Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 226: Christmas shadow

Almighty Cultivation Supreme

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"Tony, although I am not a psychiatrist, my temper became more and more grumpy during the years when I was looking for Daisy. The research on Hyde's medicine was also caused by my grumpy temper. Only when I found Daisy, I slowly When you recover, you need treatment. Don't hide your illness from the doctor. It's good for you to confide in your heart."

Calvin also said to Tony that he also had a mental illness before. Fortunately, he found the best treatment plan. His daughter is his panacea. If he doesn't recover, Calvin doesn't know what he will become. Maybe he will change. Become a lunatic.

"Okay, okay, I'll see a psychiatrist, oh god, can we prescribe it?"

Tony said helplessly, but he also found a step. It was not that he was going to see a psychiatrist. It was these people who forced him to see it.

"Okay, come on."

Pepper could only temporarily let go of his worries about Tony, and then said.

Tony can’t wait to start using his chopsticks. After getting to know Wang Kai, Tony’s proficiency in using chopsticks can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds. Tony has practiced many times in private, just to be able to eat Wang Kai’s feast. eat more.

Pepper also often goes to China for business talks, and is no stranger to chopsticks. Daisy has been following Wang Kai for so long, and the chopsticks are as skilled as hell, let alone Calvin, he has a Chinese wife.

This table, if there is no turkey and trunk cake, if it is not the skin color of Tony and the three of them, it will definitely be considered an authentic Chinese family.

When the meal was finished, all the dishes that Wang Kai made were eaten, and the trunk cake was also eaten. Only two bites of the turkey were left. To be honest, the taste of the turkey was not very good. Why didn't China, a food-eatery country, become popular to eat turkey?

Although the size of the turkey is very large, the meat of the turkey is not very tasty. Whether it is white or dark, the turkey has low fat content, coarse meat, tasteless, and the meat is particularly dry, and it has a large headband. The cooking trouble comes. Generally, turkey is used for roasting, so there is no way to make the turkey full of flavor. Westerners generally use injections and other methods to deepen the seasoning into the turkey, even during roasting. Use every means to avoid the cooked outside, but the inside is raw. If you hand it to Huaxia’s chef, it must be made by removing the bones. The whole roasting is also very difficult to hand over to the Huaxia chef.

Therefore, as a foodie, Chinese people are a little weak in the face of turkey. They don’t know how to eat. After eating the delicacies made by Wang Kai, Westerners like Tony are also lack of interest in turkey. It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

After dinner, everyone watched TV and chatted together, but the news on TV was not a Christmas atmosphere. All TV stations were taken over by a video from the Ten Commandments Gang. A man with a little gray hair and dressed as a ball head started. My own ridiculous speech, there are various scenes in it, that is, the United States is not a good country, and the US President will be punished, and he also said that he attacked a military base in the United States, which made Iron Man Tony, a representative of justice, Quite angry, the signal came back soon, and various TV stations launched a routine for this video. The White House also released news for the first time, condemning this terrorist attack. This video cast a shadow on a happy Christmas.

The Christmas holiday was several days, but Pepper did not give up his job. Tony gave the company to himself, and he wanted to make Stark Industries better develop.

The next day, Pepper took Daisy to work, Calvin also went to Los Angeles to play, Wang Kai and Tony went to find Rod, Tony wanted to ask about the video, and Colonel Rod was another steel suit. The user of, but the US government’s external deterrent force is that Colonel Rhode’s steel suit has been renamed from the war machine to the steel patriot.

"Iron Patriot? Rod, your new name is really bad."

On the TV in the bar, various shows are ridiculing the new name of Rod Steel's suit. At the last Stark Technology Expo, Rod’s War Machine made a poor impression, so the whole outfit was renewed. Painting and redeploying the weapon system gave people a new feeling. The transformation process was too long, so that Rhodes had no chance to join the battle of Manhattan.

"This is the name given by the Congress. I don't have the right to name it. The War Machine sounds too fierce. This feels a little better, and the public feedback is also very good."

Rod explained that he was a little helpless, facing Tony, he was always the one who was ridiculed.

"Rhodes, ignore This name is pretty good, it fits the American spirit."

Wang Kai smiled and said that the American spirit is to smear yourself while doing things that are not human. This is Wang Kai's understanding of the American spirit.

"Yes, Kay is right, this is what you should say, Tony, learn something."

Rod said to Tony, with Wang Kai's help, Rod has a lot of confidence.

"No problem, but are you sure that Wang Kai understands the American spirit? Are you sure that what you think is what Wang Kai meant?"

Tony knows Wang Kai, and he knows that Wang Kai is very despised by the US government, so the American spirit from Wang Kai is definitely not a good thing.

"Kay, you are on my side, right! Right?"

Rod was not quite sure when he heard Tony say this. He looked at Wang Kai, but Wang Kai just laughed and said nothing, making Rod feel very confused.

"Well, I'll talk about these things later, tell me what is going on with this mandalin."

Tony changed the subject, and then asked, Mandalin is just the name of the Americans. Wang Kai knows that it should be called Manchu. This is a powerful villain in the world of Marvel, and it should be Tony in the comics. A mortal enemy, but here, he was misappropriated by a beaming clown. Wang Kai suspected that Kilian should have given the Mandarin some money for the right to use the name, but the Mandarin should not be so short of money. The Ten Commandments Gang has been kidnapped. Over Tony, it was only destroyed by Wang Kai.

The real Mandarin is over a hundred years old. He was a figure in the period of warlord rule in China in the late Qing Dynasty. He was born in the same way as Tony. He was a wealthy family. After he developed his family business to a large extent, he turned and devoted himself to the study of metaphysics. He got ten magic rings and possessed various abilities. The Mandarin with full rings surpassed Tony in the best steel suit.

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