Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 16: Detection of the Saiyan gene

After that, Jiangyuan continued to walk toward the room of Sun Wukong. It didn't take long for Jiang Yuan to go to the door of Sun Wukong's room.

Jiang Yuan and Sun Wukong and others are all living on the small island of the turtle fairy, and Boma has built the room next to the room of the turtle fairy, so the distance is not very far.

The reason why Jiangyuan took so long to arrive was because Jiang Yuan had contact with Sun Wukong for a period of time, so that he had a brotherly relationship with Sun Wukong. At this time, he thought of capturing the gene of Sun Wukong. There is no danger at all, but Jiangyuan still feels weird!

But in the end, Jiang Yuanyi thought that his strength was to be promoted by taking genes. In addition, Jiangyuan wanted to do the hegemony of the world of dragons and pearls, and he had to do this. Then he continued to walk into the room of Sun Wukong.

At this time, Jiangyuan stood at the door of Sun Wukong. He did not push the door open, but he kept squatting at the door of Sun Wukong’s room, but at this time, suddenly the door of the room opened, and then he saw Sun Wukong wearing 13 The kungfu clothes of the turtle immortal came out and saw Jiang Yuan’s doubts standing at his door.

"Jiang" brother, how do you stand at the door of my room? Is there something? If something goes directly, isn’t it right? Why are you standing here?” Sun Wukong asked in confusion.

Originally, Jiangyuan was still hesitating about how to do it. At this time, when he heard Sun Wukong’s innocent words, he couldn’t make up his mind, but at the end, Jiang Yuan said with a bite.

"It's a bit of something I want to tell you, so let's go into the room, I will talk to you slowly." After Jiang Yuan took the initiative to walk into the room of Sun Wukong.

Seeing that Jiangyuan had gone in, Sun Wukong also walked in with Jiangyuan's pace. After arriving in the room, Jiangyuan sat on the edge of Sun Wukong's bed. At this time, he looked at Sun Wukong's tone and said calmly. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

"Wu Wu has been in contact for so long, what do you think of me?" Jiang Yuan asked.

When he heard Jiang Yuan, Sun Wukong replied without hesitation.

"Well, if I don't have a big brother in the room, I can't walk out of the valley, and I can't even touch the outside world, so I think Jiangyuan's big brother is very good!" After talking about Sun Wukong, he smiled.

After listening to Sun Wukong, Jiang Yuan was very lost. At this time, Jiang Yuan felt that he was not very kind. Just because he wanted to improve his strength, he had to capture the genes of Sun Wukong. But things have progressed to this time. Jiangyuan has no way. Retreat, say again.

"In this case, I want to tell you something. You don't have to answer me urgently. You can think about it, but let me know if you want to know it clearly. Otherwise I am afraid that you will regret it!" The tone of the source is extremely serious.

Looked at Jiang Yuan's serious look. Sun Wukong also knew that this matter must not be simple, and then quickly nodded, said Jiang Yuan said.

Jiang Yuan noticed the appearance of Sun Wukong and nodded and said directly.

"This is the case. I have the ability to take the power of others and then use it on my own. The main improvement of my strength is also enhanced by this ability. Now, I am on your body." I feel that you have a kind of strength that I need very much. If you get it, maybe my strength can be improved a lot! Are you willing?" Jiang Yuan asked. However, Jiang Yuan finally added.

"But you can rest assured that this ability does not harm you any more, just take a little bit of power on your body, and your body will also have this ability. Simply put, it is your ability to let I can also have the meaning! Do you know if you understand? "When Jiang Yuan is serious, he looks at Sun Wukong again.

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, Sun Wukong said with a smile.

"I still think about why, it turns out to be like this, no problem, isn’t it just taking a little strength on my body? This is no problem. Besides, Jiangyuan’s big brother is stronger than me. I am very happy when I get stronger. Don't worry, this is not a problem. How much do you need to take it yourself? If it is not you, maybe I am still in the valley. This little thing is nothing." Sun Wukong replied.

When I heard Sun Wukong, Jiang Yuan felt a little uncomfortable feeling again. At the end, Jiangyuan knew that there was no way. Finally, he said that he could, and then let Sun Wukong lie on the bed.

Jiangyuan absorbs human genes and can directly stun this person and then forcibly absorb it. However, this is not particularly good, and it is likely to cause harm to people. If it is voluntary, it will be different. This will be able to better match the absorption of Jiangyuan, and there is no threat to being absorbed.

"Then I started, Sun Wukong, if there is any feeling, then you will tell me directly, remember to tell me, know?" Jiang Yuan repeatedly stressed that because Jiangyuan is very afraid of being really right. Sun Wukong has a little threat.

Sun Wukong nodded and then lie down directly. Then Jiangyuan saw this state and began to absorb it.

At this time, only Sun Wukong closed his eyes, and Jiang Yuan also put his hands on the belly of Sun Wukong, and also closed his glasses.

At this point, I saw Jiang Yuanfu) touched the hands on Sun Wukong’s stomach 573 and slowly let out the light.

"Is the absorbable gene detected, is it chosen to absorb?"

Jiang Yuan did not hesitate to choose.

"Determining the choice of absorption gene! Please select the absorption mode, then specify and absorb?"

Jiang Yuan was afraid of being bad for Sun Wukong. He directly chose the designated absorption and marked it on the Super Saiyan gene.

"Selected, the designated absorption gene is the Super Saiyan gene! For your detection... The Super Saiyan gene has been detected! Is the current gene index a choice for absorption?"

Jiang Yuan saw that the Super Saiyan gene he had designated to absorb was only one, and he was directly stunned because he had never encountered such a thing before. However, since it has already been chosen, it should be absorbed directly. If you have any questions, please confirm with 9527.

"Confirm absorption." Jiangyuan whispered.

Then I saw that Jiang Yuan’s body began to shine with dazzling light, and just after this light appeared, Jiang Yuan’s hands began to absorb. At the same time, I only saw the light shining from Jiang Yuan's hands, and it became more and more dazzling. In the end, it directly occupied the whole room, and the temperament of Jiangyuan itself began to change. At the end, Jiangyuan floated with Sun Wukong. . .

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