Chapter 70

“Da~Da~Da” long and narrow fingers were tapping the handle of the seat.

Mephisto At the moment was sitting in his seat thinking, except for No. 18 in the main control room, the soldier had disappeared.

As for his whereabouts, from the bulging abdomen of the mutant snake “A Hua”, it can be seen that his ending is not so good.

Even if it was the soldier who had said everything he knew, Mephisto did not let him go, or Mephisto did not intend to let him go from the beginning, but the information revealed by the soldier before his death made Mephisto. Somewhat surprised.

“Clinton? Still use the bow and arrow? Isn’t that Hawkeye?” Mephisto couldn’t figure out why Hawkeye appeared here, and he still played for Norman Osborn.

“Forget it, now the most important thing is to solve the Osborn industry, the Hawkeye thing will be put away first, and I will always figure it out!” Since I didn’t understand it, Mephisto didn’t bother to think anymore.

This time I went to Acre Mountain. The tyrant has been made and the combat power of his men has been replenished. After seeing their Ability Mephisto, they are also very satisfied. They have flesh, tank and output, and they are more than enough to deal with Osborn, so he Ake The journey in Leishan District came to a successful conclusion.

That night, after a busy day, Mephisto asked No. 18 to take him back to the manor to rest. Also with him was the witch who performed the most brilliantly in this battle.

As for the tanks and hunters, Mephisto stayed at the Arklay Institute. After all, the Hawkeye group was still in the Arklay Mountains. According to Mephisto’s understanding of Hawkeye, even if he saw the squad died miserably , And will not easily withdraw from the Akrei Mountains!

So Mephisto left tanks that were not suitable for publicity and hunters who were not as good as witches to defend the institute. As for the mutant snake “A Hua”, Mephisto did not take it away, but put it into the mountain and let it hunt freely. .

Before Mephisto left, the order given to them was to kill the enemy directly when they encountered an enemy. As for whether Hawkeye would die in the hands of those mutant tyrants, or ‘A Hua’, then it would be his fate!

Anyway, Mephisto has returned to Ssybin Manor and fell asleep holding Ada Roar Roar.

This night, Mephisto slept peacefully, sweetly, and even a little sweetly.

But Hawkeye, who is still staying in the Arklay Mountains, is very hard. As the winter is approaching, the temperature in the United States has gradually dropped, let alone the mountains.

By the campfire, Hawkeye was lying in his sleeping bag, staring at the starry sky above his head with sorrow!

Not long ago, the third team that had been stationed on Death Mountain suddenly lost contact. He, who did not believe in the legend of Death Mountain, thought it was a human factor.

Because they came to this mountainous area based on information obtained from Umbrella, the third team lost contact, and it is likely that Umbrella’s people did it.

Definitely, it may not be human. After seeing the mutant monsters hidden by Osborn Industries, Hawkeye thinks Umbrella must also have those unknown things.

As for whether the third team lost contact due to some other reasons, Hawkeye said it was very difficult. Because of the need for scattered operations in the mountains, each team would report to him about the progress every ten minutes.

The equipment used for contact is the top equipment of Osborn. Even if the person is broken, the equipment will not be broken. If the contact is lost, the only explanation is that all the people who can use the equipment are dead!

So the current situation is that a fully-armed squad of 15 people was wiped out by the other party without any news, but he didn’t even know what the other party was. Driven by both responsibilities and curiosity, he Prepare to gather all the teams after dawn to explore the death mountain.

However, he had already made the worst plan. Once things couldn’t be done, he would lead the crowd to retreat. After all, he could not lose his life just to know the secrets Umbrella was hiding here.

Hawkeye, who had made all plans, went to sleep with a nervous mood.


The next day, Mephisto got up early, because he was going to deal with the Osborn company today, and the guy Norman Osborn.

Yesterday, when he was away, Aida Company conveyed his intention to acquire Osborn Industries regardless of the cost. Because of this, the elite think tanks came up with a complete set of acquisition plans in less than half a day. Come to buy Osborn Company.

The acquisition plan is very simple. It is to wipe out the stocks of Osborn Industrial at a high price, and then buy the shares at a high price in the hands of those who own the shares of Osborn Industrial.

After they own more than 50% of the shares, then the power of Osborn Industry will fall into the hands of Umbrella.

This scheme is simple and rude, but the disadvantage is that it is a bit expensive.

That is to say, Umbrella, a super company that has faintly become a business empire, can be played, and even giants such as Stark Industries cannot play like this.

Because of such a hostile acquisition, I will definitely lose a little bit. If I put it in Stark Industries, I would lose money to acquire a company? Those on the board of directors who are only profitable are the fathers who will not pass this proposal at all.

However, this proposal is different when placed in Umbrella. Mephisto is the highest order in Umbrella. It is a one-word system. What Mephisto says is what Mephisto says, even if it loses money to acquire Osborn Industries, as long as he is happy, Others can’t control it at all.

Whoever allows Mephisto to own 89% of Umbrella’s shares alone, if any shareholders oppose him for this matter, that is what Mephisto would like to see most.

Since everyone disagrees with what he said against him, you can leave the shares and leave.

Mephisto doesn’t mind paying a large sum of money to recover Umbrella’s shares. After all, those shares were released for better development, so some of the shares were sold (well, well) to those predators.

With the development of these years, Umbrella company no longer needs the help of any person or force, so Mephisto has also recovered a lot of the shares that were originally released.

But now people are all ghosts, and no one is willing to give up the profitable shares in their hands. Although under the pressure of Mephisto, most of them have surrendered their shares.

But there are still a few people with special identities who have left some shares in their hands. Mephisto intends to take back the shares of these people, but they are all careful not to be decent, and they don’t give Mephisto a chance at all.

According to Mephisto’s understanding, let alone that he would rather lose money to hostile acquisition of Osborn Industries, it is estimated that even if he said that he lost money to acquire Stark Industries, they would not stand up against it.

In the face of such an overly interesting approach, Mephisto couldn’t use some extraordinary means to persecute them, plus that part of the shares were not many, so it was nothing. .

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