Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 89: Attack

Slowly, the huge jellyfish floated out of the water.

At the bottom of the water, Jiang Yuan noticed that the shape of the jellyfish was very large, but still did not think that what he saw at the bottom of the water was not all.

Just after the jellyfish completely surfaced, the body of this giant jellyfish finally appeared in front of Jiangyuan.

At this point there was no gap in the whole amber, and all the positions were occupied by the jellyfish and filled the entire surface.

The water in the lake has already overflowed and is constantly rushing toward the surroundings.

At this time, there was a wave in front of Jiang Yuan and Bouma, and they came to the two. After seeing this huge wave, Jiangyuan directly hugged Bouma and quickly retreated toward the rear. At this time, he saw only the "three-eight-seven" sky and the huge waves quickly swung to the position of the two, only I heard a bang and slammed directly on the edge of the coast.

Looking at the terrible waves that suddenly fell around him, Jiang Yuan gave a sigh of relief, then looked at Bouma in his arms and asked with concern.

"It's okay, my wife. Is there any problem? No problem? Didn't hurt you." Jiang Yuan asked.

At this time, Boma was panicked because of the recent things. After a period of slowing down, suddenly wowed out, and the direct Baozhu Jiang Yuan shouted.

"Husband, I was scared to death, I thought I was going to die. I was particularly scared at the time, I thought I would never see you again. Really, I am afraid I will never see you again. Look at 'Mao. Line, Middle "Wen, net" Bouma said tightly to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan gently caressed Buma's back and said softly and softly.

"Well, my wife. It's okay, I am here, don't be afraid, rest assured, what's the matter, my husband, I am here, don't be afraid, as for this monster, it seems that the dinner tonight has come and gone. Jiang Yuan coldly stared at the huge Zhang Yu cold voice.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan once again showed this expression, Boma knew that Jiangyuan was angry, but he still said something about it.

"Husband, pay attention to safety, if not, we will go directly." Boma said with concern.

Jiang Yuan smiled and then sent Boma to a safe place and slowly walked to the edge of the lake, directly staring at the octopus.

"Since you want us to die, it is in the rituals, we can't owe you. Next, I will let you know what is fear!" After that, Jiang Yuan revealed a bloodthirsty smile and stunned himself. Lips.

The huge octopus, because of the long life, has passed spirituality. Although he still can't speak, he can still understand what Jiang Yuan said. He only sees the octopus' eyes re-emergent, and then a huge one. The tentacle arrived in front of Jiangyuan in an instant and attacked Jiangyuan directly.

At the moment when the octopus attacked Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan jumped directly into the sky and immediately sneaked away. Then, when it landed, by the rebounding force of the ground, it suddenly jumped over the tentacles of the octopus. Only after seeing Jiang Yuan jump up, he ran continuously on the tentacles and rushed toward the top of the octopus.

Feeling the action of Jiangyuan, the octopus did not say anything. The other tentacles instantly attacked the moving Jiangyuan in the past, and the speed was very fast.

Looking at a tentacle that punctures himself, Jiang Yuan is safe and dangerous, and is still dodging. However, at this time, Jiang Yuan slowly felt a bit of pressure, because with the octopus constantly attacking himself, Jiangyuan could feel that there was less and less space for giving himself activities. In the end, it was all in the end. Shuttle between the cracks.

However, Jiangyuan still survived these attacks with its own amazing speed and responsiveness, and is still avoiding it.

"Big man, do you have this ability? Is it too weak? If this is the case, then you can only become our food today." Jiangyuan screamed arrogantly, and a speed-up, directly ran to The other octopus is above the tentacle.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan is like a monkey, he constantly jumps up and down, and easily avoids his own attacks. Slowly, the octopus is in a chaotic rhythm.

But even so, the attack on the octopus is still very dense. Slowly, the surrounding of Jiangyuan has been covered with huge tentacles, and then, in an instant, it has been attacked from all sides of Jiangyuan....

At the moment when the tentacle attacked, Jiang Yuan had already felt it, and immediately reacted at this time. He only saw Jiang Yuan’s hands clasped together, and a huge vitality gathered in the palm of his hand. The tentacles that attacked in the sky bombarded the past.

Because of the strength of Jiangyuan, the qigong of the Turtles has strengthened a lot of power. Only when they saw the huge vitality of this knife, when they touched the tentacles of the octopus, they did not say anything, but they used a force to promote the rot. Pierced all the tentacles in front of you. After piercing all the tentacles, Yu Wei’s qigong’s Yu Wei continued to rush toward the sky. It was only after a high altitude that it became a little starlight and scattered.

The huge octopus felt the moment when his tentacles were pierced, and it screamed directly and painfully, and constantly writhing his body to ease his pain.

Seeing the movement of the octopus, Jiangyuan knew that this was a good opportunity. He only saw that Jiangyuan immediately accelerated the speed and rushed out of the distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

Just because the octopus was constantly twisting the body because of the pain, I realized that Jiangyuan suddenly accelerated, and suddenly I knew that things were not good. Then I saw a huge hole in the head of the octopus, and this hole just appeared. When you appear, you take a deep breath and breathe a sigh of relief. Immediately, he vomited hard, and a black ink like a waterfall was spit out and attacked Jiangyuan.

Seeing this huge ink, Jiangyuan directly flew over to the top. Finally, Jiangyuan used his own speed to escape the attack.

But even so, Jiang Yuan's body is still stained with black ink.

This ink is obviously different from the ink that other octopuses spit out. Only the clothes on the ink on the newspaper stand slowly emit white smoke, and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye to corrode Jiangyuan. Clothes.

Ink ink constantly erodes Jiangyuan's clothes, and instantly scattered on the skin of Jiangyuan, and this powerful corrosion ability is still constantly corroding Jiangyuan's skin! .

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