During the one-week vacation, Minty's strength improved a lot. It was almost self-masochistic exercises and discussions that left Minty scarred all over her body, but Minty still kept a smile on her face.

After finishing the last day of exercise, Wang Kai took out a fairy bean to Mindy. Mindy's self-masochistic exercise left a lot of hidden injuries on the body, which must be cured, otherwise it would be very troublesome if it broke out in the future. of.

After eating the fairy beans, although Mindi did not have any injuries on the surface of his body, he could feel that Mindi's vitality was significantly improved. This is a manifestation of the healing of the hidden wounds. Mindi's breath and life fluctuations have also improved. Less, indicating that Minti's strength has once again improved.

"It's so comfortable, Master, this feeling is so cool, I will exercise like this next time."

Mindy said intoxicated. Just now I felt my body loosened, as if a mountain on the body was moved away, and my abilities improved again. This feeling is really good.

"Use this exercise method as little as possible. Although your strength is improved, it is the strength transformed by the life force. This will compromise your life. You can't do it again until the company's life extension products are invented. Such exercise."

Wang Kai directly refused. Wang Kai knew exactly what Minty’s promotion was about. It was the combat power transformed from the consumption of life force. It was overdrafting life. Such exercise was very unhealthy and uninspiring. Only the ancients trained dead men. Only using this method, they don't want the dead men to live a long life, but only want them to bloom instantly like the epiphany, and after completing the task, they don't care about the dead men's life or death.

Minti is different. Minti has a bright future. There is no need to work so hard to exchange life for the abilities that can be obtained as long as you practice slowly, not to mention that Minti’s abilities are now at the top of the world, surpassing Minti’s abilities. There is not much, Mindy and Wang Kai are covered, there is no need to be so urgent at all.

Umbrella is still studying blood orchids, and now it is only able to extract some substances from blood orchids, which can slow down the aging of cells. These substances are used in the manufacture of various cosmetics and are the most popular products in the female market.

But slowing down cell aging is not equal to replenishing vitality. The most effective effect is to keep you bright and beautiful at the end of your life, but your life expectancy has come to an end. Even if the skin is kept fresh, it will have no effect. Some methods such as replacement of young organs and blood exchanges that are popular on the black market to extend lifespan only take away the vitality of those young people, and very few can supplement another person's body. At most, they will extend their lifespan by more than ten years. If it is worse, extend the life. Even if the life span of a few years is blessed by God, if it is worse, any side effects will be able to take in the original life span.

In contrast, if Umbrella’s research on blood orchids is effective, there will be a large number of people waving blank checks to ask for a medicine. As long as they can safely extend their life, money is not a toy in their hands. Anything is fine, as long as you can earn your own longevity.

This is why so many people like vampires and are willing to trade with the devil. Whether it is a vampire or the devil, they can give them more lives, although at a heavy price.

"It's so miserable, Master, I know, I won't be so impulsive in the future."

When Mindy heard it, she quickly said that she didn't have the idea of ​​making her life short, her future is still very good, she must live longer.

"Just keep this in mind. Okay, you will go to Shipboard Star to work when you go to work. You can use the environment there to do some exercise. Remember, you can't do high-intensity exercise anymore, you know?"

Wang Kai said to Mindy that Mindy’s team should be sent to the shipboard star to take up the garrison mission. This is the most boring task that the company’s security personnel agreed that there are very few dangers on the shipboard star, most of which are sandstorms. The job is to accompany the scientists out to conduct exploration and research. There is nothing else to do. Wang Kai's advice to Mindy is also to reduce her boredom.

"I see, Master, I will seriously implement the company system."

Mindy knew what Wang Kai meant, that she was afraid that she would be bored and do something that would violate the company's regulations.

"It's fine if you know, even though your master and I are the boss of the company, you must lead by example. Otherwise, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, it will damage the atmosphere of the whole company and it will be difficult to manage at that time."

Since Mindy was so smart and could clearly understand what she meant, Wang Kai didn't say anything more, and just told her simple reasons. Mindy could understand more things by herself.

He personally sent Minty to the company, and watching Minty enter the company's security department with so many envy eyes, Wang Kaicai walked to the scientific research building.

Along the way, many young girls in OL suits passed by, and they all greeted Wang Kai respectfully. At the same time, they looked at Wang Kai with wintry eyes, as if they were tasting. Wang Kai knew that as long as they hooked themselves Hooks, few girls can resist, they will definitely recommend themselves. Unfortunately, Wang Kai is not a planter. If he does not have this strength, maybe Wang Kai will put all his energy on licentiousness, but now, Wang Kai’s energy has been improved. Most of it was divided, and the rest was placed on Daisy. I really didn't feel in the mood to touch the flowers anymore.

Seeing Wang Kai just nodded with a simple smile ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then left without nostalgia, let these female employees look at Wang Kai's back lonely, it's a pity that I deliberately detoured to and the boss After an inadvertent meeting, the boss actually didn't take him seriously. I really envied Director Daisy, who was able to make the boss love so much. I heard that they were a woman that the boss knew before they got married. It was a lucky woman.

"Calvin, how are you doing?"

Wang Kai came to the blood orchid research room. The host here is Calvin. Wang Kai came to see the progress of blood orchid research.

"Wang Kai, it's been a long time since I saw you. Recently, you have made Daisy very tired. Would you like to make Daisy some easy work?"

When Calvin saw Wang Kai coming, he directed the researcher to take over his work, and then brought Wang Kai to the office. When he came up, he jokingly questioned Wang Kai. He often met with Daisy in the company and knew about Daisy's situation.

"It's not my fault. Daisy's mental head is there, and I can't stop it. I have already sent her an assistant, and it will ease down slowly."

Wang Kai said with a smile. Fortunately, the old father-in-law in the West is more in touch. Everyone will not be so cautious, or else he may not be able to deal with Calvin.

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