Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 293: Difficult

After coming to this person not far away, Jiang Yuan said indifferently: "Is the current shot too much too much?" The person just waved, and there was a tea table directly in front of him. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese network and then look at Jiang Yuan and laugh: "Drink?"

Looking at the complete tea set above, Jiang Yuan is also a glimpse. After all, when facing the opponent, it can still be so calm. There are not many in the eyes of Jiang Yuan.

It is not easy to find this person. Jiang Yuan does not want to invisibly provoke such a difficult guy. After all, he does not want to give himself too much burden. At least it is now.

I saw Jiang Yuan coming over and did it. This person put a teacup in front of Jiangyuan, and then sneaked a light and reminded to cook a small stove of tea.

Everything is done well, and this person only looks directly at Jiangyuan.

"You are very strong. I can feel this store." The second sentence that I heard about this person was this. It made Jiangyuan feel a little unresponsive, but in the end he responded: "It’s a prize. ""

After Jiang Yuan returned to the gods, Jiang Yuan looked at this person and asked: "I adjusted my interest and found that the moonlight had the same. I found that someone was taking the essence of the moonlight. I was curious and I came to see it. Look, but I didn't expect to bother you. It was my troops 377!"

The man smiled and said: "This is nothing. I thought it was the enemy who was looking for it. I gave a warning. When I saw that you ignored the warning, I knew that you were not the ones, so I was waiting for you here."

Jiang Yuan looked at the moonlight in the sky, and said with some emotion: "The beauty of the United States! ~~" But when it was normal, Jiang Yuan remembered something sensational.

Then Jiang Yuan looked at this person and asked: "Do you know where there is a place where you can sell the goods?" Hearing this, the person pondered and said: "It’s there, but you What are you looking for in those places? They are some unremarkable Dongxixi. For you, me, etc., isn’t it the most important thing to improve now?”

I shook my head and said: "I lost the same thing, I have to try to find it back, so please tell me where."

This person did not directly answer Jiang Yuan’s words, but bowed down the teapot and then laughed: “Okay.” After that, he first poured a cup of Jiangyuan.

After pouring a cup for himself, the two of them each had a drink (bdch).

Then the person said: "In fact, you are not far from that place. You can arrive at the clothing store time. Oh, talk for a long time, but still don't know your name. My name is Shangguanbo. ”

When I heard the three words of Shangguanbo, Jiangyuan was a glimpse. After all, this surname made Jiangyuan have to pay attention to it. Because it knows that one person is also the last name.

"I asked you something sensational?" Shangguan Bo stunned, then smiled: "Although, as long as I know, I try my best to talk." After Jiang Yuan nodded, look up the official Guan Bo: "You Can you know the order of the Shangguan?"

After Jiang Yuan’s words fell, Jiang Yuan clearly found that Shangguan’s body was trembled, but his expression was very natural. The discount to Jiang Yuan’s heart sank, thinking that this Shangguanbo must have something to do with this Shangguan command.

"You said this person's life, I know, but I have been dealing with it for a long time, but I can't remember what it looks like." Jiang Yuan stood up after a breath, and then looked up to Shangbo: "Thanks to broadband, but I have to go back now, someone is waiting for me, and then go to the place where you said."

Shangguanbo stunned and then smiled and said: "Why are you going?" Jiangyuan wondered, Shangguanbo said helplessly: "I haven't told you exactly where. What are you doing so urgently?"

Suddenly awakened, Jiang Yuan patted his head and smiled: "It is anxious. Then you said."

"Just behind the peak of the mountain." In the direction pointed by Shangguanbo, Jiang Yuan looked and found that this mountain peak was a high-pitched tower. Then Jiangyuan said with a smile. Then turned and left here.

Looking at the back of Jiang Yuan, Shangguan Bo scorned light and discretion. Then he whispered: "Is that person?" With Jiang Yuan's figure completely disappearing behind Shangguanbo's line of sight, a person wearing a green suit came to his body.

A letter was drawn from the sleeves and then handed to the person and said, "Remember, it is very important to hand over to the Shangguan. This letter is very important. I think he will be surprised when he sees it."

After the figure disappeared, Shangguanbo was screaming and teasing and laughing: "The devil has broken the seal for a long time, and he wants to be fully prepared. If there is no accident, this world will be turbulent. Some people want to go to the summit and live forever! I hope I have not read it wrong!"

When I returned to the cave, Jiang Yuan found that the screen barrier at the entrance to the cave disappeared. Frowning, Jiangyuan stepped into the cave and found that Liji, who was asleep, actually woke up.

"Why don't you sleep?" Jiangyuan casually found a place to do it.

Watching Jiang Yuan come back. Li Ji 砸 砸 砸 砸 : : : : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ?

Jiang Yuan was helpless, and then he said to Li Ji: "I found the place, it is not dead, I don't know. We will be out with a bright day... Hey! Hey! This is asleep?..."

Within a short period of time when I saw the speech, the little girl could fall asleep, which also made the original somewhat admire the quirks of these demons.

Sitting next to the bonfire with this sporadic flame, Jiang Yuan stunned, because when he saw Li Ji, Jiang Yuan actually thought of the Qingyue.

The face of Allure’s face instantly appeared in Jiang’s mind so that he could not forget the words he said with him. In his heart, Li Ji’s voice suddenly appeared on the side of Jiang Yuan’s body.

Under the conditional launch, Jiang Yuan almost slaps and hits Liji.

After being scared, Jiang Yuan said to Li Ji: "What do you want to do?" Liji smirked, then said to her stomach: "The people are hungry. Are you going to give me something to eat?" ”

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "You tell me, do we have a relationship? You have to follow me, and at the end I have to be responsible for it? I am not jealous?"

Li Ji listened to Jiang Yuan and said that he was also angry. Then he said with pity: "I am going to starve to death, you can do it well. Can you do it?"

After Jiang Yuan repeatedly objected, Li Jiqi's small body shackles pointed to Jiang Yuan and said: "You are a cold-hearted person! It is a mistake!".

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