So the speed has not reached the fastest, and the strength has not reached the strongest. For an old mage, such mana, in his own eyes, is like playing in slow motion.

Ryze dodged easily. Rizna has been practicing for decades, and her speed and strength are many times stronger than Xiaoyu's.

Those powers are incomparable to Xiao Yu. But Xiaoyu's strength is already very good for beginners, and he can be regarded as a beginner.

Because, among those beginners, when they practice, they may not be able to release magical energy, and what's more, they may not know how to use magic.

So in this comparison, Xiaoyu is already very powerful.

Seeing that the old man easily avoided her own skills, the pride in her heart forced her to work harder. I saw her body, tossing in the air, and her body was suspended in the air.

Pushing his legs hard in the air, he leaned forward and kicked towards Ryze's head. Xiao Yu kept approaching forward, constantly emitting this light wave outward.

And he made full use of the advantage of his position, waving his hands constantly, the light waves fell on Ryze's head ticking like it was raining, it was so dense.

Ryze was stunned for a moment when he saw it, but he quickly picked up his crutches and propped up. The little girl's speed was still too slow, even if she was stunned for a moment, she still couldn't hurt herself.

(\"\"1\";,2.;) During the process of pushing the crutches up, Ryze added a little strength, so Xiaoyu seemed a little reluctant with the increase in strength.

The body was shaky, and it kept shaking in the air.

After all, Xiao Yu is only just a little bit higher on the basis of beginners. For ordinary basic magic, he may be able to resist it.

(Okay?) But as long as the magic power increases, Xiao Yu seems to be a little bit unbearable. No matter how powerful she is, she is only a new magician, and she has not yet learned the essence of magic. Facing a powerful person like Ryze, she seems very weak.

Until this moment, Xiao Yu really understood, it seems that even if he reads the magic book, how fast and how good it is, he still cannot do without the realistic operations.

Before, Xiao Yu was still proud of her own pride in reading magic books. At that time, I was still chatting with Vegeta, but now that I think about it, I find it a little funny.

In this duel, to put it nicely, in a real duel, in fact, he is doing it alone. The people on the opposite side were on guard the whole time and didn't make a move.

It was only in the final defense process that he added some strength, and he couldn't bear it any longer. .


Chapter 314 Open slowly

Until now, Xiaoyu understands some of the truth.

If you want to practice magic to the best of your ability, you really don't just need to read some magic books, you still need to practice and practice constantly, in order to have a good grasp.

For this, I have to thank Ryze, because he did not confront himself as soon as he came up. If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll be beaten down at the very beginning.

Being able to make oneself aware of one's own inadequacies in the process of continuous exertion is something that Xiaoyu has learned through tests today.

Of course, the most important thing is that I still have to thank Vegeta. If he hadn't offered to let him compete with others, he wouldn't have realized this so quickly.

But thank you thank you, but I haven't really convinced myself yet, and I still have a sigh of relief in my heart, and I want to try my best while I still have the strength.

Xiaoyu moved back and barely escaped. Ryze's strength rolled again and stood on the ground, winning a chance to breathe.

Standing in the same place, 06 reconciled for a long time, until he calmed down. It just so happened that the person on the opposite side didn't want to do anything, and was waiting for her to stand in place and adjust herself.

While adjusting herself, Xiaoyu adjusted her strategy in her heart. If it's not obvious, then let's go dark. Anyway, at that time, there was no rule that you couldn't use secret tricks.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu suddenly fell to the ground tired, lying on the ground weakly, motionless, watching Ryze stunned for a while, standing there thinking about something.

Ryze was about to go forward, but paused. Under the circumstance of careful observation, you can still see the little girl's smile hidden in the corner of her mouth.

Ryze was just stunned for a moment, and then walked forward again. Since the little girl wants to act, she will act with her and see what she wants to do.

Vegetto was on the side, and naturally noticed the situation of the two of them. He could see the movements and expressions of the two of them clearly, sighed inwardly, and shook his head involuntarily.

