Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 90 Pyro Saves Tony! Tony And Pyro Fall In Love And Kill Each Other

"John, don't act nonsense!"

"Gwen has her own plans!"

Shachen said warningly, but how could Huo Ren listen to her?

Without Sauron, only Gwen could suppress him. He would not even pay attention to Norman if he had time.

"There are terrorists here! They use machine guns, rocket launchers, and even missiles! Not the criminals and gangsters in New York City who all use small pistols!"

"Although Gwen is Spider-Woman, she is not - Bulletproof Woman!"

"If something goes wrong with her, can you take the responsibility?"

The fireman opened his mouth and said something that even Shachen couldn't argue with.

Everyone knows that Gwen is the captain's little apprentice and is different from everyone else.

"Then I'll go with you!"

Shachen gritted her teeth and decided to go along to ensure that Tony would not die.

One of them transformed into a sandstorm, and the other transformed into a fire element, heating the air and flying towards the cave where Tony was imprisoned.

Soon, the Tian Cheng Gang outside saw sandstorms and fireballs flying from the distant sky.

"Mutant! It's Mutant!"

Someone shouted loudly, and the entire camp instantly entered a state of fighting.

On the anti-aircraft positions on both sides, 12.7mm bullets from anti-aircraft machine guns were fired at the sand and burning people!

The sand transforms into a sandstorm. Unless it destroys the entire sandstorm at once, any attack will just scratch it.

As for Pyroman, under the transformation of the fire element, he himself is a fireball of more than 5,000 degrees, and the 12.7mm bullet is directly vaporized!

The sand and dust rushed into the cave minister against the flying bullets.

The burning man was suspended in mid-air, allowing the bullets to hit him and be evaporated.

"You terrorists should all die!"

John showed no mercy! His hands fired fireballs with temperatures of thousands of degrees!


Pile up outside the cave, tightly covered with concealment nets.

These are the raw materials for Tony to build the Jericho missile, because some of them are various rockets and missiles produced by Stark.

These ammunition were detonated!

The tongues of fire that broke out were hundreds of meters high! John immediately laughed!

He is a fireman, and he can control flames before the fire element transforms.

He controlled the flames generated by the missile explosion! Under his control, two giant snakes formed by flames launched an attack on the terrorists in front of him!

"Boom! Boom!"

"Da da da!"

There are gunshots and explosions everywhere!

John laughed loudly and vented his ability to his heart's content!

Deep in the cave, Wang Ni and Hou Yinsen were stunned when they heard the sound coming from outside.

"What's going on outside? Is the military coming to rescue you?"

Yinsen looked at Tony suspiciously, knowing that he would not alert anyone to rescue him.

"Maybe, but we'd better save ourselves!"

After Tony finished speaking, he quickly asked Yinsen to help him put on the armor.

It was a sandstorm that broke through the door, and in the shocked eyes of Tony and Yinsen, she turned into a Middle Eastern woman with only her eyes exposed.

"Shet! How could it be you!"

As a well-known Mutant superhero in New York, Tony knew him.

"It was your female assistant, Miss Pepper, who entrusted our Super Seven team to rescue you."

Shachen glanced at the armor on Tony's body and said, "The fireman is dealing with those terrorists outside, I'm here to protect you."

Watching the startup process of the armor complete the final countdown, Tony said proudly: "You protect Yinsen, I have the ability to protect myself!"

With that said, he controlled the armor and walked outside.

Soon, Tony came outside and saw the terrorist camp engulfed in flames and people suspended in mid-air.

He suddenly felt like his efforts were in vain.

The armor he had worked so hard to build was of no use at this moment.

All the terrorists have been eliminated by Zhanren!

Seeing Tony wearing the armor, Pyro smiled and said: "Mr. Tony, if you come out early, I can leave a few for you to try."

"Shet! You Mutants are truly God's darlings!"

Tony made no secret of his envy!

In the past, his sense of Mutants was a group of mutated humans with special genes.

Don't say I hate it, don't say I like it either.

But after this kidnapping, he developed a desire for powerful power.

He was envious of Mutants, a group of people who were born with super abilities. His heart was shaken again, and he wanted to have powerful abilities!

We cannot allow ourselves to be slaughtered again!

Tony took one look at the armor on his body and decided to upgrade it when he went back to create a more powerful armor.

Shachen and Yinsen also walked out.

Shachen said: "Our plane is a hundred kilometers north of here, how are you going to get there?"

Tony let Yinsen hug him and said: "I prepared the flight system. It can't fly a hundred kilometers, but it's still no problem for forty or fifty kilometers."

With that said, Tony started up, and Mark One took him to drink Yinsen and fly into the sky.

