Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 83 The Core Of The Gods! An Unexpected Harvest Of Magical Alloy, A Raw Material For Weapons!

There are nine of Difan’s super robots in total!

All come from the giant elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo supercluster! This galaxy is far larger than the Milky Way, and is completely controlled by a super empire called the Holy Light Empire!

During his millions of years of life, he once left the Milky Way and walked in other galaxies. These super robots met a nobleman who loved collecting when they were in the Holy Light Empire. The two of them exchanged collected treasures, which were gifts from the nobleman of the Holy Light Empire!

These nine super robots are one of the things he relies on to firmly occupy the land of nothingness!

But I didn't expect that at this moment, in Sauron's hands, he would be so vulnerable!

A body that can withstand the bombardment of phase cannons on large battleships cannot be easily torn apart by Sauron!

Seeing each super robot being shattered into pieces, Di Fan's heart was so painful that it was hard to breathe!

"Stop fighting! I surrender"!

Di Fan quickly shouted that although he still had some knowledge and methods, he no longer dared to deal with Sauron.

I'm afraid that other secrets will also be destroyed by Sauron!

Sauron completely tore the ninth robot into pieces, leaving nothing for Di Fan.

"Di Fan, if I rob you now, will you still resist?"

Sauron asked again.

Di Fan lowered his proud head, shook his head and said:

"I'm convinced. You can take away whatever you want from the collection I have here."

Although this is millions of years of hard work, he has a long lifespan. As long as he continues to occupy the void, he can always fill it up again little by little!

Sauron looked at these collections with greedy eyes!

Many of the collections here are likely to be the only remaining individuals of this species in the universe!

Many species do not have super abilities, but they do possess some kind of magical racial ability!

This is Di Fan’s wealth accumulated over millions of years! He has no interest in collecting ordinary species!

Tens of thousands of species in the universe have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. The abilities they can bring to Sauron are impressive!

Many animals and species are in cryo-dormancy, what Di Fan wants is to be alive!

Only those that have been collected recently and still have strong vitality will be in conscious activity.

But Sauron wants more than that. There must be some kind of treasure hidden in this god's head!

"Di Fan, I know that your collection is more than this. Tell me, where did you hide this treasure in the head of the god!"

Sauron began to question Di Fan.

Di Fan's face was full of doubts and he said:

"Although I discovered the Land of Nothingness and began to develop it, I really haven't discovered any treasures."

"This is the head of a god. The greatest treasure is the biological material of the god!"

Regardless of whether what Di Fan said is true or not, Sauron will never believe it!

"You won't tell? It doesn't matter, I'll see for myself!"

Sauron used Telepathy, and Di Fan felt a powerful spiritual power begin to invade his brain.

There was a device on his clothes to prevent the invasion of psychic power, but it was destroyed by Sauron in the blink of an eye!

The power of the spirit instantly entered Di Fan's brain and entered his consciousness!

Di Fan has lived for millions of years, and his memory is too big! These memories are like a tsunami, rushing towards Sauron's brain along Telepathy!

Sauron has all the psychic abilities, and a psychic barrier stopped Di Fan from counterattacking.

This counterattack is actually an information flow attack. Using huge and complex memories, it caused Sauron's consciousness to tremble and shock, triggering the brain's self-protection and causing his consciousness to fall into a coma.

But Di Fan failed! His huge memory of hundreds of years was isolated by the power of Sauron's mind, and then he seemed to control a computer.

By entering keywords to search, you can find the data you need from endless data.

It was a memory from a million years ago. When a miner was mining the brain tissue of the god's head, he suddenly dug out a piece of bright light from the pituitary gland.

The thing looked like a crystal pillar with two pointed ends.

The miners originally wanted to sneak down, wait until they left here, and then sell them at a high price. The Difan Group has long been monitoring the mining work of each miner and was immediately discovered.

After Di Fan got it, he studied it for a long time and couldn't figure out what it was, but he also knew that it was definitely an extremely precious treasure!

This is the only thing found in the head of the god that is not a biological tissue of the god.

He silenced all the people who knew about it and treasured it.

Sauron withdrew his spiritual power, looked at Di Fan, and said, "I already know it, you'd better take it out yourself."!

Di Fan's face was full of despair, and the longer he lived, the more he feared death! He could only open his secret vault in the museum, and took out a crystal crystal that exuded bright light from a safe made of pure Vibranium.

(There is a Vibranium planet in the universe. Vibranium is not unique to Wakanda. Although it is rare in the universe, some top forces can still get some.)

Sauron took it in his hand and sensed it carefully but didn't notice anything strange.

"Can the system be recycled?"

