Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 92: Conquer Hill! Hill Forced Nick Fury Into The Palace!

"Target acquired! Withdraw!"

As the Blue Star weapon was stolen, the commander's order to retreat came to the ears of the Iron Overlords!

They fired at Dr. Otto one after another, and at the same time, thick flames spurted out from under their feet!


The floor was knocked open, and they flew into the sky and disappeared.

Dr. Otto hurried back and saw the empty super alloy safe. Although Sauron asked him to deliberately steal it, he still felt very unhappy.


The super alloy safe was blasted into liquid metal by him.

Inside the HYDRA base underground in New York.

Pierce looked at the polycrystalline structure in his hand and couldn't believe it.

"Is this the Blue Star weapon?"

HYDRA scientists on the side stepped forward. They studied all the videos monitoring Doctor Octopus and figured out how to turn it on.

Soon, the polycrystalline structure trembled and instantly turned into a blue giant weapon.

Everyone is attracted by the super-compressed blue giant star.

"Oh God! Look at the convective energy from thermonuclear reactions, this is definitely a Fixed Star!"

"Blue Superstar! Really Blue Superstar!"

"What kind of civilization can compress a blue giant star into such a file size and make it into a weapon?"

"Where did you get that guy named Superman?"

HYDRA scientists are going crazy.

Pierce smiled and said: "Everyone, it doesn't matter what civilization such a powerful weapon comes from! What's important is that it now belongs to us HYDRA!"

"You should study as soon as possible how much energy can be released that can destroy our enemies without destroying our planet!" 22 "Yes"!

A kind of HYDRA scientists have invested in crazy research.

Pierce, on the other hand, is intoxicated in beautiful fantasies.

Fantasy, he becomes the leader of all HYDRA! Become the leader of the world!

Sauron, who was in the garden on the top floor of the headquarters, had a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Is my stuff so easy to get?"

Only when they saw the Blue Star weapon and regarded it as their own treasure, they wanted it back.

They will do everything they can to protect you!

Only by using America's national power to mobilize Mutants and superpowers can he usher in a crazy harvest!

Therefore, because of Sauron's departure, Hill agent, who had returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., saw Sauron in his home.

"Didn't you already leave Blue Star? The satellites have already photographed you being taken away in a special way!"

When Hill saw Solan, his face was full of shock.

"I left the solar system but not the human world. I can walk naturally and come back.

"In fact, I am just a duplication of that guy. I will disappear as soon as he comes back."

Hill glanced at him and said, "Is it Multiple Man's Ability?"

S.H.I.E.L.D studied all the information on Sauron and discovered something surprising.

Before he killed the sun fire, there was no information that showed that Sauron could transform into the sun.

Before Sauron disappeared, a Mutant criminal, Multiple Man, was also attacked.

But now, the Sauron in front of her is a sharer.

Sauron neither confirmed nor denied.

"Hill, the Blue Star weapon has fallen into the hands of HYDRA.

Hill, through secret investigations over the years, has also found out that Pierce is HYDRA.

But at the same time, she was also surprised by the hairstyle. More than half of the elites in S.H.I.E.L.D were HYDRA! Therefore, she did not dare to expose all this easily!

He could only quietly replace some key positions with his own people through Carter's connections.

Because of this, she became the deputy director with real power within S.H.I.E.L.D!

Nick Fury saw Sauron leaving the solar system and put behind the threats he had made. Through his identity as director, he constantly sucked blood from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No! Since you are his duplication, you must have powerful abilities. Why did you let HYDRA take the Blue Star weapon away?"

Hill got into brainstorming mode.

"Whether Dr. Otto has a blue giant weapon or not, he can perfect the artificial sun technology. The difference is just a matter of time."

"There is no need for you to take out the Blue Star weapon!"

"But you still took it out, then your only purpose is to attract the attention of the military and even other forces!"

Hill immediately thought of Sauron's way of obtaining Ability.

She woke up instantly!

"You are here to harvest super abilities! You must be here for this purpose!"

"Because whether it is HYDRA or the military, as long as you get the Blue Star weapon, you will never take it back!"

"At that time, in order to protect the Blue Star weapons, they can only recruit a large number of Mutants or super abilities! Because they know that human weapons cannot deal with you at all! The only thing that can deal with you is such a powerful super ability!"

"And you can harvest all kinds of powerful supers!"

"After all, whether it's Mutants or Super Abilities, many of them are anonymous! And if you massacre them all over the world, it will arouse fear and opposition from all over the world, and they will completely hide themselves!"

