"Hey, I'm level ten now, what level are you?" Tristana said proudly.

You must know that at her age, to reach this stage is already very powerful. There are not a few people who have lost to her, and those who are older than him may not be able to beat him.

Looking at Vegeta, he also became curious and asked his own doubts.

What can be felt is that the level of the person in front of him should not be low. But still based on his strongest principle, he believes that his level is not as high as his own.

"What's the highest level, what's my level." Vegett said these words without blushing and heartbeat.

But that's true, the strength here will only be stronger, not lower. But others don't know, anyone who hears such words will feel that this person is pretending.

Just like this time, Tristana, wouldn't believe it at all, thinking it was nonsense.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, he mumbled a little, "You will brag, you have such a thick skin, even the senior elders in the academy dare not say such words easily." Arrived, "Don't believe it? Then I'll show you this academy. How about this suggestion? Can you prove it?"

Tristana already knew in her heart that he was rushing the bull, but she didn't want to say anything more, she just said, "If you can knock down the tree in front of you, I will believe it, and you don't need to say anything about the school. How's it going?" That tree grew here when the academy was established. After hundreds of years of wind and rain, plus the continuous entry of magical abilities, it has become an unshakable legend.

Even when the academy was resting, no one could shake it in this place. Linggen made mistakes and complicated it, and it grew up in the ground, and even high-level old people couldn't do anything about it.

Now I naturally don't think that the person around me can do anything about it.

She just quietly acts as a melon eater here and sees how he continues to pretend. Hahahahaha... I'm very happy just thinking about that scene, I can finally pull back a game.

When Vegeta heard it, the corners of his mouth were almost twitching. He thought it was a request. He even let himself fight a tree. Isn't that looking down on him?

Looking at it like this, she casually threw the gun in her hand to Tristana, her face turned black in shock, her precious gun, I didn't let him get angry.

This person is really annoying, and he will look good in a while.

Vegetto glanced at the tree. It was different from what he usually saw. It looked stronger than those, and it covered a large area. It seemed to be an old tree for many years.

However, it was not difficult for him. With a slight movement of his subordinates, a flame of fire rose, scattered with golden flames, and he waved his hand towards the thousand-year-old tree.

The golden smoke was shrouded in it, and within a few seconds, the smoke slowly dissipated.

The eyes became empty. Looking around, only an open space was left, and there was nothing left. Except for the burning ashes on the ground, there was nothing else.

It seems that nothing happened just now, it's just people's illusion, and the speed is so fast that people can't believe it.

Tristana, who was sitting on the side eating melons, also opened her mouth wide, her eyes widened, and 190 stared at the scene in front of her without blinking. If it weren't for the residue left by the burning tree on the ground, she would have doubted her eyes, it was too strong, it was a monster, and the tree was destroyed so easily, this scene was too shocking , nothing could be more shocking, Tristana thought.

He opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word, as if his throat was blocked by something, so he couldn't make any sound. He moved his mouth and gave up.

Pointing at Vegeta, he looked at him with inconceivable eyes.

Vegeta clapped his hands with a nonchalant look on his face, which had no influence on what he had just done.

However, the expression of the child in front of him was still very useful.

As for being so surprised, you can't even speak? Vegeta looked at the picture just now, and saw that the child opened his mouth for a long time, but didn't say a word.

"Okay, the saliva is going to flow down, quickly wipe it." Vegett said jokingly, this child is too cola, it's really interesting, hahahaha....

Hearing this, the little girl immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth and wiped it twice, but there was nothing, she was deceived. But now I don't care anymore, I said a word in a good mood. .

(;'!1'2:!') Chapter 245 Research

On the other side, in the military base.

The news of Dr. Zola's annihilation soon returned to Hydra.

Originally, the Red Skull was full of self-confidence. Dr. Zola was his own right-hand man, but now he was also eliminated by Vegett, which made him never think of it.

At this time, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, blue veins burst out, and endless anger filled his body. It feels like it's about to explode.

With a grim face, he waited viciously for the computer screen.

The computer screen in front of him is exactly the information of Begit, but no information has been found, only the relevant videos and pictures that have been reported before.

I'll go, this guy is so arrogant, destroying his subordinates again and again. His right and left arms have been planted under his hands.

"You said, no one can really do anything to this guy. Guns and cannonballs can't work on him. It seems that it is impossible to win him over. They have a mortal hatred."

