The gas bomb penetrated layer after layer of rock and soil, and in the blink of an eye, it pierced a hole in the earth!

Frieza Kankan dodged the penetrating air bomb, but before he could feel lucky, a terrifying figure appeared on the side.

"No—!" Frieza was caught by Broly after all.

A pair of big hands clasped his head and pressed down hard towards the depths of the magma.

"Ah!" Even Frieza couldn't bear the terrifying temperature brought by the magma.

Although the damage caused is not very big, but it hurts!

In addition, he is a frozen demon himself, and he is particularly sensitive to elements such as magma flames.

The pain you endure is even more terrifying!

"Bastard, bastard!" Frieza tried to struggle, but Broly threw it into the magma and threw a large blast of air!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The whole earth is already riddled with holes!

Whenever a gas bomb pierces the earth, the human city above the ground will be turned into fly ash, and there is no chance of resistance.

If you can observe from the position of the sun, you can find that the earth looks like a glowing sea urchin.

The air bombs shot into the sky, dyeing the entire solar system green!

In the Tiandao galaxy, only half of the planets are regularly revolving around his star.

However, the energy from the universe shocked it from time to time and began to tremble.

"I wipe... What the **** is this, Pan Zhen, Pan Zhen! Is there another earthquake?"

The sun goddess Reina rubbed her sleepy eyes. As for why it is said again, of course, it is because, recently, monster battles at the level of the creator gods have occurred from time to time in the universe, which has caused the entire universe to be a little uneasy, even the fierce sun.

Of course, Reina doesn't hate that there are great gods fighting in the universe, and some even worship the **** of destruction.

After all, as the mascot of Lieyang Star, her role is only to sit on the throne and pose as a goddess.

But recently, she can use Lieyang Star's Tiandao Pagoda to watch the battle, the shocking battle of the God of Destruction.

Pan Zhen's eyes were sad, always paying attention to the battlefield on Earth.

"Pan Zhen, what's going on? How can there be such terrifying energy on earth?"

Reina raised her doubts.

Pan Zhen clasped his fists and said, "Goddess, we may need to abandon the solar system!"


To be honest, there are so many civilizations under the Lieyang Heavenly Court, and Lena likes nothing more than Earth. Where there are good-looking clothes, fashionable dress up. For a goddess like Reina, who was only in her early twenties, it was too attractive.

(Earth, located in the atrium of Asgard among the Nine Realms, is sheltered by Asgard, but in the main universe, the solar system is indeed a satellite galaxy of the fierce sun.)

Pan Zhen shook his head in disappointment, "Goddess, the world is starting to become dangerous now!"

"The court of life, was killed!"


The sun goddess Reina covered her mouth in shock. How could this be possible? It was a court of life that kept pace with the five creation gods! Even, in a sense, the Court of Life is more powerful than the God of Creation.

It can be said that it already belongs to the extreme power of this world, how can it be obliterated by people?

But Lena knew that Pan Zhen would never joke with him about this kind of thing.

The life court was really killed by someone.

"Who did it?" Lena frowned.

If even the Tribunal of Life can be killed, then there is no doubt that a force to break the balance has been born!

You must know that none of the five creation gods can directly kill the Court of Life!

Pan Zhen shook his head, "If anyone can achieve such a feat, I think only the newly appointed God of Destruction has this strength."

0.. . . . Seeking flowers 0. Fight for eternity first, then annihilate. The newly appointed God of Destruction obviously has extremely terrifying strength.

If it is said to go to the court of life, it is really possible to kill the other party.

However, this time Pan Zhen was misled by the information in front of him.

He thought that the death of the Life Court was related to Vegett, the **** of destruction.

But in fact, Begit is not clear who killed the life court.

If Pan Zhen and Leina knew that even the annihilation of the five great gods of creation had gone to pieces, they would be even more surprised by the strange changes in this world!

"Goddess, I think it is necessary to wake up Lord Di Hongkun. Only in this way can we survive the disaster." Pan Zhen suggested.

"Wake up grandpa?"

Leina pondered a little and waved her hand: "Just do as General Pan said, you go to wake up Lord Di Hongkun, I will go to the solar system for a walk.". 0…

If they can save the solar system, this will be of great benefit to the strength of their Sunstar.

At this time of life and death, Pan Zhen of course also hopes that Di Leina can contribute to Lieyang Star.

Therefore, he did not object to Reina's suggestion.

"Finally able to go out for a walk, but this time, obviously I can't patronize and play."

Reina rubbed her forehead with a headache, and began to summon the Sun Star Armor, shuttled through space, and headed straight for the earth.

At the same time, the predecessors of Doctor Strange, Stephen and Strange, who were high-level surgical experts, had a car accident.

