Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 593: Attack the lair

"Very well, you made an accurate decision. Now I need you to do something. You have to lead us to clean up the remaining vampires, including the last remaining elder, Marcus, the ancestor of your vampires. Don’t worry, killing Marcus won’t make all of you vampires disappear. This is just what Marcus said to protect his brother William. At that time, your vampires used werewolves as slaves and day guards. Kedo was worried that the werewolves would die, and the vampires would have no protection during the day, and would lock William up instead of killing him."

"Your parents were the craftsmen who built William’s cell at the time. At that time, all the craftsmen were killed by Victor, and only you were left. So you are a living map. In your memory and blood, you are about the ancestors of the werewolves. William’s place, I need you to remember this place and take us to find William, the ancestor of the werewolves. William’s value is much stronger than this Lucian."

Wang Kai said to Serena that there are still many places where she needs Serena, such as finding the old castle where vampires gather, and finding the ancient city where William is imprisoned. These are all Serena has to do.

"Well, I will take you to our gathering point in the United States, but I am afraid I have forgotten where William was held."

Serena said, but for Wang Kai's second request, she felt a little powerless, because at that time she was still young, and she didn't even know who her enemy was. How could she remember the place where William, the ancestor of the werewolf, was imprisoned? .

"Don’t worry, these memories are hidden in your bloodline. Your ancestor Marcus can read the memories of other people through bloodsucking, so you can also find your own memories by yourself, just need to improve your bloodline. one time."

Wang Kai said that Serena’s current memories are scattered and vague. Of course, I can’t remember them, but after drinking the blood of Alexander Covinus and purifying her own blood, Serena will be able to learn from the blood. Find memory in it.

"Boss, all the werewolves and vampires have been taken away, are we leaving too."

At this time, a soldier came to ask Wang Kai. The cleanup brigade had taken away the werewolves and vampires, whether dizzy or dead, and they wanted to take them back as test items, including Victor who had just been killed and Lu who had been caught. Xi'an, Klein.

"Let's go, let Wade come and find me."

Wang Kai said to the soldiers, and then took Serena to leave here. Although the sewers were still clean, it still smelled bad.

Leaving the sewer and returning to the ground, it was almost early in the morning. Taking advantage of the lack of people, Umbrella’s employees left quickly. One group of people sent the test products back to Umbrella’s headquarters, and the other group was Follow Wang Kai to the vampire's lair.

"Wang Kai, are you looking for me?"

Wade came over before leaving and said to Wang Kai.

"Yes, you don’t have to go to the vampire’s lair. I have a task to give you now. You will lead someone to catch an old man according to Athena’s instructions. Remember, you captured that old man alive, as for the others. , You can deal with it whatever you want. If you catch it alive, you will send it back as a test object. If you die, the body will be destroyed. If the resistance is severe and the target cannot be guaranteed to survive, just wait for me, I will deal with it, and the target must be guaranteed Survival."

Wang Kai decided to let Wade catch Alexander Covinus and clean up the vampire lair by himself. Alexander Covinus didn’t have any great roles, but Wang Kai explained twice in a row to ensure that Alexander Covinus The life of the dead Alexander Covinus is of no value.

"I see. Make sure the target survives."

After listening to Wang Kai's explanation twice, Wade knew the importance of the matter. He immediately said that he is not the stubborn young man in the film and television series. He has a stubborn character. He always wants to refute his boss or authority, and feels that he is underestimated. Wade is a professional, all his purpose is to complete the task, the task is to capture the target alive, if the target dies, it is his own negligence, Wade will not let the task fail.

"Selena, let's go, and get to your lair before sunrise."

Wang Kai took Serena into the car, followed by more than 20 soldiers. They were all equipped with stun guns and ultraviolet bombs. The purpose of this visit was to capture, so the stun gun will be used as the main attack method. Linna has already said that this time Victor brought out 90% of the deathwalkers in this lair, and there are not many deathwalkers left, which can be easily solved.

A few cars drove quickly to the suburbs, and on the unobstructed road, they soon came to an old castle in the suburbs. Serena took the lead and brushed her face to open the door of the old castle. The people inside were absolutely unexpected. Their goddess of the moon has turned against the revolution and has no defense against Serena.

Several cars stopped at the blind spot of the surveillance, the soldiers quickly got out of the vehicle, and under the leadership of Serena, they went directly into the castle through another passage, which leads directly to the surveillance room. The remaining dead walkers must be disposed of first. The rest of those wimps are simply a matter of effort.

"Master Serena, are they?"

Serena took Wang Kai and a few soldiers into the surveillance Here, a few death walkers were watching the surveillance. After finding Serena came in, she respectfully said that Serena is Victor. Transformation is higher than these death walkers in bloodlines, and bloodlines are still very particular about bloodline levels.

Strictly speaking, Serena is a three-generation blood family, and so is Klein. The first generation blood family is Marcus, the second generation blood family is Victor and Amelia, and the third generation blood family is Serena and Klein. There is the blood historian Andres Thales and others, but the number is small, and these death walkers don't know how many generations of blood they are.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

Under the suppression of the silencer, the submachine gun made a faint sound, leaning the stun bullets on several death walkers, and before they had time to resist, they fell to the ground.

The people from Umbrella Company immediately went up to take over the surveillance, and at the same time gave orders to others to clean up, and then saw several monitoring screens, the death walkers involved were quickly cleaned up, and then the people from Umbrella Company rushed in. The hall aimed at the vampires who were drunk and dreaming. Those vampires who only knew to scream and flee were swept away. They did not act for more than five minutes, and dealt with all the vampires that could be seen on the monitoring system, and then began a thorough investigation and cleaning. 89

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