Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 443: Shooting day

One trick kills Dr. Octopus in a flash. Joker doesn’t want to waste time. There is nothing worth staying with Dr. Octopus, because the artificial sun expands very quickly, just like putting yeast in it, and the suction is getting bigger and bigger. Iron products are no longer moving, but fly up and fly to the artificial sun. Joker needs to quickly solve the artificial sun.

The woman who was chained to her body was also sucked up by the suction, and flew towards the artificial sun. Joker just glanced at it and ignored it, because Spider-Man Peter Parker had already appeared.


A spider silk entangled the woman who flew toward the artificial sun the size of a house, and Peter Parker pulled the spider silk vigorously.

"Quickly, turn off and take things."

Peter Parker insisted very hard. The suction power was bigger than he thought. He put two more spider silks to increase the firmness of the spider silks.

"Bulabulabulula, are you ordering me?"

Joker turned around, looked at Peter Parker and said, this guy actually picks up girls here.

"No, it's a request, a request, quickly turn off that thing, or the entire New York City will be destroyed."

Peter Parker said immediately, he thought, the person in front of him is not an ordinary person, but he is very casual, if the other party is unwilling, you will not be able to command.

"Little Spider will also beg for help, which is really interesting."

Joker just hummed coldly, then came to the power port, grabbed the thin and thin wires of his wrist, and tried hard, all the wires were pulled off, interrupting the energy supply.

It is a pity that the artificial sun itself is an energy source, the machine still hasn't stopped, the gravity of the artificial sun still exists, and as more and more metals are swallowed, the artificial sun is getting bigger and bigger.

This is a bit difficult. Joker didn't expect that cutting off the power supply would have no effect. You must know that at Stark Industries, cutting off the power supply is enough. Obviously, Dr. Octopus has made improvements.

In the movie, the man-made sun was finally extinguished with river water. Unfortunately, this butterfly flapped its wings. Now this building is not on the river bank, and there is more than one hundred meters away from the river bank. How can I get this thing over? .

Joker pointed his hands at the artificial sun and used his manipulative power. Previously, his manipulative power was only proficient in manipulating objects and life. He was not very proficient in manipulating energy, only in flames, water, wind and other energies. I have conducted experiments on it, and now I am using it on this artificial sun for the first time. I hope it will work.

Under the control of the control system, the artificial sun rose slowly and flew into the air. Joker’s forehead began to sweat. This is the first time that such a powerful energy has been manipulated. It is a bit unsupportable, but if you let go, I’m afraid The surroundings were completely ruined, maybe New York was going to be finished, I had known Tony to let him flash.

In any case, joker slowly left the ground with the artificial sun and flew into the air. As the artificial sun moved away, the gravitational force gradually decreased. The woman who was called Mary by Peter Parker was also dragged by Peter Parker. Going back, quickly removed the iron chain from her body, so as not to be sucked away again in an accident.

Joker held the artificial sun and continued to fly high. Joker decided to break the artificial sun. It had to be at high altitude. If he did it in New York, the artificial sun would be no less than a nuclear bomb.

Fly until joker feels that the air is very thin, knowing that the height is almost the same, joker pushes the artificial sun upwards forcefully, and the artificial sun continues to fly high, while joker drew out his two-ribbed pistol and aimed at the artificial sun. , The muzzle kept gathering power, and when two big **** were gathered, Joker pulled the trigger and the two rays of light shot at the artificial sun, penetrated the artificial sun, and smashed the tritium element the size of a soybean in the middle. The artificial sun immediately exploded.

The shock wave dissipated in all directions, and the citizens of New York City below were attracted by the bright light from the sky. They felt as if it was daylight suddenly, although the time was short, only less than ten seconds.

The actions of joker were naturally seen by the US government and SHIELD. They were relieved to see that joker exploded the artificial sun. Fortunately, the artificial sun did not explode in New York, otherwise it would be late in New York. Now, New York is over, and America is over. New York is not a small village.

"It seems that it's really not him."

Nick Fury looked at the surveillance screen. He always had a feeling that Joker and Wang Kai had a connection. During the Battle of Manhattan, although he saw both Joker and Wang Kai at the same time, Nick Fury still couldn't eliminate the suspicion in his heart. Now seeing the battle of joker, although joker and Wang Kai can fly, the attack methods of the two seem to be different.

Wang Kai often uses a fist or a knife, while joker uses two pistols. Maybe he is not alone. Then joker still has the value of wooing him. It’s a pity that no one can woo him. Is he really and Is it a villain with an anti-social personality, as the comics say? In this case, I am afraid that something will happen if you pull it to your side.

Nick Fury gave up the idea of ​​wooing Joker, but Major Rose did not give up. The stronger joker showed, the happier he was and the more he wanted to win joker, so that such a strong man could fight against Wang Kai.

However, after the explosion, the area could not be monitored, and naturally, Joker's whereabouts could not be seen. Did you let Joker run away again? Major Rose immediately ordered people to find joker in New York, and then offered the most generous offer. Even if the other party likes to kill, he will find someone to kill for joker, as long as joker obeys the US government. , The US government will have a trump card in its hands.

Wang Kai won't wait for Major Rose's people to find him. After eliminating the artificial sun, Wang Kai quickly left and returned to his residence. He wanted to check his mission rewards.

After receiving the task reward and drawing out Jiuhua, Wang Kai clearly felt a chill in Jiuhua's body. Is this the ability of Binglunwan?

This is not a place for experimentation. Wang Kai immediately left New York, flew back to Maine, and came to the sea outside the ranch. Soon, Mindy and Natasha also flew out. As soon as Wang Kai came back, Mindy knew nothing about it. Wang Kai appeared in the domineering perception. They had already watched the news and knew that Wang Kai had wiped out Dr. Otto and his artificial sun, but Wang Kai came back so soon, which made Mindy curious, so they also Stop playing, fly out to see what Wang Kai is going to do.


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