Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 72 Thor Awakening! Promotion Ceremony! Integrate The Person Of The Sun God!

In the thunder space, Sauron combined himself with various memories and understandings from his previous life, and the thunder he felt manifested here!

Although, he only perceives life and destruction now.

But this deeper source of divine power is enough for Thor to complete a divine power Awakening!

In the original book, in the arena on Sakaar, Awakening's thunder was just an ordinary thunder power.

Just so that he no longer relies on Mjolnir, he can release powerful lightning attacks.

No matter how powerful that kind of thunder is, it is just a kind of energy.

And what Sauron realized has already reached the level of rules!


The sound of rolling thunder is mighty in the thunder space!

Thunder is never just that bright lightning!

A spring thunder shakes the heaven and earth, and all things revive!

In Thor's eyes, he saw with a spring thunder, everything in the world woke up from the cold winter. In front of him, it seemed that there was a world of ice and snow, and in an instant, it was green!

In this spring thunder, Thor seemed to gradually have some insights.

Asgard, all seasons are like spring, there is never any winter, spring or summer.

There are no natural disasters here. He can't see the thunder of nature here.

However, he had seen it on other planets, but he never took it seriously.

As a god, he believed that he was superior to nature.

But at this moment, he woke up!

The sight of spring thunder he had seen on many planets in the past was rolling in his heart!

Gradually, a touch of golden thunder appeared in his body.

The golden thunder was full of vitality.

It's like a seed, taking root, sprouting, and growing vigorously in Thor's body!

Sauron smiled with satisfaction. Thor's ability is very powerful, otherwise he would be able to make Mjolnir recognize him as his master at a very young age.

It's just that the culture is different, as well as the power of Asgard, the power of Odin, and everything he comes into contact with as the prince of Asgard.

He didn't even realize that he had only mastered the most superficial part of his divine power.

The deal with Odin was concluded, but Sauron did not show the law of destruction in thunder.

Thor's consciousness was separated from the thunder space created by Sauron.

It was actually a temporary spiritual space created by Sauron's spiritual power.

Thor's consciousness returned to his body, but he still closed his eyes tightly.

At this moment, his body was wrapped in a layer of rich thunder, and his body was suspended about one meter high.

In this rich thunder, a hint of golden thunder flashes from time to time. That golden thunder is like the king of thunder, dominating other ordinary thunder.

In the Golden Hall, Odin saw the golden thunder flashing across Thor's body from time to time, and his one eye was full of surprises.

"Thunder of Life! This is the Thunder of Life in ancient legends! It has extremely huge vitality!"

"If Thor can convert all his thunder power into the life thunder power, he can integrate the godhead of the God of Life!"

"God of life and thunder!"

Odin came to Thor's side in the next second.

Seeing Odin, the four fell and ten others saluted quickly.

"Join the God King!"

Odin nodded at them, then looked at Thor with love and excitement.

He turned to look at Sauron and said:

"Thank you Superman, you have completed our deal, I will immediately arrange an promotion ceremony and canonize you as the Sun God of Jiuwei!"

Odin's words made the four warriors suddenly confused!

Co-author, this strongman was invited by God King Odin to train Thor.

No wonder, no one cares about him flying in the sky of Asgard.

Only Loki's eyes looked lonely.

[Sure enough, my father still loves his eldest son the most! 】

Odin ignored Thor's thunder, reached out to pick him up, and turned away.

Now is Thor's most important moment! There is no room for any interruption!

As soon as Odin left, Sauron was surrounded by four warriors. They did not intend to attack.

The Four Warriors are actually the Three Warriors. They are the team given to Sauron by Odin. They will fight with him. In the future, Thor will become the king and they will be the generals.

Sif is the daughter-in-law chosen by Odin and Frigga. She is the most powerful female warrior in Asgard and the goddess of land and harvest.

They all revolve around Thor, the foursome who are inseparable from Thor.

The biggest mistake Odin and Frigga made was to let their chosen daughter-in-law, the goddess Sif, hang out with Thor.

What could have been a good relationship turned out to be pure brotherhood!