The little girl looked too young. Just the three-legged cat's acting skills, you still want to deceive others, even if you can't control your own expression, do you still want to deceive people?

The old man was obvious, he could see it all, but he continued to walk forward. It seemed that a good show was about to happen.

Xiao Yu was lying on the ground, her eyes turned outward, and she glanced at the person who was approaching her, seeing the old man constantly pulling in the distance from him.

Xiaoyu lifted it up abruptly. The original lying posture stood up now, and the light wave directly greeted the old man's face. Since the distance was very close, the reaction time for the person opposite was relatively short. .

The hands kept pushing forward, and the sound of "bang, bang, bang..." was released one after another. Because of the unhappiness in my heart, the blows seemed to be a lot stronger these times.

I saw those light waves, forming a huge light wave, hitting the opposite wandering mage Ryze.

Before the light wave could succeed, Ryze had already felt the power in advance. Because of the direction of the light wave, when it was driving towards this side, it brought a force of wind.

Ryze's response was also very fast. As the shock wave hit, his body quickly avoided, and he successfully avoided the blow, but Xiaoyu failed.

Even if Xiaoyu's speed increased further, it still couldn't compare to Ryze's speed. Ryze took the crutches and hit the direction of that power while evading.

The light wave then changed direction and turned towards Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu was very focused at this time, so he cleverly avoided it.

Ryze watched, and her opinion of Xiaoyu became a little different. It turned out that this little girl not only looks interesting, but her strength cannot be ignored. If she is cultivated, it will have different effects in the later stage.

Seeing the daze on the other side, Xiao Yu naturally wouldn't miss such a good opportunity, so he recharged and continued to think about the attack in front of him. It was really a chance to react and he didn't want to keep it.

Xiaoyu thought, no matter how powerful that person is, he can't do two things with one heart. So Xiao Yu had a smile on his face, and looked straight ahead, waiting for the old man to be knocked to the ground.

But the result was obviously not as good as Xiaoyu's expectations. If it is to say who Ryze is, if she is really beaten down by such a beginner girl, she may not be able to see herself now.

There was no panic on Ryze's face, but instead he became more calm, waving the crutches in his hand, and avoiding the skills in front of him.

"Okay, little girl, this is a good move, and it needs to be improved in the future, hahahahaha..." Ryze said this in a calm manner after dodging.

But in this case, Xiaoyu sounded like she was mocking her, and she was still very uncomfortable, so her anger soared.

After a long time of confrontation, the setbacks, coupled with the stimulation of the words at this time, made Xiaoyu lose his mind, and his magic skills seemed to be out of order.

Seeing Ryze was helpless, and didn't know how to start. Not only had to take care not to hurt the **** the opposite side, but also to prevent the person on the opposite side from hurting him. Ryze felt that she should not speak.

So looking at the little girl, she was so angry that she really didn't know what to do, so she avoided as much as possible, but she still inevitably hurt the other party.

Accidentally, Ryze's crutches hit the little **** the opposite side. After seeing it, Ryze tried his best to recover it, but there was still a force attacking it.

That force is not too big, not too small, but it is beyond Xiao Yu's tolerance. So Xiaoyu was directly knocked out, and his body began to fall down in the sky.

Xiao Yu was so frightened that she tightly closed her eyes and did not dare to open it. At this moment, she was completely awake. I start to think with fear.

I kept praying in my heart that I could fall not so badly, and don't let myself be disfigured, my face was facing the ground at the moment.

Xiaoyu couldn't turn around if she wanted to change, she didn't dare to open her eyes, she could only pray silently in her heart.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't feel any pain. Hey, it's so slow! I've been waiting for a long time, why haven't I fallen to the ground, I shouldn't.

Resisting the fear, he slowly opened his eyes.

Chapter 315

After Xiaoyu opened her eyes, she saw a handsome and calm face in her eyes.