He completely lost the ability to perform surgery. When he was most desperate, the Eye of Agamato fell in front of him!

That is the Eye of Agamotto with the Time Stone!

The last trace of Gu Yi's spiritual energy was attached to it, bringing new hope to Doctor Strange!

"Doctor Stephen, I can restore your palm and make you a supreme mage who protects the earth.

But you need to uphold the mission of protecting the earth and stick to the accusations of the Supreme Master. I ask you, would you like it? "

Stephen was dying and said, "I...I would like to..."

The current Stephen just wants to live, although he is very surprised by what happened in front of him.

But he understood that this looming voice might really be able to save his life!

Originally, according to the normal plot, Gu Yi should have taught Stephen magic by hand.

But now that Gu Yi is dead, it is obvious that this important task can only rely entirely on the spiritual energy of that meaning.

As for Stephen's ability to grasp the essence of the Supreme Mage, after all, it can only depend on his talent! one.


Chapter 136 Broly Comes to Earth

Originally, according to the normal plot, Gu Yi should have taught Stephen magic by hand.

But now that Gu Yi is dead, it is obvious that this important task can only rely entirely on the spiritual energy of that meaning.

As for Stephen's ability to grasp the essence of the Supreme Mage, after all, it can only depend on his talent!

Under the power of the Time Stone, Stephen returned to his body before the car accident!

"This...this is really amazing!"

Feeling the revived body, Stephen looked at the palm of the newborn in amazement.

"My name is Gu Yi, and I am the supreme mage on the earth, but now the earth is suffering an unprecedented catastrophe.

Stephen, go, go to the New York Temple, and take back the power of the Supreme Mage! "

Under the guidance of Gu Yi, Stephen quickly mastered the basic space magic, element magic and so on.

(The Shi "One Zero Three" Tiffin in the original book also has a special talent for magic, especially after mastering the first magic.

It can be said that he can see the whole leopard at a glance, and he is quickly proficient in all kinds of magic. )

At this time, Stephen was far from being as steady and witty as in the original book.

After all, Stephen is far from experiencing the cruelty of the world.

"I understand, I'll go to the New York Temple now!"

Stephen was born in Philadelphia, USA, the eldest son of the family.

He was 11 when Stephen's sister Donna was accidentally injured.

As an older brother, he wanted to save his younger sister, and began to work hard towards his dream of being a doctor.

However, fate played tricks on it.

Donna tragically drowned after he enrolled in medical school at the age of 19.

Still, he graduated from medical school with honors.

The consummate doctor has given her a wealth of scrutiny and King Ming, and it has also made him more and more arrogant.

His relationship with his family became more and more distant, and even his lovers broke up with him.

After the car accident, he experienced worldly cold and warm and grew up a lot.

But now that there is no such experience, Stephen's character will not change much.

Arrogant and careless!

"This is the New York Temple?" Stephen, who had just stepped into the alien space, felt something strange.

A bright red cloak (called the suspension cloak) directly wrapped Stephen.

"What the **** is this? Levitation cloak?"

Doctor Strange, Stephen was surprised to find that this is a powerful magic weapon!

There is a powerful magic power on it!

It has a name, it's called the Suspended Cloak!

As the name implies, it can make the user levitate and fly freely in the air at a very fast speed.

In addition, the suspended cloak can also participate in battles according to Stephen's wishes.

In fact, the floating cloak itself has no intelligence, and sometimes it looks very flexible, like a living creature with autonomous consciousness.

However, this is only because the suspension cloak can directly reflect the most direct consciousness of the user, and the command transmission is particularly fast.

(ps: When Doctor Strange and Warlock Adam fought, he enlarged the levitation cloak, covering the entire solar system!

There were originally two floating cloaks in the comics, both of which were inherited by Doctor Strange from his teacher, Master Gu Yi.

The first cloak was blue and weak, and Doctor Strange passed it on to his apprentices.

The second red cape is the most common version and is much more powerful. )

"I, Stephen, Strange, are destiny!"

Stephen has swelled, and now he feels that he is very powerful, even those self-righteous superheroes, I am afraid they will be fooled by themselves!

In fact, it wasn't that Master Gu Yi chose the wrong person.

Stephen Strange's own magical talent, as well as his acquired growth experience, have jointly created a calm and rational Doctor Strange.

Without that experience, Stephen's inner arrogance and disdain had not been polished away.

"What intruder? Kill me!"

Stephen was arrogant.




The New York Temple sent a deafening echo, and when he flew to the sky, he was surprised to find that it was the aftermath of the battle between Broly and Frieza.

"This... this guy should be the villain, right?"

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