Sif looked at Sauron and asked: "What did you do to Thor? The God King wants to make you the Sun God?"

Asgard's sun god has been suspended for tens of thousands of years.

Because there is no one in Asgard who has cultivated the power of the sun and met the requirements for being canonized as a god.

Suddenly Odin wanted to confer the title of Sun God to Sauron, which surprised them.

Goddess Sif is indeed very beautiful and very attractive to Sauron.

Anyway, Thor's true love is Jane Foster on the Blue Star. As the sun god of Asgard, he is combined with the goddess of land and harvest, which is also suitable for the occasion.

"Thor's divine power is too weak, I help him Awakening a more powerful thunder is divine power."

Sauron smiled brightly at Sif.

The other three warriors frowned. They all knew that Sif would be the queen of Asgard in the future and would be Thor's wife.

Suddenly, I felt that Sauron wanted to win someone's love.

Fandral suddenly said: "Sif will be Thor's wife in the future, you'd better not do Xixiao's business!"

Sif frowned slightly. In fact, she had always regarded herself as Thor's future wife, assisting him by his side.

But the more time passed, the more she realized that she regarded Thor as a brother.

She could feel it, too, and Thor felt the same way about her.

But she can't change the will of the God King and the one behind him.

Sauron smiled and said: "I can see the vague fate of others. Thor's lover will be a Midgard woman, and that will become the love of his life! After losing her, he has never looked for another woman."

But everyone didn't believe Sauron's words.

"Thor is the future God-King. How can he marry a mortal from Midgard?"

If Asgard's future is a mortal, then Asgard becoming a joke in the universe is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is whether powerful offspring can be born!

Thor is the descendant of Odin and Frigga. He has shown demonic abilities since he was a child!

This is something that will affect countless generations of Asgard!

"It is absolutely impossible for God King Odin to agree!"

Hogan also said.

There was a glint in Loki's eyes.

[If I promote this marriage, Thor may lose the right to inherit the throne! 】

Loki made up his mind to find out who the woman was, and then he brought Asgard to create an opportunity for Thor to fall in love with her!

Sauron didn't care whether these people believed it or not, he just planted a seed in Sif's heart.

The main hall and promotion ceremony for the canonization of gods are a complete process.

The gods of Asgard are basically all acquired gods.

If the entire universe is viewed as a computer system, the divine persona is the authority in this system.

Existences such as eternity, infinity, and death are the highest authority of the entire system.

Asgard's sun god personality only has partial authority over a certain section.

Integrating other divine persons is to increase the level of authority until it reaches the highest authority like eternity.

And beyond eternity, there is transcendence! Beyond the original authority of the system, that is, beyond the original authority of the universe.

Definitely this is just a relatively understandable metaphor. The real gods are far more complicated and huge than this.

The nine realms controlled by Asgard actually cover the vast star field within thousands of light years!

There are nine special life planets in this star field, and these nine special life planets are all located at the nine key nodes of the World Tree.

The Kree Empire and the Nova Empire are the two most powerful empires in the galaxy. Their territory far exceeds the Nine Realms, but they have no gods.

The Nine Realms are special in the entire universe!

Coupled with the ancient and powerful divine bloodline in the Aesir clan, the divine personage can be born in the nine realms.

Asgard's divine persona is not stored in the treasury of the Golden Hall.

Instead, it is stored in the special dimensional space of the sun and the moon!

Soul castle!

That is the place where Asgard people's souls enter after they die in battle. It is a special dimension. When the soul enters the Soul castle, it is a different kind of resurrection. It does not mean that there is no chance of returning to the material plane.

The entire ceremony is to report to the ancestors in the Soul castle that the predecessor of the Sun God will bring the person of the Sun God to reality from the Soul castle.

Then, under complicated rituals, the universe and the sun god's personality were identified with Sauron.

The sun god who has been suspended for thousands of years was canonized, and the whole Asgard was filled with joy!

All the Asgardians, as well as the invited nobles from the Nine Realms, were all dressed up to attend!

The entire Golden Hall is packed with people!

Thousands of people, dressed in the most gorgeous clothes.

