The three elders, Marcus, Victor, and Amelia, disappeared one after another, which plunged the highly organized vampire into chaos. Through investigation, it was discovered that there was no one in the castle, and all the vampires were missing. , And the coffin of Elder Marcus, the vampires were a little panicked.

Vampires need to find the elders. Without the elders with high combat power, they are at a loss. All vampires start to act, hoping to find clues.

In some places, they found traces of werewolves. They felt that the disappearance of the elders must be related to werewolves. They began to eliminate werewolves from all over the world. They found that from the captured wolf population, their leader Lucian was also missing. A werewolf leader named Marris, this made the vampire lost again.

But the vampires couldn’t care too much immediately, because without Alexander Covinus rubbing the buttocks of vampires and werewolves, their battles were quickly noticed by ordinary people, and they were posted on the Internet. The world was in an uproar. Thinking that fictional monsters are actually real, there are really vampires and werewolves in this world.

The outbreak of this news simply detonated the group of demons, the group of demons danced wildly, and all forces jumped out. The European Holy See immediately announced that vampires and werewolves are representatives of evil and need to be eliminated.

Some young people worship vampires, and some worship werewolves. They desire alternatives and desire different feelings. Therefore, they pursue vampires and werewolves. They want to find them and join them. They wear fancy clothes every night. , I wandered in the dark streets, hoping to meet vampires and werewolves, infect myself, and let myself become one of them. In the end, there were no vampires and werewolves, but a lot of people were robbed.

There are those who support, there are those who oppose them, and there are also neutral ones. Governments of various countries remain neutral with respect to vampires and werewolves. Even if the Holy See requires countries to send troops to eliminate vampires and werewolves, all countries are still indifferent, because they all have Abacus of a man.

Vampires and werewolves don’t seem to be contagious on a large scale. For hundreds of years, they have been hidden in the dark. Some people have even done business with vampires and werewolves. Ordinary people don’t know it, but some people have long been there. Know the existence of vampires and werewolves.

Nowadays, vampires and werewolves are very low-key. Even if it broke out, some people quickly contacted high-level government officials, telling governments around the world that vampires and werewolves only want to live according to their habits and will not involve ordinary people on a large scale. Vampires The human blood that is drunk is purchased from the blood bank of the hospital, or some paid blood collection stations are set up to supply it, and they will not go to the street to **** human blood for no reason.

With these guarantees, governments of various countries did not deal with vampires and werewolves on a large scale, but considered the possibility of cooperation. After all, vampires and werewolves belong to special races, a bit similar to superpowers, and their physical fitness exceeds Ordinary soldier.

But after knowing the shortcomings of vampires and werewolves, they basically died down. The shortcomings of vampires and werewolves are too obvious. One cannot fight during the day, and the other is like drinking cyanide if it is targeted. It is easy to deal with if it is targeted. of.

Unable to cooperate, the government still uses a laissez-faire attitude to allow these vampires and werewolves to develop freely, anyway, as long as they don't turn the whole world into a world of vampires and werewolves.

But in the dark night, the killings became more and more. The governments of various countries did not help. The Holy See formed its own demon hunting team and began to hunt vampires and werewolves. Similarly, in the case of not affecting ordinary people, governments of all countries did not It will interfere. The Holy See has the most congregation in the world. Vampires and werewolves, the government is still thinking about when they will use them, so they just watch and never participate.

Although targeted by the Holy See, the vampires and werewolves did not give up looking for their elders or leaders. Unfortunately, Umbrella's company did everything perfectly and eliminated most of the evidence. It would be troublesome to find clues.

"Man, did you take the boss of the vampire and werewolf?"

After Wang Kai knew about the hustle and bustle of the outside world, he planned to sit still on the Diaoyutai, but Tony called.

"Tony, do you have a sixth sense? How do you know? Who else knows?"

Wang Kai wondered if Tony was so smart that he could guess himself with a single guess, and Tony could guess himself. Wouldn't vampires and werewolves also be able to guess.

"No one knows, I just guess, the vampire and werewolf have been spread among a very small number of people, and they all know that their boss is missing. I can do it. I have the ability to take away the vampire and werewolf boss. I'm afraid It's only you, I didn't expect it to be you."

Tony smiled on the screen. This was just his random guess, without any basis or evidence, but he didn't expect that Wang Kai would admit it so, and he would have guessed it with such a small chance.

"Of course it's me. Vampires and werewolves are such good experimental materials. How can I give up? Umbrella has formed a new department that specializes in vampires and werewolves, led by Stern, but you only know this thing. , I don’t know my biggest gain this time."

Wang Kai said but he understood in his heart that Tony could guess it, and that black bald head could also be guessed, but he didn't call it. Nick Fury is no worse than Tony. And he is very clear and targeted towards himself.

"What's the biggest gain? Are vampires and werewolves not enough?"

Tony put his face on the camera, and Wang Kai said that the biggest gain is definitely great.

"I caught the ancestors of vampires and werewolves, as well as the fathers of their ancestors, the undead of the purebred humans in the world, who have lived from the sixth century until today. As long as you can decipher his genes, you can think about it, think. Will you live with me into the 30th century?"

Wang Kai said, this made Tony yell and dance at the other end of the communication. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Wang Kai is really amazing.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I will go to Umbrella company immediately."

Tony said immediately that for Tony, he felt that he was short of time. If he gave himself a long enough life to invent and create, he could definitely change the world and he would become a great man.

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