Vegetto actually rescued himself at the first moment, giving Xiaoyu the feeling that he was sent to save himself as if the gods had descended.

Xiao Yu felt infinite emotion in her heart, and felt that Vegetto's status in her heart was soaring up and down, the kind that couldn't be stopped.

Xiaoyu looked at the person in front of her, she was currently in the other's arms, and the place where her head rested was exactly where Vegeta's heart was. Listening to the powerful beating, Xiaoyu's fearful heart gradually calmed down. down.

This pose seemed too ambiguous, making Xiao Yu feel shy, her face flushed slightly, and she lowered her head and buried her head in Vegeta's arms, refusing to raise her head.

Although he was shy, he was unwilling to leave his embrace, his hands tightly clinging to the other's neck, his face pressed against the other's chest, in a gesture of an ostrich.

Nor did Vegeta expect this to be the case. He is also paying attention to the state of the two at all times, but relatively speaking, Xiaoyu's situation may pay more attention.

After all, with the skills of the wandering mage Ryze, Veget is not worried at all. Even if the person standing in front of him is not a novice in magic practice, but someone else, it is estimated that the old man need not worry.

Xiaoyu is a novice in magic practice, and he is not very good at manipulating magic, so he is not so handy to operate, and looks a little clumsy.

These Vegettes are all seen in their eyes and kept in their hearts. Those operations were all within his expectations. But after a long time of confrontation, he found out that something was wrong with Xiao Yu.

That kid was too strong, and he had an unwillingness to admit defeat. Vegett frowned when he saw it. Those operations were messy and unorganized.

That's why there was this one. This was something that Vegett didn't expect, but it was also the first time he shot and saved the little girl, but this. …. …. If you can't stay on yourself, what's the matter?

"Xiaoyu, come down, don't make trouble." The tone was still so calm, and the voice did not fluctuate, but such a tone made Xiaoyu feel a little guilty.

But after thinking about it, it is not easy to meet such an opportunity. Xiaoyu is still greedy for the heat in Vegeta's arms, does not want to come down, and hesitantly speaks.

"Brother Vegeta, I... I... have a little leg weakness. The scene just now was too terrifying. You... Just let me take it easy, just take it easy."

His voice was soft and soft, giving people a gentle, delicate, and weak feeling, giving people the feeling of wanting to be protected, but also stuttering when speaking, with a feeling of being cautious.

After speaking, for fear that Vegeta would be angry and not believing himself, he emphasized again: "Really, just a little while, my legs are really weak, you are holding me for a while!"

At this time, the words were a little anxious, eager to get Vegeta's response.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but act coquettishly. In fact, her legs were a little weak. She was thinking about something else just now. She was not paying attention to herself, and her whole body was in a state of emptiness.

So I didn't feel my body the first time, but after Begit's reminder, I moved my legs reluctantly, only to find that my legs were really numb.

It may be scared, or it may be staying in a warm embrace. It's been too long, and I haven't moved for a long time, so my legs are numb, but no matter what kind, for Xiaoyu, it can be called a kind of good reason.

Besides, Xiaoyu really didn't want to leave, but she was afraid of Vegeta, afraid of making the other party angry, which was not a good thing for herself.

So she tried to discuss with the other party, but she still had no confidence, and she didn't know whether Vegeta would agree to this reason, so she raised her eyes and carefully observed the other party.

He found that the other party was also looking at him, his eyes were dark and unpredictable, he couldn't understand what he was thinking, but being looked at by such eyes, Xiao Yu was still very nervous and flustered.

After only one look, he turned into an ostrich again, he didn't dare to look at it again, and continued to lower his head. The mind was already messed up at this time, for fear of being rejected.

But the voice of rejection did not come, but the hot eyes did not move away, and he kept looking at himself and didn't know what he was looking at.

So it was a very sweet thing. At this time, Xiaoyu didn't feel any relief. On the contrary, he was worried and at a loss, and didn't know what to do.

