Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 9: attempt

The expression of the master in the dry forest is also very embarrassing, and I feel that my master is too shameful. Look at ‘Mao. Line, Zhong. Wen, Net, but he forgot that he had exposed the same expression when he met Bouma.

The dry forest coughed aside, then pulled the master of his own, whispered a quality, and then stood aside.

After feeling the action of the dry forest, the turtle immortal finally reflected it, and then pretended to be a serious look, but did not last long, only to see the turtle immortal directly rushed to Bouma and Kiki.

"Ha ha ha, beauty, come to me is the turtle fairy, let me hold a hug." After the turtle immortal, I will save it.

Boma was angry when he was hugged by the turtle fairy, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not get away with it. In the end, he could only shout loudly. And Kiki saw the appearance of the turtle immortal on the side and was also scared to hide behind Sun Wukong.

The dry forest saw the appearance of the turtle immortal, and his face was even more ugly, but the dead forest knew that he could not do anything. Can only be _ enough to watch quietly.

At this time, Jiang Yuan slowly walked up, then smiled and said.

"You are the turtle immortal senior, I am very happy to meet you, we are here to find you, because his grandfather said when he left, if he came out of the valley, he came to you!" Jiang Yuan said.

When the turtle fairy heard Jiang Yuan’s words, his eyes were condensed, then he slowly released his hand and stared at Sun Wukong.

"Your grandfather? Who is your grandfather, why did you come to me?" Turtle Immortal asked, the tone of the turtle fairy can be heard at this time is very heavy.

Sun Wukong heard the words immediately.

"My grandfather is Sun Wufan. We used to live in a valley before, but suddenly one day, the most powerful monster in our valley came out, and then killed my grandfather, and my grandfather was dead. Tell me when you walk out of the valley and come to you, saying that only you can help me!" said Sun Wukong.

After the news of the death of Sun Wufan, the turtle fairy immediately emerged, and then grabbed the hand of Sun Wukong and closed his eyes.

After a while, the turtle fairy sighed and said.

"Awkwardness, I don’t think Gohan actually died because of this thing. Forget it, forget it. Since Gohan lets you practice with me, then from today you will live on my island. I will help you practice. When the time is right, I will tell you how to help you. "After the turtle immortal, he waved his hand and walked away.

At this time, everyone saw that the turtle immortal was a little tired, so they did not speak, but let the turtle immortal himself go.

Seeing that the turtle fairy was gone, the dead forest came up.

"Well, the master has already agreed with you, then you are here to find a place to rest, wait until tomorrow morning, the master should be able to find a way to arrange you. But tonight, you just have to find a place to sleep." Lin was not interested, but also returned to the room to rest.

The four people heard that they didn't speak. They only saw that Boma had taken out two capsules again and then threw them on the ground. Only two houses appeared on the ground.

"Well, the place to rest is done. Let's take a break early. Since you have chosen to practice here, then you must help me find Dragon Ball after you have practiced." Kiki walked into a house.

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly had something to say to Jiangyuan, but Jiangyuan did not give Sun Wukong a chance, but waved his hand and said.

"Time is not early, rest early, and you have to get up and practice tomorrow. Don't worry who can hurt you, turtles are impossible. Don't think about sleeping." After Jiang Yuan left, he left.

When Sun Wukong listened to Jiang Yuan’s words, he finally tried to break his mind and did not want to understand what it meant. However, after I didn't want to understand it at the end, Sun Wukong didn't want to, and went into the house to sleep.

After Jiang Yuan felt that Sun Wukong had entered the room, his eyes slowly opened and he looked at the ceiling overhead and asked quietly.

"Nine-five-seven, how much bio-energy I have now."

"Now your creature can extract the gene thirteen times. Of course, the powerful person, you can only extract a few times. This is linked to the strength, but I just felt the strength of the turtle fairy, if it is If he extracts his gene, he may be able to extract it three times. But what is the specific ability, I don't know. "The answer was answered in September 5th.

····Seeking flowers····

After listening to the answer to 957, Jiang Yuan slowly nodded.

In fact, on this road, Jiangyuan did not stop the opportunity to hunt bio-energy. As long as every place, Jiangyuan will go out to find prey at night, and can help him improve his biological energy, in order to come to the turtle fairy. Around, extract the genes that are angry!

As time went by slowly, Jiangyuan unconsciously had already gathered such awkward creatures when he arrived at the location of the turtle fairy.

However, Jiang Yuan does not know how his luck is, and he is afraid that these creatures will not be able to extract the genes of gas!

At this point, Jiang Yuan’s brow was staring at the ceiling, and his heart was constantly traversing.


After a while, Jiang Yuan whispered a word and said,

"Since all come, you can't waste it. Even if you can't extract the genes of Qi, the other strengths of Guixian are also good. As long as you can extract the genes of Guixian people, it will definitely improve my strength. "Jiangyuan whispered.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuan was about to close his eyes and go to sleep. But at this time, Jiang Yuan heard a voice from one person outside his window. ,

"Kid, I know that you haven't slept yet. If you can, come out and talk about it!" After seeing it, a black shadow disappeared.

When I heard this sound, Jiang Yuan heard it. This voice is the voice of the turtle fairy. At this time, the turtle fairy suddenly came to visit late at night, which made Jiangyuan very nervous, but things have already happened and he can’t escape. . There is no way that Jiangyuan can only accept his teeth.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan slowly walked out of the room and walked in the direction of the disappearance of the black shadow.

When the follower's shadow disappeared, when he reached the edge of the island, he saw a figure standing motionless in the night.

"You came to the kid, let's talk, today I feel that your body is not bad, but why is there any attempt to be with Wukong? I advise you not to play tricks, because if you play tricks, I am very likely to kill you." The tone of the last turtle immortal became cold. .

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