Security Council Secretary Pierce and Agent Rumlow walked down the long corridor one after another. Guards and agents saluted them along the way.

This is a secret prison of S.H.I.E.L.D. located in the Tri-Curve Wing, where many dangerous criminals who have not yet been tried are imprisoned.

For example, the Winter Soldier who attacked former SHIELD director Nick Fury and Steve Rogers, who was suspected of threatening SHIELD's internal security, were both temporarily detained here.

Rumlow came to a closed door. He entered a digital password and performed biometric verification before opening the door.

There were four fully armed combatants in the room, holding M16s in their hands and wearing high-power stun batons on their waists. They not only wore body armor, but also wore explosion-proof masks. They were armed to the teeth!

No wonder Rumlow arranged it so carefully. When anyone sees the people in the single cell, they will not think that their defensive equipment is superfluous...

Pierce looked at Captain America through a thick layer of glass. Captain America got up from his seat and came to the glass.

"Be careful, Captain Rogers!" Rumlow reminded, "The glass is electrified, and high-voltage electricity is also effective on super humans like you!"

"I didn't expect you to be from Hydra, Pierce." Captain America said in a deep voice, "Nick Fury told me that you were his best friend before he died...but you betrayed him!"

"It's all thanks to me that Nick can sit in the position of director," Pierce smiled. "It doesn't matter whether he is Hydra or SHIELD, as long as he can help me accomplish what I want to do!"

"But you are wrong, you will kill many people, and you are destroying this beautiful world!" Captain America said coldly.

"What a righteous statement!" Pierce shook his head, "I'm not the captain here to argue with you. I've endured this plan for decades and won't change anything because of your few words... I'm just curious about Nick's death. What on earth did you say before? Of course I never thought of asking anything out of your mouth, and there is no need to torture to extract a confession. The 'Insight Project' has officially started, and nothing can stop me... Oh, by the way, now I'm going to call It's a 'devil's plan'!"

"What do you mean?" Captain America frowned, "Has the devil really joined Hydra? Or is he also involved?"

Pierce just looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Captain America was silent for a moment and then said: "Director Nick told me before he died that SHIELD had been infiltrated by Hydra. He discovered your conspiracy and asked me to stop you."

Pierce shook his head, obviously he didn't believe what Captain America said.

"The devil just has the same purpose as us."

Pierce looked at Captain America deeply, then turned and left. It wasn't until he reached a deserted section of the road that Pierce turned back to ask Rumlow.

"Have the security guards outside the prison been replaced by our people?"

Rumlow nodded confidently, "Security is perfect, no one can contact him except us!"

"You must not let him talk nonsense in front of others," Pierce thought for a moment and said, "Before we start, get the Winter Soldier out of prison and do it yourself."


Rumlow hesitated for a few seconds and then put forward his own idea: "I think Rogers should be killed to avoid future troubles. As long as he is alive, he will be an unstable factor."

"It's too troublesome. The procedure to transfer Captain America out of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not simple, and it requires a reasonable reason." Pierce shook his head, "Now our focus is on the 'Insight Project', and we can't let him stay there if we can't create any extra problems." In the house! When he comes out, it will be a strange world for him..."

After Pierce left, Captain America, who was in prison, was a little anxious. He observed this special cell and couldn't find any way to escape inside.

But obviously Pierce and Hydra have started their conspiracy. If no one stops them, many people will die... This makes Captain America feel restless, maybe because he defeated Hydra once in World War II. This gives him a sense of mission when facing Hydra. He must once again dismantle Hydra's "Insight Plan"!

Captain America's anxiety became more intense as time went by, and he couldn't help but speak after ten minutes.

"Are you all members of Hydra? Did you belong to Hydra from the beginning, or did you join S.H.I.E.L.D. and then be turned over by Hydra?" Captain America tried to get power from the outside to solve the problems he is facing now. trouble.

"Bah!" A guard raised his electric shock baton to threaten him.

"Keep quiet, Captain!" the guard next to him reminded, "This cell has many functions, and I don't think you are willing to try them all..."

His words stopped suddenly, and suddenly another guard came over with an electric shock stick! He was knocked down before he could react.

Captain America was stunned. Through the glass, he watched the traitorous guard throw out two coin-sized cards again. After they were attached to the explosion-proof helmets of the other two guards, they vibrated, and there was a burst of harsh high-pitched and high-frequency sounds. When the sound came out, the two of them were instantly paralyzed on the ground.

The traitorous guard lifted up his explosion-proof mask, revealing a beautiful face, with silky black hair floating like catkins.

"Agent Hill?" Captain America's tone was full of surprise.

"This thing makes my head hurt!" Hill threw the explosion-proof mask to the ground.

She came to the cell where Captain America was trapped. After a smooth operation, the glass wall slowly rose upwards.

Captain America took a deep breath and walked out.

"I thought I would be fighting alone this time..."

"You can only watch the realization of Hydra's conspiracy...I am the same, so we have to join forces." Hill gestured to the three guards who were lying on the ground and were temporarily incapacitated. "The Black Widow is already in place. , Hawkeye is waiting for us outside."

Captain America understood, he quickly changed into a guard's uniform, and then threw the three of them into the cell where he had just been trapped. Hill pressed the button, and the glass wall was lowered again, making it a perfect fit!

Agent Hill is obviously very familiar with the layout and patrol procedures here. She led the US team all the way smoothly. Every time they encountered a checkpoint or a gate, the access control was automatically opened without her having to operate it personally.

"Is this also Director Nick's preparation?" Captain America was a little surprised.

Hill shook her head lightly. She said nothing, but Captain America saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

The two got out of the prison, got into Hawkeye's car and left the Tri-Wing Base, and after many anti-tracking transfers, they arrived at a SHIELD safe haven.

"Captain!" Falcon Sam has been waiting for a long time.

"We went to his house to investigate, and he took the initiative to follow us." Hill shrugged.

Captain America and Falcon hugged, "You don't have to be involved..."

"Hey, Captain America needs my help! Isn't this reason enough?" Falcon smiled, "I can do what you can do, but I'm just a little slower than you."

"Natasha? Where is she?" Captain America said, looking around.

Hill sat down in front of the huge screen: "Where she should appear..."

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