Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 291: break out

Just like Jiangyuan’s colleague who is sensational, the little girl has already followed. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

"Big brother, what do you think?" Hearing the voice of the little girl, Jiang Yuan glanced, then scorned the little girl and said: "I lost the same East West. I still don't know where it is."

The little girl smiled and said: "If the big brother is really anxious, then let's go find it." Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly: "Where is the big world, where can I find it?" Just finished, the star dragon in Jiangyuan The blood began to rush in the body.

Feelings are received here, Jiang Yuan face directly on the face of the smile.

"Then try to find it." After that, Jiang Yuan took the little girl and began to move forward to the cliff where she fell. Along the way, the little girl was screaming after Jiang Yuan’s body. If it couldn’t sense the breath of the little girl, Jiang Yuan thought that this **** was lost.

It doesn't matter if someone loses, the main ring can't be lost.

At the thought of this, Jiangyuan was very helpless. On this road, Jiangyuan did not use the trick to seduce this little girl, but in any case, he did not hand over the ring. 13

In the heart of his sigh, Jiang Yuan is also very pleased, after all, this little girl will not be the handle to blame himself. Then I thought that people can only have a heart that is less than 13 or four years old.

Under the light smile, Jiang Yuan rang up and did not ask the girl's name yet. When I wanted to ask the girl's name, Jiang Yuan sent the girl and did not know when it had disappeared. And it disappeared under his own perception, and he still didn't know it at all.

When the brow wrinkled, Jiangyuan began to perceive it, but found that there was no girl's breath around.

"Don't you ran?" Just when Jiangyuan wanted to go back to find a girl by the same way, the swaying of the nearby grass made Jiangyuan warned.

"Come out!" With Jiang Yuan drinking, a weak figure came out and looked closely. Jiang Yuan found out that it was actually a girl. After a sigh of relief, Jiang Yuan looked at the girl's tone and said, "Where are you going?"

The girl did not speak, just stood still. Seeing this, Jiangyuan was somewhat confused. After all, the girl’s behavior was somewhat abnormal.

Just at the moment when Jiang Yuan reached out and reached out, an icy breath erupted. Instantly move away from the original place. After Jiang Yuan appeared, he stepped back a few more steps before he stopped.

After the girl broke out, Jiang Yuan frowned, because Jiang Yuan felt a strong killing from the breath of the past, and this is true for a child like this. It should appear on it.

Carefully, Jiang Yuan looked at the girl with her head down and said, "Don't you know me? You still owe me the same thing as Dongxi West. Say you want to be with me for three years."

"Shut up!!!" The girl's cold voice directly made Jiangyuan close his mouth and said nothing.

I saw the girl at this time looked at her body and then sneered: "I really didn't think I actually came alive. Hahaha! I really didn't think of it?"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yuan’s eyes were deep and squatting, and got up, Jiang Yuan stared at the girl and said: “Who are you?”

The girl looked at Jiangyuan and then touched her own body and said: "You can be the same girl I used to be, or when I am not. And I have a name, my name is Li Ji. remember."

In the girl, oh no, it should be Li Ji. Seeing that he is stroking this self, Jiang Yuan is also feeling that the girl at this time has some feelings of chilling hair. And this sense of sensation can only be experienced when facing a powerful enemy.

Now that the girl can actually give such a feeling of sensation, it proves that this girl is not simple, and it is itself a person of the Mozu. Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan knows that the other party is a descendant of a person with a certain status even in the Mozu.

Looking at the ring on Liji's handcuffs, Jiang Yuan pressed his hand to make a move, then he said: "If this is the case, then give me my ring first!"

When Li Ji heard what Jiang Yuan said, she looked at her own hands. When she saw the space ring on the handcuffs, Liji smiled.

I waved my hand with a space ring and said, "What are you talking about? No, since it is in my hands, it is natural that I am in the East. Why should I give it to you?" Besides, how do you prove that this is your East West?"

"It’s a fang, it seems that you won’t give it to me!” Jiang Yan’s figure disappeared without a trace.

Li Ji’s eye was a god, but she did not think that Jiangyuan’s strength actually made it impossible to be small. After the little body fascinated from the original place, it swayed with a bang. Jiang Yuan’s figure appeared in the place where Li Ji just stood.

Jiangyuan, who bombarded the ground, was braving his white fists at the time, apparently in the bombardment of the ground.

It was seen that the ground had been broken by Jiang Yuan at this time, and the cobweb-like cracks spread after a kilometer.

Standing on the cracked ground, Li Ji smiled and said to Jiang Yuan: "A young man, I don't think that today's human beings are actually like you. It's better to join my demon, loyal to me, I give Give you no glory, so 340 is better than a lifeless life?"

Jiang Yuan took back his fist and said indifferently: "Have you seen someone who wants to nod to one of those who have their own things?" It is said that Li Ji is also laughing.

Then Li Ji's face was cold, and then looked at Jiangyuan again and asked: "What do you mean by not agreeing to the building?" Jiang Yuan clenched his hands again, and the spiritual power was also madly gathered between his hands.

"Even if you are not a Mozu, I will not work for anyone, because... you are not worthy! There is no one in the world who deserves to bow!"

After saying Jiang Yuan, he rushed to Li Ji.

Hearing Jiang Yuan said, Li Ji also had some interest in Jiangyuan. After a black screen barrier appeared, Li Ji easily blocked Jiang Yuan’s punch.

Then he smiled and said: "I don't worry, I have time to let you promise. You are not letting me give you a ring? Well, if you can be so firm within three years, then I have nothing to say. Say, naturally, I will return this ring to you."

Jiang Yuan’s heart is three years?

Although I don’t know why girls and Li Ji have been hanging these three years, Jiang Yuan’s heart is sure that these three years must be a crucial reminder to them. .

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