"I thought that Dr. Zola could subdue him, but I didn't expect it to be successful, so I posted it backwards."

Although the Red Skull already knew Vegeta's strength, he was still furious in the face of the current scene. The loss was too great for him.

"What do you think of it? Do you have any ideas? Come up with a good solution and you will be rewarded. Feel free to give your opinion, and let go of your thoughts today."

His right-hand man is gone, and now he can only face this gang of men, and let them come up with ideas. I hope they can come up with a good way to take good care of that lawless guy.

The subordinates below are already ready to move, and if they can get the appreciation of the Red Skull, they may get a lot of benefits, so for a while, the people below are fighting and rushing to speak.

One of them said, "Leading the Red Skull, based on what we know about that monster now, his strength is probably not something we can compete with."

"From the perspective of Dr. Zola, his strength is already very strong, and that monster not only shattered his body, but also made Dr. Zola's spirit disappear."

"Based on such a scene, we can see that his strength is already super strong, and it may be more terrifying than we thought."

"So, if you want to defeat this person, you have to take some different methods. It may be better to fight against him with some people with a strong level of ability." The subordinate slowly expressed his opinion.

It was about the wonderful and well-founded one, which immediately attracted the unanimous approval of others. Although others were very unconvinced, they had to admit that this was a good way.

The Red Skull looked at his subordinates and saw that they had no idea, so he was immediately determined. He also promoted that person's official position and directly took over the position of assistant, which seems to be very satisfactory.

But when I think about it, I think it makes sense, but how to find it.

"Then you say, what should we do? I don't think I can find a few who can compete. That guy's strength is too strong, who else can beat him?"

The more Red Skull talked, the more he felt that it was difficult to do, and his brows were tightly wrinkled into a ball, like a hill. You can see how tricky this is.

"Is there any other big man here who can fight him? I don't feel it in my memory!"

The assistant obviously didn't think of this either, so he was speechless and lowered his head to think.

The scene was quiet again, and no one was talking.

After a while, a sound came from a corner. It was not loud but powerful. It was also mixed with a negative taste, which made goosebumps rise.

"Leading the Red Skull, I don't think we have to look for someone with the same strength as that guy. We can't do it from the front. We can start from the back and take some other methods."

Red Skull also felt a little bit of interest when he heard it, but did not immediately agree.

In case, like before, if you have an idea but can't realize it, it will be all in vain.

"Ah? What other way? Then tell me if there is any other way, let's hear it."

Looking at the corner, I saw that person, with a pair of fierce eyes, thin eyebrows hanging above the eyes, like two snakes, black skin, low height, no trace of kindness.

"Our strength, against that guy, is obviously an egg hitting a stone. We can't help him, but we can attack it with poison. No matter how strong our body is, we can't withstand the poison."

"We can make some poison bombs. No matter how strong the body is, the poison will greatly weaken when it enters the body. At that time, we can easily take him down without any effort."

The man said with a sinister smile on his face, as if he had seen the success, and the shrewdness in his eyes could not stop it.

"V is a good way, if only Dr. Zola was here, who else can we find to study it. Who would you do?" Red Skull also thinks this is a good way.

He eagerly asked his subordinates, to know where they were good at fighting, and where did they do that research. After hearing this, they all stared at each other and looked at the people around them.

Everyone shook their heads in unison, no.

Red Skull also knew that it was embarrassing them, and he was also in a hurry to seek medical treatment. He was too eager to take revenge, and he didn't know what he was doing.

The assistant stood up again and said, "A friend of mine is engaged in research, but he is not as good as Dr. Zola, but he has been researching for several years. The most important thing is the research on poisons, which is very good."

"Usually the poison he made, when someone touched it (Duo's), it would be immortal and crippling, and it was just a simple poison. If the concentration was deepened, it would be easy to poison a person. matter."

"And his routines are also difficult for others to understand. No one knows when he is by his side, and when he is inadvertently poisoned, he can bring people down without knowing it."

The assistant looked smug and proud of his friend.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's just him, it seems that your friend is not easy, then call him another day, have a good discussion, and make something that can defeat that guy as soon as possible, I can't wait now. "

Red Skull couldn't wait, and immediately possessed the powerful poison to defeat Vegett.

I wish I could think of this way earlier, and my subordinates would not disappear again and again.

Sooner or later, he will defeat Vegeta. .

Chapter 246

On Vegito's side, "Ah-hee~" felt a chill in his heart, did anyone say anything about himself again?

