Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 50: opponent

But even so, Sun Wukong can continue to deal with the other side, from here you can see how strong the strength of Sun Wukong.

Of course, the one that was injured before, Sun Wukong can not say that it is completely unrecognizable, because Sun Wukong passed the previous battle, at this time, the battle rhythm is better grasped. Another point is that the control of your own strength is even better. Another point is that Sun Wukong is very clear about his strengths and strengths.

With the constant attack, the speed of the two slowed down. After a while, Sun Wukong and his opponents stopped together, and then they saw the two gasping and staying. Sweat.

"I didn't expect it, little man, your strength is very good, you can also compare with me in speed." At this time, the "three seven seven" looks older opponents slowly said.

"Cut, you still said that I am a small man. Your words are not much higher than me. We are both half-pounded. Besides, I am still young, I can improve, but your appearance has already told me, you want to It is impossible to improve his height." Finally, Sun Wukong smiled.

For the little man, the height problem is the thing he least wants to raise. At this time, he heard that Sun Wukong used his height to mock himself, and the little man couldn’t help it anymore.

"Mother's you are looking for death." When he saw the little man, he lost his sense of reason and quickly approached Sun Wukong. Ready to attack Sun Wukong.

When Sun Wukong saw that the little man had lost his mind and rushed to himself, his mouth rose slightly. Then the body immediately evaded the past toward the distance.

Jiang Yuan, who stood outside the court, looked at the confrontation between the two. At this time, Jiang Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it seems that the lesson of yesterday was not eaten. Now Wukong has also moved this truth. As long as the opponent loses his sense of reason, it is not time to let Goku torture him." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

Bu Ma heard the dark dialogue of Jiang Yuan on the side, and despised it very much. However, Sun Wukong was also a friend of Bouma, so Bouma also looked forward to Sun Wukong’s victory.

Just when the small word attacked Sun Wukong, he only saw that Sun Wukong was constantly retreating toward the back, while still evading the attack of the small man.

In the confrontation, the attacking person often consumes more physical strength than the dodge. At this time, the physical strength of Sun Wukong is flashing with the constant dodging, while recovering, but the physical strength of the small man is constantly being consumed.

At the end, Sun Wukong looked at the constant gasping little man and laughed.

"Stupid, actually fooled, then I see how you can resist my attack." After Sun Wukong immediately launched his own fierce attack.

The opposite small man, who had already consumed his physical strength before the battle, had no responsiveness at all. With Sun Wukong’s constant launch of the fast break, he only saw that the little man was busy dealing with it. Dodging, but no matter how small the child is dodging, Sun Wukong can always attack a small man in a smashing angle, and as time goes by, at the end, the little man has been seriously injured.

The blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth, and the clothes on the body are already worn out. The little man knows that he has just counted in the room, and it is only a matter of time before he loses. Then the little man gave up the resistance and smiled directly.

"Well, I know that I just counted it. Anyway, I can only lose if I end up. I admit defeat, I surrender." After that, I saw the little man jump directly outside the contest.

Looking at the little man who jumped out of the competition field, Sun Wukong stunned. Originally, Sun Wukong felt that he had encountered an opponent with a similar style of combat, and wanted to better test his own strength, but did not think of this little man. The free and easy, and finally took the initiative to admit defeat.

At this time, when Sun Wukong just wanted to fight again with this little man, he heard a small man smile and said.

"Your strength is indeed stronger than me, but it is only now, I will improve, so I lost today, but then we will have a chance to try again. I will let you know who will be. More powerful." After that, I saw a small man laughing and laughing out of the meeting place of the contest.

At this time, looking at the small and free-spirited figure, all the people do not think how ugly this small man is. On the contrary, all the people still feel that they have a feeling of admiration for the little man....

The same, although Sun Wukong is very able to fight with the little man, but at this time also very admired for the little man, then smiled and shouted in the direction of the little man walking away.

"I will continue to improve. When your strength is improved, we will come back again. I will definitely win when I arrive!" When I finished, I looked at the direction in which the little man left.

After a while, watching the small man walking away, Sun Wukong turned his head and only saw Sun Wukong constantly searching in the crowd. After a while, after seeing Jiang Yuan’s figure, he immediately laughed. I ran over.

"How, Jiang Yuange, my performance today is not bad." Sun Wukong asked smugly.

Jiang Yuan heard a smile and nodded.

"Well, it's really good. Yesterday's lesson can be thought of coming out today. It's good. I have to remember this later. Whenever I use my strengths, I will use the strengths of my partner to make a difference. Otherwise, I will lose the last person. It may be that you, the war, there is no one who is right or wrong, the winner is the king loser! Do you understand?" Jiang Yuan said.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Wukong nodded thoughtfully, then followed Jiang Yuan and they left.

Before because there were still exhibits in the dry forest, they also went to watch the game of the dry forest at the end of the game, but now the dead forest has been eliminated, and the body has received a heavy injury because of concern for the dry forest. The reason, Jiang Yuan and others went straight in the direction of the dry forest.

As the four men walked to the door of the dead forest, they heard a burst of laughter from the room of the dead forest.

"Ha ha ha, master, you are really lascivious. I always said that I am lascivious, but you look at you, you are better, compare with you, I am too pure." I only heard the dry forest laugh. Said, and just after the end of the dead forest, I heard the dry forest screaming out.

"Bunny scorpion, also compared with your master, who is your master, but also said that I am lascivious, I am not called lascivious, I am using the artistic vision to appreciate the problem."

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