Clark looked at the electric light demon coldly, and the hand that pinched his neck was like an iron tong, constantly contracting, making the electric light demon blush, unable to breathe.

Thunder erupted from him, crackling electric light hit Clark’s body.

But it didn’t work!

“You think you’re strong? Can you beat me alone? Clark looked at him and said, “You are wrong, your weakness is actually obvious, your physical fitness is too bad, if the enemy in front of you at this time is Shadowman, do you think these lightning bolts of yours can hurt him?” ”

The electric light demon couldn’t answer.

Because he was already on the verge of suffocating and couldn’t speak at all.


Clark let go of his hand and let the electric demon fall to the ground.

“Remember! If it’s an enemy, you’ve just died. ”

The electric light demon looked at him with a palpitating face, and did not dare to say anything to contradict him anymore.

He was really scared.

That feeling of death at hand, he swore that he didn’t want to feel it a second time in his life!

“You think it’s over?”

Clark looked sharply at the others.

“Just such a good opportunity, why not do it?”

After that, he rushed up and beat everyone directly.

Almost everyone couldn’t get up.

Clark stopped.

“You disappointed me so much!”

Clark shook his head and said:

“From tomorrow, you have to receive more training, otherwise with your current strength, you will also give away heads when you go out!”

No one refuted.

Everyone was scared.

“Go, take them down for treatment, then let them all roll back to their rooms to rest, and start training at five o’clock tomorrow morning!”

Clark called a pair of cyborg warriors and took them down for treatment.

With the medical equipment in this base, this group of guys will be able to come alive again tomorrow morning.

Of course, this also has to do with the fact that Clark has left his men behind.

Otherwise, he blows casually.

How many of these people will survive?



Just when the electric light demon and the others were violently beaten by Clark at the Poseidon base and carried out a cruel reality education, they were far away in the headquarters of the Justice League on the other side.

The new members, Demolition and Frost Warriors, have just returned from a press conference.

Both had happy smiles on their faces.

At the press conference before, the feeling of being in the spotlight was a new experience they had never had before.

They found themselves deeply in love with the sensation of being in the limelight.

And there is no way to return to the life it used to be.

Before Frost Warrior joined the Justice League, his family was also considered rich, and it can be said that he has not worried about money since he was a child.

However, even if he is a rich second generation.

Never before has there been an experience like today.

In the past, at most, a few little brothers around him would pat his.

Like now, the dense crowd, the cheers like a tsunami, and many good-looking girls holding up signs with his name on them, and even writing his name on their T-shirts.

This is an experience he has never had before.

It feels like the whole person’s blood is boiling!

Compared with the Frost Warrior, who was originally a poor child, he felt that his world view was completely overturned in this day.

“Oh my God~! So that’s what it’s like to be a superhero? ”

“Simply amazing!!!”

Blasting was not the kind of person who talks a lot.

But today, since he just came back, his mouth has not stopped.

Even the Frost Warrior, who was also very excited, was a little unable to stand his nagging.

Fortunately, at this time, the Tidal Queen and Carl walked in.

“You two, come with us.”

The Queen of Tides didn’t say much, and directly explained the intention.

Seeing that the two were a little puzzled, Carl still explained to them.

“You are new members, so you will have to undergo a period of training before you officially start the mission.”

Carl said.

Hearing this, the two nodded abruptly.

Isn’t it training!

As long as they can become superheroes, let alone training, even if they go to the battlefield now.

They are also willing!

Seeing the two didn’t seem to realize how brutal the training was.

Carl was also silent, not reminding them.

This guy is actually a black belly.

Sometimes it looks quite honest, but in fact, the flowers and intestines in the stomach are not less than others.



The next day, early in the morning.

The first generation of members of the Injustice Alliance began their first day of training.

The name of the Injustice League was given by Clark.

Or rather;

He used it.

Because the name has been around for a long time, but it only exists in DC Comics.

Now it is used by Clark, and it is also convenient.

The main thing is that he doesn’t like names very much.

Whether it is the Justice League or the Injustice League, the code names of these superheroes and super criminals are also their own ideas.

Clark didn’t have that much spare time to help them come up with codenames.

If you think of any code name yourself, just think about it yourself.

As long as it’s not too ugly, he will agree.

The first day of training;

The first generation of villains of the Injustice Alliance was tortured to death.

Clark’s standards for them are clearly higher than those of the Justice League superheroes.

Especially needles for those who are always confused about their positioning.

For people like this, Clark’s consistent standard is to beat up a few more, as long as they are beaten a few times, these guys will naturally learn to be obedient.

For the training of the Injustice Alliance, Clark only had past supervision in the first three days.

Beat them up and have fun.

Then from the fourth day, he would not go over every day to supervise, but gave this task to Skynet.

On the other side, inside the [Zeus] base.

Clark made a temporary room for the Hulk.

Although the room is not made of vibranium, it is strong enough to at least not be demolished casually.

The Hulk woke up from his coma half a month ago.

At first, he was still a human Bruce, and he didn’t know where he was until an artificial human explained it to him, and he realized how bad his current situation was.


PS: I plan to let the Hulk also join the protagonist’s injustice alliance, of course, most of the time it is still to act as the protagonist’s charging treasure.

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