But three or four days at most.

That sentiment is gone.

At that time, it will be what it should be.

The world has always been so cruel.

This is the reality!

In addition, the Justice League suddenly lost two members, and new members had to be recruited externally.

This time, Clark intends to enroll directly and openly.

This is much simpler than his own painstaking search.

Finally, it is the funeral of two righteous heroes.

You’ll have to do it well.

When the time comes, I will make a monument or something.

This kind of thing doesn’t even need Clark to worry about, and the people themselves will spontaneously organize and do it.



2 p.m.

Kent Pictures, in Clark’s office.

“General Ross? What is he here for? ”

“Forget it, let him come up.”

Clark, who was enjoying his afternoon leisure time in the sun, was suddenly surprised to hear that General Ross wanted to see him.

Shouldn’t this guy be dealing with his own mess now?

And the work to find him?

It wasn’t long before General Ross arrived in the office.

“General Ross, first meeting, please sit!”

Clark was polite.

Ross sat down across from him, his face as if Clark owed him a lot of money.

As soon as he came up, he directly pulled his voice and said:

“Mr. Kent, I hope you will be able to return the property of our military.”


Clark looked unintelligible.

“That Hulk last night.” Ross said in a deep voice, “That’s the property of our military, and I have reason to suspect that he was taken by you.” ”

It turned out that Ross hadn’t slept all night last night, and finally it was clear that the green giant was actually a research institute of his research institute – Bruce. Banner!

And the reason why Bruce turned into a little green giant and had such terrifying power was because of an experiment in the institute.

This made General Ross, who was full of thoughts about mastering this power, seem to see the light of hope.

He immediately sent someone to the place where Clark and the Hulk fought before to salvage and see if he could find Bruce’s body, or a living Bruce.

At the top of the official, he also explained.

And claim to be in control of this force.

The president, who had always feared the power of the superman to protect the country, immediately approved his plan and told him that he must find the body of the Hulk or the Hulk.

It is best to study whether it can be mass-produced!

This president is clearly daydreaming of relying on the Hulk to conquer the world.

As a result, General Ross’s men salvaged over there for most of the day.

I didn’t even find the heel hair.

General Ross, who had not slept all night, was anxious to pull his hair one by one.

If he couldn’t find the Hulk, his plans wouldn’t be able to continue.

Then, he thought, “Could it be that Superman Protector hid the Hulk”?

After all, the last person to see the Hulk was Superman Protector.

He was alone when he left.

But this does not completely escape suspicion.

Now, the Hulk can’t find it, and the suspicion of Protector Superman is the greatest.

Therefore, General Ross rushed to Kent Film in a hurry.

Someone is coming!

General Ross is not afraid of superheroes like Superman.

Even if the power of the Protector Superman is more terrifying than that Hulk, the former is a superhero on the side of justice, and the latter has no IQ at first glance, like a beast.

Clark never thought that General Ross would come to him to ask for someone.

Although the Hulk disappeared, he was indeed more suspicious.

But you didn’t come to the door so directly to take care of him, right?

Should this General Ross be said to be bold?

Or should I say that he is already in a hurry and out of brains?

Or –

Did he really think that he, a righteous superhero, would not do anything to him, the general?

No way?! Impossible, right?!

Can you sit in the position of a general, is the thinking still so naïve?

Clark looked at Ross, who was sitting opposite, with a strange look.

General Ross’s heart is actually not calm at the moment, but he really has no way, if he doesn’t find the Hulk, it will be enough for him to go to court martial ten times with the events of last night.

Having enjoyed the benefits of power for most of his life, he didn’t want to go to jail when he was old, and cry behind bars or something.

So, he didn’t have a choice.

I can only bite the bullet!

“General, if you are looking for that green monster, then I am afraid you have come to the wrong place.” Clark said: “I solved the monster last night, and now he has also sunk to the bottom of the sea, I am afraid he has already been swept up by the ocean current. ”

“If you want to find him, you can go to the sea to find it, maybe if you are lucky, you can really find it.”

Ross could hear the mockery in Clark’s words, which made his face gloomy, and he couldn’t help but want to scold.

He said with a calm face and gloom:

“When you say that, you don’t want to hand over someone?”

Clark spread his hands and said:

“It’s not that I don’t want to hand over someone, it’s not at all, how do you let me hand it over, General?”

“How about you make another one?”

“But this time you have to take care of it, don’t think about it like last night, I won’t necessarily go to clean up the mess for your military at that time.”

Clark’s left and right sentences were all mocking Ross’s words.

This made Ross secretly clench his fists, if he hadn’t known that it was Superman who was sitting opposite him, he would have called someone to come up and arrest the other party.

“Mr. Kent, are you sure you want to go against the military?”

Ross said coldly.

Clark smiled contemptuously, casually took a document on the side, and opened it.

“It’s not early, I still have work to be busy, if the general has nothing else, please!”

General Ross stood up for a moment.

Glaring angrily at Clark.

However, Clark ignored him.

This made the anger in General Ross’s heart continue to rise.

But he couldn’t help Clark.

Looking for the army to catch him?

No kidding!

Believe it or not, as soon as he gave the order on the front foot, the president’s phone on the back foot would call him and scold him for chopping his head and covering his face!

Those big guys above, but they haven’t thought of how to deal with this one!

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