Marvel: Solar Breathing Technique, X-Men As Superman

Chapter 7 The Quarrel Between Iceman And Pyro! Interrogation Of Colonel William

Pyro John and Iceman Bobby arrived at almost the same time.

The raging Fire has completely burned out.

But Bobby was not in a hurry to put out the fire.

Instead, he stared blankly at the fire scene.

John's focus is on finding Wolverine.

Therefore, the scene in the fire scene was not discovered at the first time.

"Bobby, if you don't put out the fire quickly, are you waiting for me to come?"

John said as he patted Bobby on the shoulder.

Then, he froze.

In the raging flames, the corpses were burned to charcoal.

However, its shape can still be clearly identified.

In particular, the weapons on his body only burned red but did not melt.

Bobby was tapped on the shoulder and he woke up instantly.

He swallowed involuntarily.

"Did Sauron do all this?"

Bobby, so shocked!

Although, Sauron destroyed six helicopters in front of everyone's eyes!

But they only saw the helicopter explode, not how the people inside died.

I just think Sauron is so strong!

No, Deadman's visual impact.

But now, one hundred and twenty corpses were burned to charcoal in the fire!

Such a scene, them, flowers in a greenhouse.

Never seen before.


Bobby doubled over and threw up.

John was also stimulated and started to vomit.

After spitting and spitting, the two of them got used to it.

Bobby wiped the dirt from his mouth and looked away.

"John, we have to tell the professor about this."

"More than a hundred lives! How can Sauron kill just as he says!"

As soon as John heard this, he quit.

"Bobby, look at these weapons!"

"These people, and those helicopters, are obviously here to catch us!"

"Didn't you hear what Sauron said, even the professor and Mr. Scott were captured?"

"For those who want to arrest us, if we don't kill them, are we going to let them arrest us?"

"Teachers, how many Mutants have been rescued from the laboratory over the years?"

"If it's not Sauron, kill them!"

"What's waiting for us is to be sent to the dissecting table!"

The more John spoke, the louder he got.

Bobby felt more and more that Sauron's approach was too extreme.

"But he can't kill anyone either!"

"With his ability, he can get rid of them without killing people!"

When John heard Bobby's words, he was so angry that his head was filled with smoke.

He suddenly pushed Bobby away.

"Listen to what you said!"

"Sympathy for the enemy is cruelty to one's own people!"

"Letting them go will only make people think that we are weak and can be bullied!"

"Since there is no danger of life in attacking us, then they will continue to attack us again and again!"

"Until we are all wiped out!"

After John finished speaking, he turned to face the fire.

He uses his super ability to control the raging Fire in the fire field!

Gather them together and burn those bodies with all your might!

Under his super ability, the power of these flames increased dramatically!

He can turn a lighter's fire into a big fireball and even blow up a car!

What's more, this raging forest fire!

In just a few breaths, those charred corpses were completely burned to ashes.

Those red weapons also melted into molten iron and mixed with the melted soil.

Bobby sees John, destroying the evidence.

He quickly used his Ability.

Super cold air spurts out from both hands.

Extinguish those huge amounts of fireballs!

However, he was already too late.

John looked at Bobby with disgust in his eyes.

He turned around and picked up Wolverine, who was still unconscious on the ground.

Walking towards the academy.

Bobby clenched his fist angrily.

[Teacher Logan, you must have seen it. 】

[When Logan wakes up, the professor will naturally know how cruel Sauron is! 】

Bobby comforted himself, turned around, and walked towards another fire scene.

Soren heard the conversation between Bobby and John clearly.

He nodded with satisfaction.

As expected of the Burning Man who later followed Magneto.

You can become his subordinate.

Even though Iceman is a level 5 Mutant, his potential is far greater than Pyro!

But Sauron really doesn't like Iceman that much.

Not only is it a bit fake, it’s also a bit crooked.

I ate roast duck and dumplings brought all the way from the East.

Let her go to bed.

In fact, most of the students have already gone to bed.

Sauron came to a room on the ground floor of the academy.

Colonel William is imprisoned here.

At this moment, Colonel William's face was covered in blood.

For a bad guy who wants to invade the academy and capture these Mutants for research.

These boys in the senior class will not show mercy!

Colonel William had at least three broken ribs.

He was tied to a chair and his mouth was covered in blood.

"Soren Li, I really didn't expect you to hide it so deeply!"

Colonel William has been keeping an eye on the academy for many years.

This allowed him to create an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, he risked treason by sending Mutant Nightcrawler to assassinate the president.

Only then did the high-end combat power of Mutant School get dispersed.

Sneak attack of sneak attack.

But Sauron was able to overturn it all by himself!

completely annihilated!

He was also captured.

Who would have thought that Sauron has more than one super ability.

Every super ability is still such a powerful ability!

Heat vision, supersonic flight, super strength, super defense!

He even felt that Sauron still had Ability that had not been exposed.

"Colonel William, when did you first meet Logan?"

Sauron stared at William intently.

This question is related to whether X-Men could reverse the future thirty years ago!

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