Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Not very arrogant?

Shenlong completely couldn't think of his own threats. Jiangyuan didn't care about it at all, and he still attacked the past against himself. Originally, the dragon also wanted to let go of Jiangyuan's heart. At this time, he was completely angry, and roared, boy. Give me to death, and then continue to attack the past against Jiangyuan. But Shenlong does not know, perhaps the last person who died in this sentence is not Jiang Yuan, but himself!

Of course, these have not happened yet. I only see that when Shenlong feels that his gold power has been absorbed by Jiangyuan, it is very likely that his own lightning attack has been absorbed by Jiangyuan, and he immediately prepares to change it. The power of the attack attacked Jiangyuan in the past.

Shenlong feels that Jiangyuan is very good and can even be called a genius, but Shenlong still doesn't believe that since Jiangyuan can absorb his own gold power and the power of lightning, he can't cope with his ability to use it because Shenlong feels that his next attack is completely beyond the control of Jiangyuan. Even he is ready to use the next attack to let Jiangyuan die without a place of burial!

I saw that the next dragon had grown up and had a low squeak in the throat of the dragon. After the sound appeared, I saw a huge position in the throat of the dragon. The heat, and the hot air just formed, finally saw only a flame appeared in the throat of the dragon, and this strange place of flame is exactly the same as the black flame represented by the power of fire absorbed by Jiangyuan. !

Seeing this situation, Jiang Yuan knows. The ability of the dragon is nothing else. It is the seven abilities that you have absorbed in the Dragon Ball. As long as it is the power contained in the Dragon Ball, the dragon can use it, and the action is easy, and it is attacked against the enemy. .

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuan shook _ shaking his head.

"Oh, sure enough, I still don't know how to repent. I don't know Zhang's lesson. I just absorbed my ability. Can you think that this black fire ability can suppress me? Is it too much to look down on me?" Source said, then I saw that the space around Jiangyuan's body began to heat up, and finally the body of Jiangyuan was slowly surrounded by a black fire that was exactly the same as the black fire inside the Shenlong throat.

After Jiangyuan’s body was surrounded by black fire, the surrounding space was under intense heat, and it slowly began to melt. In the end, it changed its appearance, and then only saw it in Jiangyuan. All the space around me was repaired while being shattered, and the space that was just repaired was like being burnt by high temperature. There was a crystal clear mirror!

At this time, Shenlong was just preparing to attack Jiangyuan. At this time, it was just that Jiangyuan could use the same strength as himself, and the strength of this power did not have to be worse, even in some aspects, it was even worse than himself.

After perceiving this change, although Shenlong was surprised and even wanted to change the attack method, there was no way. Now that the power of fire has been brewed, it is impossible to change the way of attack, even if it is possible. The dragon itself will also suffer certain damage.

After seeing no way, Shenlong can only continue to attack the past against Jiangyuan.

And sure enough, just as the attack of the dragon reached the end of Jiangyuan's side, the ability of the black fire was immediately absorbed by the layer of black fire around Jiangyuan's body, just like before, and not just absorbed. So simple, and finally give Jiangyuan more powerful power, at this time only see the black fire around Jiangyuan body is even more powerful!

"Do you see it? Do you really think that only you can use these abilities? Don't sit down and watch the sky. I have said that there are so many people in the world who can use the abilities you use, so don't be arrogant. It’s useless!” Jiang Yuan said, and at the end of the day, only Jiang Yuan’s body was still covered with a layer of black fire and rushed toward the dragon.

The Shenlong looked at Jiangyuan, who was constantly approaching himself. He was also angered by Jiangyuan and snorted.

"Kid, don't be arrogant, tell you, do you really think that I only have this? I am also telling you clearly that in addition to the three attacks I gave you before, I can still use the five abilities, and then you can only ask for mercy. Finally, I became my prisoner. You can rest assured that I will not kill you. On the contrary, I will imprison you, and finally I will gain the ability in your body. Then I will be able to get the power in your body, then Use this ability to get a better noun among other dragons! Hahahaha!" In the end, Shenlong seems to have seen something particularly happy, and can't help but smile.

····Seeking flowers········

When Jiang Yuan heard the dragon, his eyes became cold.

"What dragon, it turned out to be such a virtue, is it really worthy of your name, obviously a robber? I have seen my ability, and my strength, I want to **** my ability, but maybe today you want Disappointed, because oh my ability is not something you can take away. More accurately, today is not your ability to take away me, but just good, I am also optimistic about your ability, I will take away your ability. !" Jiang Yuan said.


When he heard Jiang Yuan, the dragon was once again irritated, and immediately condensed the next attack in front of his body.

At this time, the dragon was obviously moving the real fire. At this time, the dragon was not using a kind of ability. On the contrary, there were two different abilities in front of the dragon, and it continued to condense, and finally it became a huge one. The ball, the ball is in the formation, began to slowly contract, and finally compressed very small, Shenlong sneered.

"Kid, aren't you very arrogant? Well, I see how you will face my attack next time, telling you that you must die today, and I am still my dragon, right. You, it seems that the little girl underneath is also good with you. Well, you two will go on the road together, how can I be kind, and I will find a companion for you, hahahaha!" Said with a smile.

Jiang Yuan heard that he was angry, but looking at the small ball that appeared in front of the Shenlong, although the volume is not large, the energy is obviously compressed in a small position, and the ability to burst out must be very powerful. At this time, Jiangyuan knows that he must be careful to deal with it, otherwise it is very likely that the ship will be overturned in the gutter! .

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