Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 312: Not to be underestimated

The two men were angered by the black people, and the two were the spirits and the old.

At this point the two were being helped at this time, but because the two were really scared, they were all struggling.

When I saw the two people look like this, the black people were also fierce. With the anger, the two became even more afraid. When the person wanted to kill the two, the door of the door was slammed. It’s coming.

Under the eye of the gods, this person only felt a neck, and then fell down softly.

When I saw this person falling down, the two were shocked and wanted to scream, but found that the entrant was Jiang Yuan. After relaxing in the heart, between the waves of Jiang Yuan, the ropes of the two men disappeared.

After the two men uncovered the cloth on their mouths, Jiang Yuan came to the side of the two men and then asked with concern: "Are you all right?" Hearing here, Qi Ling and the old man shook their heads calmly.

Although it seems that the two have nothing to blame, but Jiang Yuan knows that the two should be shackled.

After picking up the spirit, Jiang Yuan single arm lifted it.

"Oh, it’s really hard for you. For me, this old bone has to come to save me personally." Hearing the old man like 323 said, Jiangyuan smiled and said: "Hey? Don't say so, find that your old man is good, so I will save you, and there is still a spirit. So it is easy, don't mind!"

When the old man was shaking his head with a smile, a laugh came from outside the door: "Ha ha ha! I didn't expect such a ghost place to have someone else, but I really didn't think of it?"

After the voice of this person fell, Jiang Yuan put down the spirit, and then looked at the two people: "You are here with you, don't go out, I will go see." heard Jiang Yuan say so. After the old man took the spirit into his arms, he said to Jiang Yuan: "Be careful!"

Then Jiang Yuan stepped out of the house and saw a person standing in the courtyard.

I was very familiar with it, but Jiangyuan did not think about it for a while. This gives Jiang Yuan some glimpses.

"Who!" When Jiang Yuan came out, the man smiled and said: "Boy, don't you know me?" Hearing here, Jiang Yuan glanced and then frowned and said, "Do you know me?" After getting up and stepping out of the mist, Jiang Yuan saw who the coming person was. Then a glimpse: "You... (bdeh) the slightest dragon nine?"

After Longjiu nodded and smiled, he looked at Jiangyuan and smiled. "I really didn't expect your kid to be like this in the city now. It really surprised me!"

After Jiangyuan smiled, he looked at Longjiu and said, "Yes, how are you here?" Longjiu’s smile has already been followed, and then said: "Ah, I just passed by here, I feel like you." The breath has caught up."

Seeing the difference of Longjiu, Jiangyuan did not say much, and then said: "Oh, yes, do you know the situation here?"

After Longjiu shook his head, Jiang Yuan said: "You can only go in here but you can't go out. Now I will find out the way to go."

After hearing this, Long Jiu nodded and then Jiang Yuan smiled: "Other places have been found, it is worse here." Long Jiu hearted a meal, then said: "I just found out that someone is going outside Come here, I don’t think it’s a safe place to come here. I just feel that you have two people in the room. If this is the case, let’s find a safe place, place the two people, and then come. Find out how to go."

I feel that there is nothing wrong with Long Jiu. Since the dragon feels that the person is not safe, even if Long Jiu and himself do not have complete control, they can protect the two people in the house.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan raised his head and said: "Well, let's leave here and talk about it."

After the sound of Jiang Yuan fell, a cold voice came over: "I still want to go? Leave it!" Then the master of the voice appeared in front of the two.

The one who came is the bat magazine. After seeing the bat magazine, after the dragon nine eyes stunned, he looked at the bat magazine and said, "Who are you?" The bat magazine laughed and said: "I don't care who is important. You must die here today! ”

After the fall of the bat magazine, an astonishing wave of volatility spread directly, and the feelings were affected by this fluctuation. Jiang Yuan was shocked because his cultivation was beyond Jiangyuan’s own strength.

Because there is no use in this September 25th, after appreciating the smell of the bat magazine, Jiangyuan knows that the strength of the other party has already surpassed the threshold of nine days of Xuanxian, and has already entered the position of Jinxian.

And Long Jiu was also looking at the bat magazine after he was looking at the bat magazine. He said to the supervision: "You must leave the two with you, my post!" Jiangyuan wants to say something, but at this time, the bat magazine did not give it The opportunity to speak.

The bang of the bang was loud, and the house where the old man and the scorpion were located collapsed.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuan took the two out earlier and looked at the two. Jiang Yuan asked: "Is it all right?" The old man and the singer frightened and shook their heads and saw that they were not only affected by In addition to the fright, there was no other danger. Jiang Yuan then turned to help Longji against the bat magazine. After the release of the dragon Jiuyi, the Jiangyuan word to Longjiu was also the person of Jinxian.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan also turned his teeth and left with two people.

As the two winds and violent storms in the city pool swept together, the mist around the city pool was also indifferent. Just as the sun was shining into the city, everything was calm. The mist gradually covered the city again, and the sun did not shine as usual, and the city was almost destroyed by the two men.

Fortunately, the two stopped in time.

It was felt that Jiangyuan was far away from here, and after Longji and the bat magazine had a punch, they separated.

"I said that you still really fight?" After the bat magazine stunned the dragon nine eyes, Long Jiu smiled: "If you don't really shoot, how can you believe him?"

I know that I can’t talk about Long Jiu, and then the bat magazine said to the main hall in their house: “Since people have gone, let’s go ahead and see.”

Hearing here, Long Jiu said: "I think we still don't want to go in. After all, the kid is still nearby. Although the strength is not as good as you and me, but also a guy who can't be underestimated."

Long Jiu’s words also awakened the bat magazine in time, and then the bat magazine said to Long Jiu: “What should I do next?” Long Jiu smiled: “Of course it is to help them out of here, and then continue our plan. ""

Hearing here, the bat magazine shook his head helplessly and said: "I can't do these brains, or you can go on."

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