"Ding! The core of the gods: When the cosmic gods group died, the huge soul and spiritual power condensed into the core! Place it in the core of the planet with intelligent life, and it will turn into the seeds of the gods, which will be nurtured millions of years later. , can absorb the wisdom of intelligent life and resurrect it! If it is integrated, the host will activate all the memories and abilities of the god! If it is recycled, you can get eight million gold coins!"

This is Sauron, the most expensive thing I have ever seen for recycling! Eight million gold coins! A difference of two million is enough for a mythical felling!

Perhaps the core of a god like Diamu may be more than 10 million gold coins!

Sauron collected it and put it into the system space. He still had to think about whether to recycle or integrate it.

Seeing the God's core disappearing into Sauron's hands, Di Fan was completely desperate.

Next, it’s time to cut the leeks!

Sauron's eyes, Bai's heat vision suddenly exploded!

Sweep the entire museum!

"No! What are you going to do!"

Di Fan instantly shouted in horror and anger! He thought that Sauron robbed him because he had taken a fancy to something here.

For example, ores, there are many precious ores here, including Uru Metal, Adamantium, Vibranium, Mithril, Yaka Metal (Yondu's Whistle Arrow), Galaxy Glaze (Mercury Man). . melon.

However, he really didn't expect that Sauron was not looking for anything, but for destruction!

His collection of millions of years, the life forms that have become the last species in the universe, have completely lost their lives in dormancy!

Feeling nothing, turned into ashes!

On the contrary, those who were still awake were not destroyed by Sauron.

He knew most of these, and had seen such species from Thor, Guardians of Galaxy and other plots, and knew that they did not have any special ability or ability.

Such as Dark Elves, Chitauri, etc.

However, there are also unexpected accidents that happened to Sauron!

A considerable part of Difan's collection consists of various precious ores.

Under the scorching white heat vision, these ores melted.

Then the molten metal liquid flowed and gathered together.

These liquids integrate with each other. They are metals that are extremely rare in the universe and have extremely terrible properties. Their integration has produced a change that exceeds everyone's cognition.

A metal ball that looked like bronze on the Blue Star appeared, but it exuded extremely magnificent nine-color light.

Anyone who sees it will feel that it must be a very precious thing.

Sauron was attracted immediately. He didn't even have time to check his harvest, but walked over and picked it up.

It’s very heavy to start with!

He possesses extremely terrifying strength, and he can carry a huge island without any problem, but this basin's File-sized metal ball feels heavy in his hand.

Even white dwarf fragments of the same size are not so heavy.

It's heavier than the big stick of the gorilla god!

"This weight can be made into a weapon"!

Sauron weighed it and put it into the system space.

"A variety of magical metals integrate magical alloys: extremely heavy, with near-extreme physical and magical properties!"

Sauron couldn't help but look at Di Fan. Such a veteran of the universe is indeed the best candidate for cutting leeks!

Just one Difan allowed him to harvest the core of the gods worth eight million gold coins, the magical alloy that can be used to make weapons, and the harvest of naked light that he had not yet checked.

However, to open the cosmic spirit ball, Di Fan's equipment is still needed.

"Open the cosmic spirit ball and I will leave."

"In addition to taking away the dog, I also left you with a lot of collections."

A space dog with powerful Psychokinesis, the first dog sent into space by a red bear during the Cold War.

Due to an accident, he possessed super Nian (Nuo Wang Zhao) power and became Di Fan's collection.

Later, he became a member of Guardians of Galaxy.

Now Di Fan just wants to send Sauron away quickly.

"Okay, I'll untie it for you!"

Place the cosmic spirit ball on a special unlocking device. As the cosmic spirit ball rotates, it separates from the middle and is unlocked layer by layer.

At the same time, the projection information released in the cosmic spirit ball also displays relevant information about the six Infinite Gems.

"It's so wonderful!"

“Simply unparalleled”!

Di Fan looked at the power gems in front of him intoxicated. He had collected countless treasures in his life, but this was the first time he saw Infinite Gems with his own eyes.

He couldn't wait to grab the power gem in front of him and take it for himself!

But he didn't dare! Only people with extremely powerful extraordinary power can control the Power Stone.

There was once a group of powerful beings who wanted to integrate the power of gems through sharing, but they were reduced to ashes.

Di Fan is one of the elders of the universe, but he doesn't dare to gamble.

Di Fan's maid, Karina, looked at the power gem with hatred for Di Fan in her eyes.

The power gem is so powerful. If you can get it, you will have the power to fight against Di Fan!

Sauron looked at it calmly and did not stop him.

The Power Stone won't be destroyed anyway.

Karina took advantage of everyone being attracted to the Power Stone and took action instantly to grab the Power Stone. .

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