Shachen and Huoman followed, and soon, Mark 1 consumed all its energy and disintegrated in the air!

Tony and Yinsen went into the desert.

High in the sky, Sauron Duplication watched all this happen and did not interfere.

Tony becoming Iron Man is a fixed point in the timeline of the Marvel Universe. Even if he wasn't kidnapped by the Ten Commandments Gang, Tony would be inspired to make a steel armor for various reasons.

On the other hand, John and Tony got along very well.

"Tsk tsk! This is the steel armor made by the famous super weapon genius? Just like his master, it only lasted less than a few minutes?"

The burning man landed and opened his mouth like an experienced driver.

Tony was immediately irritated and said, "You stupid kid, have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Ask those female models on the cover of Maxim magazine! I never started in half an hour!"

Pyro's reputation is about the same as Sanddust's, and Mutant's identity has caused his talent to be seriously underestimated.

"Tony, did you really sleep with all the models on Maxim's cover magazine?"

Pyro was in his twenties and still unopened. He was no match for Tony, a real playboy, when it came to talking about women.

As soon as Tony opened his mouth, he was attracted.

Tony said in a very showy tone: "The one in March is not scheduled because of my schedule, but the 12-year-old is a pair of twins.

The burning man was truly envious.

Tony's confidence is back.

"For the sake of saving me, I can eliminate all the terrorists and leave without you saving me.

"When we get back to America, if you tell me which female model you like, I will give you the following."

Pyro's face suddenly became excited.

Shachen said with great contempt: "Mr. Tony, didn't you realize Miss Pepper's feelings for you? When she came to us for help, I could see her feelings for you.

Tony fell silent instantly.

…Please give me flowers…

This kidnapping was a complete baptism for Tony! He not only discovered the harm that weapons bring to the world, but also the prodigal son turned back to find his true love, Pepper.

"You are right, let's go back to China!"

Tony spoke after a moment of silence, and then said to Hou Yinsen: "You come with me to America, and I will find your family and bring them to America.

Yinsen nodded. Although this is his hometown, he just moved here. He also wants his family to have a stable life and a safe living environment.

After Gwen received the notice, she didn't say anything about Pyro and Sanddust's private actions to rescue Tony.

Instead, he took the opportunity to use the funds of the Super Seven to start sweeping the stock market and acquire shares of Stark Enterprises.

As soon as the news of Tony's rescue is announced, the stock price of Stark Enterprises, which has hit rock bottom, will skyrocket!

The supersonic plane of the Super Seven landed in the square in front of the headquarters building.

At this moment, many journalists, people from the military and conquests, as well as people from various intelligence agencies and military industrial enterprises have gathered here.

Pepper Pepper, Obadiah, they're all here.

When the cabin door opened and Tony, Yinsen, Huo Huo and ShaDu came out, the audience burst into warm applause and dazzling flashes of light.

Obadiah stepped forward with a smile on his face and held Tony in his arms.

"Tony, I'm glad you're back safely!"

Tony was already suspicious of Obadiah, so he wore a thick coat to cover the rafting reactor on his chest.

Tony dealt with Obadiah casually, and then looked at Pepper.

"Pepper, you and I?"

It was the first time Tony said such words to Pepper, and Pepper's eyes were full of tears, and her eyes were filled with deep love.

"I'm afraid that if I change my boss, I'll have to adapt again!"

Pepper would not say anything sweet in front of countless reporters.

But Tony saw what he wanted in Pepper's eyes, and he turned around to face countless reporters and cameras.

"I can come back safely, thanks to the Fireman and Sanddust of the Super Seven! They rescued me from the terrorist camp!"

Tony hid Yinsen's help to him [not to mention Mark Shichuan.

Facing so many lights, cameras and reporters for the first time, Burning Man was a little nervous.

He pretended to be calm, stood tall and straight, and looked very serious when facing the camera! In fact, he didn't even know what expression he should use.

At this time, a reporter loudly asked: "Mr. Tony, what do you think of Mutant?"

This is a rather malicious question, because Tony's answer is related to his position.

The issue of stance has always been very important.

"Mutants are just a group of humans with special genes. Among them are good Mutants like Fireman and Sanddust, and there are also bad Mutants who do bad things everywhere! There are also non-Mutants who are good people like you, and there are also terrorists like those who kidnapped me. Bad guy!"

"We should use behavioral ethics to distinguish a person's good or bad, rather than genes, which are things that people are born with."

After Tony finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause!

Tony raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling to everyone that he still had something to say.

"Fire Man and Sanddust are all my friends. I hope you won't ask me similar questions in the future.

"As Chairman of Stark Industries, I am now announcing a decision!"

"From now on, Stark Industries will shut down the weapons department! Effective immediately!"

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