Marvel: The Supreme King

0250. News from Super Girl Kayla! (The third update, please customize)


Hale gritted his teeth, and when he mentioned this character, he hated it.

After all, as Joe El's best friend, he paid attention to the whole thing, so he naturally knew exactly what Brainiac, who was still alive, did when the empire was destroyed.

"I have played against him, but you should know that ordinary attacks have no effect on him, he is just a collection of information and data, not an ordinary life.

If it weren't for this, Haer would have killed Brainiac countless times, and he would not have been framed by the opponent and thrown into the phantom zone.

Yun Chen has played against each other, and naturally he is aware of the opponent's means of ensuring the Regenerative Healing Factor.

But he already had a plan.


Haer's soul was completely unshelled, his strength was gone, and he floated lightly in the starry sky.

Until now, he has not been able to get out of this predicament.

Without thinking much, Haer gritted his teeth and flew towards his still motionless body.

09 "Did I tell you to go back?"

Yun Chen waved his hand gently, and the Reality Gem inlaid on the golden scepter rippled with a bright red luster.

Under the violent fluctuation of the power of reality, the soul floating out of Haer completely lost its sense of direction.

After just a dizzy feeling, Haer found that if his entire soul had substance, he was firmly grasped in the palm of his hand.


Hale looked surprised.

Under such a soul and physique, he couldn't exert any strength at all.

Yun Chen didn't have any nonsense thoughts with him at all, his eyes rippling with a strange ripple, and the power belonging to the power of the mind suddenly glowed.

At this moment, Helton felt a bad breath from the ruthless king in front of him.

In a trance, he only felt that any secrets in his heart no longer existed, and everything he had experienced in his life was like a book for the other person to read.

Damn it!


Haer originally possessed a powerful spiritual power, but under the powerful spiritual power of the opponent, his so-called spiritual defense was as fragile as a piece of paper.

This time, he finally realized the strength gap between them.

The sudden appearance of the red sun, the mysterious Ability that changed the world, and all kinds of strange changes in himself, all made him a little scared of the emperor of Krypton in front of him.

But now, Haer can't get rid of the current predicament.

"Hui nuclear star..."

Yun Chen's pupils suddenly reflected a planet full of steam spray, where Haer and Brainiac fought more than ten years ago.

This is the information he most needs to know.

Brainiac's lair was finally discovered by him!

"The Phantom Zone...

He whispered again.

Those clear eyes once again reflected an unknown dimension area.

Phantom Zone, or Phantom Space.

In the past, this was the place of exile of the Kryptonian Empire, and it was the place of exile for all the empire’s repeated crimes. It can be said that the only perfect country after the destruction of the Kryptonian Empire was probably this phantom area.

A series of key subordinates, such as General Zod, had been exiled in the Phantom Zone to escape the catastrophe of Krypton.

"In this phantom zone, time seems to have lost its meaning, without the slightest meaning of passing, which is naturally eternal imprisonment for prisoners who cannot escape the phantom zone.


With that said, it seems that there are still many surviving Kryptonians living in the Phantom Zone.

In a sense, however, the exiled repeat offenders would not be considered Kryptonians in any way.


At this time, Haer, who could not bear to be humiliated, was already struggling violently.

It is a shame in life to be slaughtered so motionlessly.

Although it is the body of the soul, he still found that his Ability did not completely die out for this.

Adhering to the state of being close to each other, Haer gritted his teeth, and directly sent out the ability of 'mind dissection'.

However, this wave of thoughts was like a mud cow entering the sea. After the surface of Yun Chen's body caused a slight wave, it could no longer cause any movement.

This doesn't work at all...

Haer's complexion changed greatly, he used all his strength one after another, but the opponent's body was like a bottomless pit with the power of devouring, swallowing all the power of his own thoughts.

Damn it!

For a long time, he moved his mind transmission attention, but his figure had just faded, and a terrifying power of space suddenly blocked the surrounding, firmly pinning his figure in the void.


How many tricks does this guy have... Haer screamed in his heart, he never thought that his Ability was actually restrained.

Even the space transmission ability of mind teleportation was easily resolved.

Compared to the urgent Haer, Yun Chen focused on another issue at this time.


He found an interesting answer in the other person's mind.

"The Al family still has one daughter alive."

"Kayla Zoll!

Yun Chen raised his eyebrows. Speaking of which, he is not unfamiliar with this, because this is the super girl Kayla. Generally speaking, the title of female Superman mostly refers to this Kayla girl.

And he has some connection with the super girl Kayla, that is, her father, Zoe Er, literally died at his own hands.

When it comes to the only daughter of the Al family, Haer did not remain silent.

"Kayla is also in the Phantom Zone. Her parents were helpless under the catastrophe and had to send her to the only safe place, which is exile in the Phantom Zone."

"But Zoelle was not so lucky. He was caught by Brainiac. I tried to save him afterwards, but unfortunately it fell short."

Hale said.

Not long after he escaped from the Phantom Zone, he was the first to find Joe El's only son Clark, and then he planned to slowly recreate Krypton.

Unexpectedly, a series of accidents caused him to be controlled by the Krypton Emperor in front of him.

In this short period of time, Yun Chen has also roughly figured out Haier's specific memory.

"Energy engine device with regenerative Fixed Star?

"Unfortunately, the appearance of the red sun will only harm the current Superman, so your device can be destroyed.

Yun Chen has won the survival of the Haer plan.

After all, the red sun has undoubtedly only played a restraining role on Krypton Superman, and most Superman will be deprived of their power for this reason.

Haer gritted his teeth and looked very unwilling.

But what made him even more worried was that the Krypton Emperor didn't know how to take his own life.


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