He can't think about other things too much, and the current things make him even more headache.

Tristana has recovered now, and stood up quickly from the ground, the surprise on her face no longer existed, and she put on a very strange expression, just like that, she was in a good mood.

Yes, it is excitement.

Tristana has not met for a long time, such a powerful person as Veget, in the past, only the others who beat up crying and screaming, those people's strength is too low.

She was already tired of fighting against them, and she was still very excited when someone stronger than herself suddenly appeared.

Her attitude towards powerful people is never casual.

"....You...you...you actually burned that tree? Is that so?"

Tristana silently drowned and stammered, expressing her surprise with difficulty.

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Vegeta said lightly.

"What? You are too ruthless, you are awesome!"

Tristana's eyes widened in disbelief, like two copper bells, and her voice was the same as with the addition of a loudspeaker. The voice was so loud that it almost deafened Vegeta's ears.

The arrogant and domineering look before is gone.

Vegeta looked at Tristana's expression, what's the fuss about? Rolling her eyes, she walked away in disgust and stood a few meters away from her.

He was afraid of being affected by Tristana's stupidity and ignored her.

However, Tristana refused to let it go so easily. She let Vegett go, she finally met someone who was interested in her, so she couldn't spare him, and continued to ask for confirmation.

"Do you know what kind of tree that is? Can it disappear so easily?" He repeatedly expressed his surprise, doubt, and disbelief.

Seeing that he ignored himself, he continued, "That's a thousand-year-old spiritual tree, something that even a high-level old man in our academy can't do, you just did it, it's incredible."

Looking at the child in front of him, with such perseverance, it was not easy for Vegeta to stand still and not speak.

"What if that tree is a spiritual tree? It doesn't matter to me. If there are a few more trees, I will destroy them as usual, so you don't have to make such a fuss? It's really not difficult for me!"

Vegeta didn't care, and answered as a matter of course, with that rude expression, Tristana looked like she wanted to hit someone, and there was no reason for it, and there was no reason for it.

"You are the most powerful person I have ever met, stronger than the people in our academy, boss, accept me as your apprentice!" Tristana's face was shy, her eldest sister temperament no longer existed.

She felt that she got along with Vegeta like this. In a short period of time, Vegeta refreshed her cognition again and again, and every time, she refreshed her own views.

It brought unexpected surprises to herself, and every time, she would find that her previous thoughts were really too ridiculous, and she underestimated Vegeta too much.

People are obviously better than they think, not just a little bit.

It is definitely not a simple person who can do such a thing!

No matter how bad she is, she is still stronger than herself, right, so Tristana wanted to learn more skills from Vegett, and maybe one day she could become as powerful as him.

You know, every learning is hard-won. Tristana will naturally not turn away from the ability to enhance her own abilities.

Vegeta looked at the child in front of him in surprise, what? Did he hear it right? Children want to worship themselves as teachers?

What about the arrogance before, didn't you still look down on yourself, isn't your temper very powerful? Now she even said to let herself be her master.

This behavior was really unexpected for Vegeta, but it was impossible to accept it.

"I don't accept apprentices." Vegeta shook his head and refused directly.

To put such a child by his side and be his own apprentice, how strange this picture looks, and he has no intention to accept apprentices.

Not to mention that she looks at such a small one, she is still a girl, it is definitely not safe for her to be by her side, and she may be distracted to protect her, so she is not free and has nothing to do.

Although he has the ability to protect her, he still doesn't want to find something for himself.

Besides, why should I accept her as a disciple, and I am not familiar with her, so I only met once.

"Don't reject me, bro... No.... You should call me a master. You see, I admire you so much." Tristana almost burst into tears as she spoke.

Her eyes were all red. In fact, she was just too shocked. She didn't blink for a long time, which made her eyes uncomfortable, so now her eyes were full of red blood, and it seemed to Vegett that she was about to cry.

The two big fluffy ears are now drooping down. Coupled with that small mouth, small face, and small body, they look soft and cute, very cute.

"We can meet here, it must be fate, we must have the fate of master and apprentice, and when I saw you for the first time, I knew that you are an extraordinary person, master, I really admire 193 Thank you, just accept me!"

Tristana pulled Vegeta's clothes and leaned tightly beside him. She opened her eyes and said nonsense. It was really a blushing and heartbeat.

I don't know who the person who came to confront Vegett at the first sight of the meeting before, seems to have no such thing at all, and kept saying nice things to please Vegeta.

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