Asgard's Bifrost is actually a space bridge technology.

It appears that Bifrost traveled a distance measured in light years in an extremely short time.

But in fact, this is a powerful technology that uses dark energy to distort space.

The most straightforward expression is that in Thor 4, the Bifrost emitted by the Storm Ax can send a ship pulled by two goats across the universe, and the speed has already exceeded the speed of light.

But in fact, the running speed of the two sheep was not very fast, and it was only a few times the speed of sound when reaching the sky. It was Bifrost that distorted the space.

So close to the end of the world! That's why the sheep and goats are allowed to pull the boat and travel through the universe at the speed of a space jump.

Sauron's super brain quickly understood Bifrost's technological principles.

But he couldn't reproduce it. Although Bifrost was a technology, it was displayed through Asgard rune technology.

Every time Bifrost leaves a complex pattern on the ground, it is the appearance of rune technology. If you are someone who is proficient in rune technology, you may be able to learn something from this pattern.

But at this moment, the pattern left on the Blue Star was classified as top secret by America.

Hundreds of scientists from dozens of institutions are studying it carefully.

"Welcome, Superman from Midgard"!

Heimdall stared at Sauron with a pair of sharp eyes.

Sauron looked at Heimdall dressed in ancient clothes in front of him, and his eyes stayed on his pair of divine eyes for a moment.

"Hello, Heimdall."

"I heard that your eyes can see everything within nine degrees, but can you see other places in the universe?"

Sauron asked curiously.

Heimdall shook his head and explained:

"My Ability, on the one hand, comes from my special divine power, and on the other hand, it comes from my divine personality."

"The gods of Asgard are omnipotent and include the entire nine realms, so I can only see what happens within the nine realms."

Sauron nodded. If Heimdall could see everything happening in the universe, then he would be as powerful as Silver Daichao's Super Vision.

"Dear guest, the God King has given instructions that you have the right to act as you please in Asgard, and Asgard's defense system will not attack you."

After Heimdall finished speaking, Sauron nodded, and he flew out directly.

He wanted to see first what kind of place Asgard was.

Sauron has seen every Marvel movie, especially the Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy series, which shows many other planets.

But the most special ones are just a few.

One is Star-Lord’s biological father, Ego! A super-big brain in the universe, and then turned itself into a self-aware planet.

The land of nothingness, the head of an ancient powerful being.

The land of dwarf, Nidaville! Transformed a neutron star into their habitat and forging station!

Then there's Asgard, a landmass suspended in space with sun and ocean.

The existence of Asgard goes against everything Sauron knows about astrophysics.

Where does Asgard's planet's gravity come from? How does the sun move? Let Asgard have day and night?

Sauron flew freely in the sky of Asgard, his eyes penetrated the land of Asgard!

The energy emitted by the sun in the sky is indeed Fixed Star energy.

Plains, mountains, rivers, lakes, this area is about the size of Japan's Honshu Island.

With a gravity similar to that of a blue star, it does not rotate, but is in a stationary state.

Under Sauron's super perspective, he saw that the core of this land was actually an extremely special creation.

It is this creation that condenses a large amount of soil, rocks and other materials together and gives this land gravity.

Sauron looked up. The sun in the sky was not a real Fixed Star. It rotated around Asgard, and the Fixed Star energy it released allowed life here to multiply!

"So, Asgard is actually a world created by the ancestors of the Aesir clan using some powerful technology or magic?"

Sauron could feel that the entire Asgard was constantly radiating a special energy.

"The source of Hela's power is Asgard. Does this have something to do with it?"

Just as Sauron was muttering to himself, a hammer flew over and hit Sauron in the face!

Sauron turned his head subconsciously, causing the hammer to miss.

"Who are you? How dare you fly casually in the sky of Asgard"!

Thor Thor, riding on a huge elk, shouted at Sauron with an angry look on his face.

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