The more Hill analyzed, the more he looked at Sauron with fear in his eyes.

Only now did she realize that she had become a pawn from the beginning.

"Pah! Pah!"

Sauron applauds!

"Hill, you are indeed the woman I like. You are indeed smart!"

Hill subconsciously retreated, she wanted to escape! But knowing Sauron's power, she knew she couldn't escape at all!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

After being guessed by Hill, Sauron just thought she was smart but would not want to kill anyone.

This is a conspiracy!

Even if the whole world knew his purpose, would HYDRA be willing to give up the Blue Star weapon?

But Hill got it wrong!

In S.H.I.E.L.D’s test of Sauron, one item is extremely eye-catching!

Sauron loves beauty!

Hill is also a very beautiful woman. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around herself, full of vigilance.

"Sauron, even if you get my body, you can't get my heart!"

Sauron was stunned. Because of the power of his divine body, mortal women simply couldn't bear it! Sauron was like a super hydraulic machine, and mortals were like a piece of tender tofu. Even with just a slight push, the tender tofu would collapse. Become crumbled tofu dregs!

This made Sauron Duplication stop thinking about that aspect.

But although he is connected with the subject's mind, he seems to be doing two things. But this body is only half of Sauron's strength when he left Blue Star.

There is still no problem communicating with mortal women.

The main body has been in seclusion refining the power of the gods accumulated by Yi Ge, and the duplication of Xandarna is also unable to communicate with mortal women. The Xinxing Supreme cannot attract strong women, so the county wants to make Sauron duplication happy.

The emotions accumulated over the years were ignited by Hill's words!

Hill paid the price with blood for this!

Agent No. 13, Sharon Carter, came to see Hill. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard voices inside.

She shrugged and left.

"When did Sister Hill fall in love? I wonder if I know that person?"

"However, someone who can conquer Sister Hill must be extraordinary!"

As the deputy director, Hill will not go to work for a day, so naturally no one will take care of him.

On the third day, after Hill was able to go to work, he went directly to meet Nick Fury!

"Director, do you know that the Blue Star weapon has been stolen?"

Nick was not surprised when he heard this. He showed some photos to Hill.

Although Dr. Otto's laboratory was very remote, the Iron Overlords left in a high-profile manner.

Ten tall mechas were flying in the sky and were photographed by some night owls.

"I've arranged for Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff to investigate!"

Last year, Fury sent Hawkeye to capture Black Widow, and then the two of them had a fight with the man in the red house.

Natasha Romanoff thought she had killed the leader of the Red Room, so she accepted Fury's recruitment and joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Director, the Blue Star weapon is now in the hands of HYDRA!"

Hill's words stunned Nick.

"Deputy Director Hill, are you kidding me?"

"HYDRA has long since perished with the disappearance of Red Skull!"

"Also, who told you this news?"

Hill has no respect for these 900 treacherous Nicks.

He obviously promised Sauron to help him become the director, but as soon as he became the director, he suppressed himself everywhere while Sauron was not in the solar system.

"Definitely Sauron!"

Hill directly said the famous minister who made Fury afraid.

"Didn't he leave the solar system?"

"I have investigated clearly the pattern left behind. It has appeared many times in the history of Blue Star, and it has a lot to do with Norse Mythology. It is said to be the unique mark of Bifrost!"

"If Norse Mythology is true, then he must have lost Asgard!"

"Why do you say you are still on Blue Star?"

Nick Fury is really scared! Afraid that his wife is an alien will be revealed! Afraid that he will be treated as an adulterer and secretly dealt with by the Security Council.

"Yes, his body has indeed left the solar system and gone to Asgard! Not only is he thousands of light years away from the solar system and unable to come back in a short time, he is also trapped by something.

"But, he still has a duplication on Blue Star!"

"And this duplication also has powerful power!"

"Director Nick Fury, it's time to fulfill the promise you made to Sauron!"

Hill begins to force the palace!

After being punished by Sauron, her body and mind were completely conquered! Huge amounts of changes took place in her inner thoughts.

"Shet! Damn it! This can't be true"!

Nick Fury still can't believe it.

"Director, you should know that on the eve of Sauron's departure, a Mutant with duplication ability was attacked, right?"

Hill said with a slight expression.

Nick Fury's eyes froze in an instant! He can become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, and is also known as the King of Agents!

Not a fool!

In an instant, he understood what Hill also wanted to understand in front of Sauron.

"No! No! He is a devil!"

"Shet! Shet! How dare he make an enemy of the whole world!"

"Fuck Fuck! Hill, you betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D!".

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