold a birthday party next year, you have to promise to make me a set of armor."

Li Xin said, revealing her deep eyes and beautiful face and smiled at Tony.

Tony was a little confused when he heard Li Xin's words. Making a set of armor was a piece of cake for him, but Li Xin's attitude of unconditional trust in him from the beginning made him a little confused.

"Why are you so confident in me? My blood toxicity is already 80%. To be honest, I don’t know how many days I can hold on,"

Tony said with a wry smile;

"Because you are Tony Stark," Li Xin looked at Tony and said seriously.

Tony also began to look seriously at the handsome oriental teenager in front of him, but when he suddenly saw the blood-stained robe, Tony suddenly thought that this boy would be another person after putting on the mask.

"Oh, God, when you don't wear a mask, you are really only 16 years old, you are still a minor, oh, God."

Tony showed a distressed and unbelievable expression, and then took a big sip of wine.

But Li Xin walked straight to Tony's side and looked at the base of Tony's neck.

"I didn't expect palladium poisoning to penetrate so quickly. Mr. Stark, stop drinking and drink this instead."

He handed a bottle of red life potion in front of Tony, and Tony stared at the red potion in front of him and was speechless. He naturally knew what this potion was.

"What did you call me just now? Mr. Stark? Haha, even those bastards who only want to get close to me know to call me Tony?"

Tony suddenly shouted at Li Xin with red eyes; and Li Xin was a little dumbfounded, not knowing whether it was because of drinking too much, so he quickly accepted it and said:"It's a slip of the tongue, Tony, you are my brother, okay, you will be my real brother from now on!"

In fact, it is not a loss to recognize Tony as a brother, no, it is a huge profit!

After a round of comfort, Tony stopped making trouble, and just sat on the sofa beside him in his armor and leaned against the body and said;

"I don't need this life potion anymore. I can't live that long. After 80%, the penetration will only get faster and faster. You need this thing more than me."

Li Xin looked at Tony, who looked depressed, and didn't bother to talk nonsense. He saw his eyes quickly transformed into scarlet three-magatama Sharingan, and quickly formed a"child" seal.

"Illusion: Sharingan"

Seeing Tony suddenly become dazed, Li Xin quickly poured the potion into Tony's mouth.

"Tons Tons.."After Tony drank the potion, Li Xinbian quickly removed the illusion

"Wow, how did my body do this?...Did you give me the medicine to drink?"

After Tony woke up, he felt warm all over, and the pain of the poisoning in his body was relieved a lot. At this moment, he not only felt refreshed, but also felt happy.

"Yes, this potion is much stronger than the wine you drank." Li Xin smiled and said when she saw Tony's mood improved;

"No, how did you manage to hypnotize me instantly, and that voice..."

Tony looked at the flute on Li Xin's waist and suddenly asked curiously; and Li Xin saw that Tony asked sincerely, so he told him kindly that in order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to protect world peace...(Changing channels)

After that, Li Xin sat down and patiently explained the magic to Tony, and the two began to talk to each other. In fact, Li Xin and Tony both have something in common, loneliness.

Tony seems to have friends everywhere, but in fact, the only ones who can really enter his heart over the years are Pepper and Happy, especially after Obadiah betrayed him. This is even more true for Li Xin. Although he has lived in this universe for so many years, how many people have really entered his heart?

"Simply put, it is to use the five senses as a medium to interfere with the other party's energy position, change his cognition, and make him fall into hallucinations. Of course, I can only use the visual system at present. The premise of the auditory system is that you have to be attracted and intoxicated by my music."

After that, the two of them talked happily with each other. Tony was explaining science to Li Xin, and Li Xin performed ninjutsu for Tony. When he was excited, Li Xin jumped to the garden outside Tony and performed for the largest flower in the middle;

""Watch out, Tony!"

Li Xin quickly formed seals with both hands, 'Si, Wei, Shen, Hai, Wu, Yin'.~

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

A burst of fire came out of Li Xin's mouth and formed a fireball that rushed towards the flower bed. In an instant, the entire flower bed was covered and burned by the fireball.

When Li Xin withdrew his hand, only sparks and ashes were left in the entire flower bed.

"Snap Snap..."Tony clapped his hands in shock, and then suddenly burst into laughter. Tony also began to rekindle his fighting spirit, because even such an unscientific power could be mastered, so what was impossible about replacing an element? If there was no one, he would create one again!

After that, the two of them talked happily until dawn, and they both had a trustworthy friend in their hearts.

During this period, Tony also gave Li Xin a gift, which was a Miao Dao, with a total length of 140cm, a blade of 100cm, a handle length of 39cm (hand guard 1cm), and a blade width of 3.5cm. The whole black, full of modern style, very handsome

"ATS-34 high carbon steel plus some titanium alloy, weighing 2.5 kilograms, designed in the style of the Chinese Miao Dao, and there are some small technological surprises, I hope you like it"

Tony said with a smile in the studio; and Li Xin looked at the technologically-sense battle blade in his hand and the corners of his mouth began to rise wildly, after all, no one would refuse such a handsome cold weapon.

But the sky will eventually get light, and people will always disperse. Tony's outrageous behavior yesterday will definitely be on the hot search, and there is also the decoration problem of this mansion. Today he is also going to go to the company to deal with it and share the pressure for Pepper.

And Li Xin also has to go home to make up for his sleep. After all, he has not rested since the fight with the"Black and White Twins" on the subway yesterday. Although he was not injured, his mana consumption was not small.

As Li Xin secretly climbed into his room through the window, Tony decided to have breakfast before going to the company, and then bring one to Pepper by the way.

Just as Tony was enjoying breakfast in a shop with a big donut sign, Nick Fury, wearing a black leather windbreaker, sat down opposite Tony with a dark face.


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