Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 46 Testing each other

The warm afternoon sun shines on the green field. Looking from the playground of Midtown Science and Technology, not far away are the high-rise buildings of Manhattan.

The terrorist attack that night cast a shadow over this aristocratic school, but the students who had not experienced this disaster would only feel sad for a moment at the memorial service reported by the school. After that, everything was as usual, and every student was grasping Living in this campus allows me to release my passionate youth, and I have no time to miss the sadness.

The Central School football team on the field was undergoing daily training. The blue and white teams were fiercely confronting each other, and bursts of cheers could be heard from time to time.

Behind the iron net, Luo Xia and Gwen sat on the stands, with the sun casting shadows behind them.

Gwen wore a navy blue coat, black stockings and knee-high boots under her short skirt. She sat sideways opposite Luo Xia, her long, silky golden hair hanging down like a waterfall.

"Did you read the report today?" Luo Xia handed the phone to Gwen, "Your idol Spider-Woman was caught doing evil again by the Daily Bugle."

Gwen looked at the news "Spider-Woman teamed up with the devil to cause a terrorist attack at Midtown Institute of Technology!", and she kept frowning while browsing.

"This is ridiculous. Spider-Woman is so kind that she will help citizens find lost pet dogs. Will she launch a terrorist attack on us?" Gwen returned the phone to Luo Xia. "No one will believe their lies. This is completely falsehood and smear.”

Luo Xia smiled and shook his head: "That's not necessarily the case. People are ignorant and can easily be led astray by unscrupulous media. You can see that their likes and comments are very high. Many people believe their news and leave messages @Police arrest Spider-Woman as soon as possible.”

Gwen felt a little tired for a moment after hearing this. She sighed and leaned her head on Luo Xia's shoulder.

It was too difficult to be a superhero...Suddenly she understood the devil a little bit. The devil did whatever he wanted and was not restricted by others. It was common for the devil to cause some destruction and never aroused heated discussions. The citizens' requirements for him were also very simple, which was to create The damage will be less, and fewer people will be killed at once...

Many citizens even dare not abuse him on the Internet, because the devil is also called the "messenger of Satan", and he may one day appear in front of those who have abused him...

"Actually, this is nothing. Everyone knows that the Daily Bugle specializes in blackmailing Spider-Woman, and their news is not trustworthy. However, major media such as the New York Daily News and CNN have not slandered Spider-Woman... They have slandered Spider-Woman. It’s the devil.”

As Gwen said this, she raised her head and observed Luo Xia's face.

"They actually put all the Green Devil's faults on the devil. It's clear that there are so many witnesses who saw it clearly..." Gwen complained.

"All this is thanks to your good friend, Harry Osborn!" Luo Xia lowered her head and looked directly into Gwen's eyes. "As a rich man, many people believe what he says."

"Because Harry is the only survivor found by the police, everyone will think that what he said is very true..." Gwen rubbed her head on Rosha's shoulder, "Actually, the media won't care about it either. The truth is, they only care about newspaper sales and clicks, and no one will care even if they publish wrong news for these reasons.”

"There must be some misunderstanding in this... Harry doesn't seem to be confusing right and wrong. He also has his own pride. Proud people don't bother to lie." Gwen said silently: "It's a pity that I don't know what happened that night. What happened in the venue..."

In fact, Gwen knew everything. Harry witnessed the demon killing his father with his own eyes, and the hatred was irresolvable.

And Gwen was sure that in the past few nights, Harry would fall asleep while plotting revenge plans...

Transferring his father's fault to the devil in front of the media is also Harry's plan. He uses public opinion to shape the devil into a heinous criminal and makes him a public enemy. In this way, the citizens will only hate the devil even more and the police will spend more money. The power to fight against him...

Although the real effect may be minimal, Harry has taken the first step in revenge!

But Harry will not know that he has actually helped the devil invisibly. Through his efforts, the devil has been shaped into a symbol of terror. The more people hate the devil and fear the devil, the more villains he will increase, and the villain will It's worth making him stronger...

"As you said, you don't know what happened that night, and Harry Osborn witnessed everything. How do you know that he was confusing right and wrong?" Luo Xia said with a smile.

Gwen retorted: "Because my father said there are many doubts about Harry's words, and the police are still investigating..."

"No one cares whether he is lying." Luo Xia interrupted Gwen, "Citizens have always felt that terrorist attacks and demons are a perfect match! I don't think demons care about their reputation...even if it is rumored Rumors spread that the devil was planning to destroy the entire New York City, which caused panic and abuse among the citizens. The devil would not care, he would only laugh, let alone being framed for a terrorist attack."

Gwen had already sat up straight. She took a deep look at Luo Xia. After a long time, she said quietly: "You really know the devil very well... Sometimes I feel that you two are the same person."

"That's my honor..." Luo Xia muttered.

"What?" Gwen didn't hear clearly.

"I mean, I really like kissing you." Luo Xia looked at Gwen, "That feels great!"

"Xixixixian..." Gwen smiled lightly, "Me too, your kissing skills are amazing... but you said that was your first kiss, I feel like you are lying to me."

"No, integrity is a virtue, and I have always possessed this virtue." Luo Xia came closer and asked, "Maybe it's because I'm gifted?"

"Haha..." Gwen patted Luo Xia lightly.

Looking at Luo Xia, Gwen slowly closed her eyes, keeping the beautiful curve of her mouth.

Luo Xia also smiled, tilting her head and approaching slowly...


Gwen suddenly raised his hand and caught a football flying towards him with one hand.

"Wow, cool!" Luo Xia admired and looked at Gwen with a mysterious smile.

" just so happens. It's a complete coincidence." Gwen handed the football to Luo Xia, and she made a flick of her wrist.

"It hurts a bit..." She bared her teeth, but she was paying attention to Luo Xia's expression calmly.

The members of the football team stood on the edge of the playground and shouted loudly, asking Luo Xia to throw the ball to him.

Luo Xia turned her head and glanced at him lightly, then threw the football with one hand.

The trajectory of the rugby ball in the air is close to a straight line... It should be said that no one can see its trajectory clearly. The rugby ball flew over the stands, a collision sound was heard, and the player fell to the ground...

"Wow, you're cool too!" Gwen's eyes were shining when she looked at Luo Xia.

"It's also a coincidence."

Luo Xia held Gwen's waist, took away the blond hair from her face with one hand, and kissed her red lips.

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