At the front, Odin is sitting on the throne. On both sides of him, Frigga stands behind him, Thor and Loki who have completely Awakened the Thunder Seed of Life.

The other important figures in Asgard were also standing in the area close to Odin.

"I, Odin Bolson! the King of God, the King of Asgard, the Asgardian of the Nine Realms, solemnly declare again!"

"I declare in the name of my grandfather Bu Li, my father Bol, and I, Li Ding"!

"The man of Midgard, Sauron Lee! Because of his great strength and great achievements for Asgard, I canonize him as the true god of Asgard! The only sun god in the nine realms!"

As Odin's voice resounded throughout Asgard, his voice was also transmitted into the Soul castle through special magic!

Odin had communicated with his father a long time ago, so the Sun God in Soul Castle quickly brought the person of the Sun God to the real plane!

I saw a bright and peaceful golden light shining in front of Odin through the thick roof of the Golden Hall.

A divine object exuding blazing light slowly descended from the golden light.

Then, it floated in front of Odin.

It was something like a crystal, but definitely not a crystal.

Incomparably crystal clear, exuding the rich power of the sun!

This is the manifestation of the divine person!

Odin glanced at the person of the sun god, and then said loudly:

"Now, I invite the only Sun God in the Nine Realms!"

As the words fell, Sauron wore a dress specially sewn by Asgard's top tailor.

It is embroidered with patterns related to the sun.

He flew in from the outside, and then landed in front of Odin, but his eyes were fixed on the person of the sun god.

He only felt that the cells in his body were releasing desire!

That is the desire for a leap in the origin of life!

"Sauron, please come forward!"

Odin spoke, and Sauron walked up to Odin.

Odin grabbed the person of the sun god with both hands and placed it between Sauron's brows. 460

I announce that the promotion ceremony has begun!"

After Odin finished speaking, Frigga started to move behind him.

She is the most powerful witch in Asgard! She is also responsible for the promotion ceremony!

As she stood up, beautiful witches walked out of the crowd one by one.

They sang some kind of ancient song, but Sauron couldn't understand it.

But along with their singing, Sauron only felt that the person of the sun god on his eyebrows was emitting a suction force.

Inhaled his consciousness into it.

This is a pure white space, and Sauron saw an extremely huge sun here!

Sauron understood that as long as his consciousness integrated the sun, he would completely integrate the personality of the sun god.

This is actually a qualification. From now on, his soul origin and life level will jump!

Become a divine being!

If you want to integrate the personality of the sun god, you need to have a sufficient understanding of the sun!

And precisely, Wulun is the person who knows the sun best!

His consciousness condensed into his body, and then the sun transformed, while running the solar breathing method, he walked towards the huge sun!

In the outside world, what everyone saw was that the divine persona gradually merged into Sauron's forehead.

What is the sun?

From a physical point of view, endless hydrogen elements are constantly fused into other elements with heavier masses.

But Sauron is an Oriental!

The sun is immeasurable light and immeasurable heat. It is the basis for the birth and reproduction of life, and it is also the most upright and bright existence in the world!

Sauron's consciousness and the personality of the Sun God quickly integrated!

Odin's eyes flashed with deep shock!

The speed of this integrate is too fast!

Easterners have a very deep understanding of God!

Soon, Sauron's consciousness was completely integrated into the person of the Sun God!

His consciousness instantly entered all the Fixed Star bandits within the nine realms!

Those Fixed Stars seemed to be his body. Although he can't move them, he can draw endless energy from these Fixed Stars!

This is just an ability brought to him by the person of the sun god!

His understanding of the sun goes far beyond the surface.

He has mastered areas of power that many ordinary gods can never master.

The personality of the Sun God, like a core, began to coordinate all the power of Sauron!

All the solar energy in his body is transformed into higher solar power!

The divine power of thunder was absorbed by the divine power of the sun, but the power of thunder rule was retained.

The Sun Transformation has also been absorbed, and he can achieve abilities far beyond those of the Sun Transformation without any special transformation.

Everything in Sauron's body is integrating and promoting!

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