Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 539: Noisy pasture

"I hope the earth can take in the Autobots who are still drifting in the universe. Our Cybertron planet has been destroyed and we have nowhere to stay. I hope you can allow us to stay on the earth."

Optimus Prime said to Wang Kai that now that he has decided to live in peace with mankind, he must seek welfare for other compatriots.

"No problem, the earth welcomes all peace-loving races."

Wang Kai said without embarrassment, as if he really represented the earth, but Wang Kai didn't care. He persuaded him to take them in, and then sent them to Shipboard or Umbrella. Anyway, it was his own decision.

"Thank you."

Optimus Prime said sincerely.

"Well, if you have anything to say later, if you don't mind, you can go to Stark Industries to settle down first, Stark Industries welcomes you."

Tony also intervened immediately. He was a little excited, and he was about to achieve his goal. He could become friends with these aliens and obtain alien technology.

"thank you, friend."

Optimus Prime looked at the other Autobots, and then said to Tony that they had just arrived on Earth, and they had nothing to do with them. In addition, Tony and Wang Kai were the first human beings they came into contact with, and they were fighting side by side. The comrades who have been comrades-in-arms, besides, the other side also has the strength to help these wanderers.

After reaching a consensus, Optimus Prime and the others turned into cars again and drove to Stark Industries in Los Angeles. Starscream turned into F22 and followed in the air. As for the endgame here, Wang Kai informed Nick Fury that he would Someone came here to deal with it.

Wang Kai doesn’t worry about what the people of SHIELD or District 7 can study from the wreckage here. Optimus Prime has already processed the corpses of these Decepticons. SHIELD and District 7 can get some from above at most. Physical knowledge, such as how robots can make themselves more flexible, these technologies are something that is better than nothing. As long as humans want to study, they can study it out. It is impossible for them to obtain the core technology of Transformers.

When he came to Stark Industries, Wang Kai said goodbye to Optimus Prime and the others, and invited them to visit their Umbrella company when they had time, and then he was about to leave with Starscream. Before leaving, he warned Tony, the U.S. government This group of aliens will not be let go. They will definitely try their best to get the technology of Optimus Prime and them, so if they can’t resist the pressure, send Optimus Prime and the others to Umbrella and let themselves To deal with this pressure.

When he returned to Maine, Wang Kai did not fly by himself anymore. Instead, he sat on the F22 that Starscream turned into. Wang Kai’s physical fitness could exceed those of the pilots, so Starscream could accelerate as much as he could, and he had already made a breakthrough. Mach 5, flying from Los Angeles in the western United States to Maine in the eastern United States, arrived in less than ten minutes, and has exceeded its own flying speed.

"Master, what else do you want."

After Starscream fell on the pasture, he placed Wang Kai respectfully there, and then said flatly to Wang Kai.

"No, wait for someone to come to you, I don’t need you to fight for me to accept you as a servant, I need your knowledge, knowledge of Cybertron, and I need you to tell me everything you know. People, as long as you cooperate honestly, you are safe."

Wang Kai said to Starscream, even though Starscream has combat effectiveness, Wang Kai doesn't need it yet. What Wang Kai wants is technology.

"No problem, Master, I will know everything."

Starscream said immediately, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with this little thing.

Wang Kai looked at Starscream. Maybe the Transformers of Cybertron didn’t know the law of the universe, or that the technology of the Earth and Cybertron’s technology were not very different, and it was not that there was an insurmountable gap. , If it is the second one, it will be very good, which means that scientists who understand the Earth can well accept the technology of the planet Cybertron, and then integrate it into the technology of the earth.

Wang Kai asked Starscream to stay outside first, and waited for someone from the company to send him. Starscream will probably be taken with Umbrella in the future. I don’t know if he will get used to the feeling of being kept in captivity. It's okay to let him go out and blow the air. It's better than busy working for a goal that can never be accomplished before.

After receiving Wang Kai’s news, the boss immediately organized several physicists to the ranch, hoping to study these alien silicon-based life. The boss still admires his original choice very much. Time agreed to become a partner with Wang Kai, and then there was Umbrella Company, and then one after another scientific peaks appeared in front of me, waiting for myself to climb, this kind of refreshment is fascinating.

"Ah, bees, bees, kill him, Leonard, kill him."

Wang Kai heard the yelling outside in the room. Wang Kai immediately covered his forehead. The madman came, but Wang Kai also understood the big boss. The talent of this guy is indeed one of the best in Umbrella. of.

"Wang Kai, where is it?"

Seeing Wang Kai coming out of the house, the big boss couldn’t wait to ask. Behind him were Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Howard Vorowitz and two people who didn’t know him. The scientist, Rajesh Kuslapari, because he is an astronomer, he is not needed for today's affairs, so he did not show up, poor fellow.

"What's the hurry, let's go, it's behind."

Wang Kai said and then walked to the back of the house with the boss and others.

"Ah~~~ Dog, there is a dog, please drive him away."

Sheldon Cooper yelled again, and a shepherd dog ran over. Although cowboys would not come to Wang Kai casually, these animals are still very free. From time to time there will be shepherd dogs or calves. Wang Kai didn't mind when the pony ran here, but the giant baby Sheldon Cooper would not do.

"Sheldon, calm down, you are crazy like this."

Although Leonard is also a bit afraid of dogs, he just stayed still and didn't yell like Sheldon Cooper. He felt that Sheldon Cooper yelled in front of the big boss, very unpleasant. Suitable.

"How can I calm down? There is a dog here. To be precise, it is a border collie. It has no reason. I reject all creatures that can communicate."

Sheldon Cooper said loudly, if he hadn't come to study aliens today, he would never have come to such a "dangerous" place. Wang Kai wondered how this guy survived in Texas. of.

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