But she didn't speak, until Vegett made a sound, interrupting her thoughts, "v you try it, are your legs better? If it's okay, I'll let you go."

Then she turned her eyes and looked at the person next to her. Xiaoyu didn't know when the old man came over, but she didn't even realize it. Sure enough, the people in love are dull-headed.

So, under Veget's gaze, and Ryze's scrutiny, Xiao Yu's face turned red again involuntarily.

She tried to move her legs, and found that she was much better. Although she was still a little numb, she was much better than before. Besides, there were other people around, so she was not good, and she was stubbornly pestering Beji. special.

He had no choice but to nod his head slightly, let go of the strength in his hands, and jumped to the ground, because the movement was too fast, when he came down, he almost didn't stand firm on the ground.

He grabbed Vegeta's sleeve and barely stabilized his body.

It was really embarrassing just now, I thought Vegetto, seeing that he was good-looking and fell in love with him, turned out to be not like that at all.

(Did Zhao)

He was waiting for him, watching the condition of his legs so he could put her down. Such an answer made Xiao Yu embarrassed and a little uncomfortable.

But it's just okay, Vegeta didn't laugh at him because of his hurried action just now, but reached out to support her and didn't let him fall, Xiaoyu was still very happy with him.

However, the other person, relatively speaking, is more annoying. Seeing himself like this, he didn't come to comfort himself, but to joke there.

"Hahahaha......why are you in such a hurry! I'm not in a hurry, you can stay in Vegeta's arms for a while and it's fine, anyway, I have nothing to do now." Ryze said leisurely, sounding still in the mood It was very pleasant, and I hated to learn what I did just now, and saw that Xiao Yu's head was almost smoking.



Chapter 316 Finding Problems

So I was in a bad mood, and the language became rushed: "It's not because of you, and I don't know how to be merciful. How am I a little rookie in the magic world, you can also do it."

While talking, he wiped his eyes and wiped the so-called "tears". In fact, there was nothing, but Xiao Yu's acting skills were still very strong.

Either she doesn't want to do it, or she just does it, it's really shocking, the feeling that she can use any trick, and she will never give up.

At this time, the two people in front of them also twitched the corners of their eyes and were speechless.

Ryze is nothing, the master who will give up, looking at the poor acting skills of the little girl, he can't help but complain aloud: "If you want to cry, at least give some water, it's dry, the eyes are not uncomfortable! "

The tone was mocking, "247" was of course well-intentioned, joking and teasing between good friends. What does Ryze say about this little girl... It's like looking at her own sister.

I think she is an interesting little girl, but now she wants to play so much, so he will accompany him to the end, anyway, it is boring, it is better to make fun of this little girl, it feels not bad.

"I... I use you, I don't care if I cry or not, you nasty old man, be careful when my magical energy surpasses yours, I will beat you to the ground, shit, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, "

Maybe Xiao Yu had already thought of it, and she couldn't help cheering up in such a scene. She patted her thigh again, and clutched her stomach again. She looked really happy.

Ryze didn't go, and really cares about a child, and the words he said were so innocent and cute, "When that day comes, it's not too late for you to say it."

"..." Vegeta felt speechless for a while listening to the exchange between the two.

To be honest, Bejit has already thought of such a result today. Xiaoyu is really working hard, he can see this, from his operation method, the release of skills... and so on.

In fact, the little girl, her brain is still quite smart and talented, and she was able to read those magic books in just five days, which really surprised him a lot.

Originally, it was with the attitude of giving it a try. Even if the little girl really didn't do it, he wouldn't say anything, but she did it, which is still very good.

Moreover, from today's duel, it can be seen that the little girl's efforts, relying on her own, can come up with such essentials, which is really amazing.

The only disadvantage is that although I have read a lot of magic books, there are too few actual operations, the practice time is too short, and there is no more experience to support, so it seems very laborious.

In addition, the person facing him is still the wandering mage Ryze, such a powerful person.

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